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Thread: Funcom please make entier rk1 25% for just a day!

  1. #81
    Yes go look at the guild war thread.

    I would love to have full 25% world of AO but there are too many people who do not want it and too few AO subscriptions to warrant it.
    Most people that whine on these boards feel AO is too difficult. They want things like OE nerfs, Crit buff nerfs, Mob AC/HP nerfs, more "dumb" mob spawns, whine when extremely quick exp like Medusa's are corrected, whine when they fix treatment stacking bugs, and even whine when FC gives us all a IPR (BAHAHH I WANT IT EVERY 48 HOURS!! BAWHAHA). In PvP its even worse.

    People don't want to be ganked, they don't want anyone stronger or more intelligent to prey on them. They want something to fall back on when they "lose" (That mob has 20k hp and 10k AC... that is why i lost!!!). A world where people have to compete with other players and where there will be strong and weak players with exactly the same options available to them, presents a "no fair" problem to some players..

    Mobs, are stupid and predictable. Carebear players seem to like this. That shade in lush fields does 2 things..
    1. Just stands there until attacked , then attacks until it dies (regardless of the odds).
    2.It doesn't run, zone, or use any tactics what so ever.
    Easy kill. Accomplishment. "I win".
    Its really bad when i can watch TV actively and do a mission at the same time.

    This game is also way too easy, and people seem to like this.
    Getting exp and lvling in AO is actually very easy to acomplish and requires 0 skill and 0 intelligence because of grouping.
    I saw a level 112 Enforcer two days ago using two ql34 riders and who had 41 total NCU. I turned other/other damage to check out my damage output for my bot and saw a constant 30-90 damage range from him. He thought he was doing good and complained about how hard it was to solo greens. Maybe by the time he reaches lvl 200 he will upgrade those uber weapons. (yesterday a lvl109 soldier asked me for a wrangle and wanted to know how he checked how many NCU he had free.....GRRRRR) I honestly did not believe there was this type of problem in AO. I figured that my friends and lvling partners in AO had intelligence and understood game mechanics and so should everyone else. I understand that people lvl30 and below would probably not know a lot of thing about AO, but come on ... lvl 100+??
    I can understand why people scream nerf, I understand why people scream "no fair". Some people just do not figure games like this out, and there are a lot more of these people than i previously thought.

    I think its funny when people complain about how uber someone else is in a game where they could do exactly the same thing. Sure, there are players out there with unfair advantages because of bug fixes that didn't punish the players that were using them, but more than 95% of the time, whiners have exactly the same options available to them. Also, life's unfair, even on Rubi-Ka =)
    Sorry for the long post..

    To sum up.
    I want a full 25% world. It probably isn't going to happen. The player base of Rubi-Ka could not take it. The stupid and ill-prepared would be wiped out by the prepared and the experienced.

    I mean come on... there are people who still get caught with their pants down in 25% zones missioning.
    Undercover Soccom Brother

    Blackness confirmed!!
    Welcome to the Brotherhood.

    Buying ql 161 Art of Peace nano

  2. #82
    I want a full 25% world. It probably isn't going to happen. The player base of Rubi-Ka could not take it. The stupid and ill-prepared would be wiped out by the prepared and the experienced.

    Yeah I guess everyone who just isn't into pvp is stupid and ill-prepared. I mean EVERYONE should want to play the game EXACTLY the way you do, right?

    NO one should have any choice in how to play this game but should be forced to play it exactly the way you do because otherwise they're stupid and ill-prepared--according to you.

    It couldn't be that you're just narrow minded in thinking that everyone should play the way you do could it? Nahhhh you're such an easy going tolerant person right?

  3. #83
    Using the word 'Carebear' in your post unfortunately betrays your attempt to appear logical and reasonable.

  4. #84

    Cool Irritating Irritated

    LOL there still are these peeps who think PvP is badass and everyone else is inferior. Thats so funny as it shows that they reduce an RPG to multiplayer combat with PvM as a backdrop to get the resources for going against other players...In that logic peeps who dont PvP, dont really "play the game".

    I don't like twinks, the PvP mechanics in this game are ridiculous, I want to avoid kids using d33d speak and swearing. All of this does not enhance my playing experience. Doesnt mean I dont know what I'm doing or I'm somehow afraid to lose. I simply don't like it, so don't ask for it to be forced on me.

    Val (no one whines more than PvP players on these boards)
    Xandro, neutral bureaucract

  5. #85
    PvP'rs fall into Two catergories (this is since all non-pvp'rs are "CareBears")
    1. Twitchfest Quaker's , these are the people coming from quake servers that are slowly evaperating. They tend to be rude, cuss alot, use words like ROX ,etc. They want to rack up as many FRAG's as possible so they can be UBER.

    2. PvP roleplayers. These people want PvP for the reason of wars. This is the intent of Funcom. not another TWITCH fest. When I want to play those I boot up halo on my xbox and play capture the flag on gamespy. When a war comes i'll be activly involed, but not untill then. IF you want to go gank someone go play Counterstrike/ Elite force/Halo/Quake/any other TWITCH fest game. This is a role Playing game not a gank game that being said I don't mind PVP as long as I'm not involved, being a engi I know i have no chance at all In PVP so I leave it alone. (Making a Doc to pvp just been delayed abit).
    Q u o t e:

    Pardon me for hijacking the thread, here..

    But, Brion - if you don't want your mother to know you were up and on the computer at 3:29 in the morning - DON'T post on a forum that she reads.


    From the WoW forums. best PWNAGE EVAH!!!

  6. #86

    great idea

    hehe damn that sounds like a great idea, like every friday lower the gas to 25% all over, cause a moon is getting to close or something, anything. MAKE IT HAPPEN!
    LOL and this is a roleplaying game u say ? man screw that, Funcom is actually doing some people in the game favors, just because.
    Last edited by fopus; May 13th, 2002 at 04:48:25.

  7. #87
    my 2 cents. Make all zones 25% or 0% all the time. Give every charactor an item that cannot be removed unless deleted, and let it make players unable to be attacked until removed. That way once you're ready to PVP you can, but once you start, you're in for good. Anarchy anyone?
    200 Martial Artist

  8. #88
    Hey fopus.. What's with your avatar? It looks like a big ark symbol.

  9. #89
    new registerars in forum get that temp. logo

    Vhir / 215 Doctor
    Nynke / 205 Agent
    Letah / 200 Doctor
    Firerose / 200 Soldier
    [eqp | imps | pics | sig]

    Yeah I'm back, no need to ask your ebay-check questions

  10. #90


    hehe lol dunno. i guess i didnt choose a pic and yeah im not good at message boards im saving up for a HUGE post tho.... :P

  11. #91
    Originally posted by Laeni

    Yeah I guess everyone who just isn't into pvp is stupid and ill-prepared. I mean EVERYONE should want to play the game EXACTLY the way you do, right?

    NO one should have any choice in how to play this game but should be forced to play it exactly the way you do because otherwise they're stupid and ill-prepared--according to you.

    It couldn't be that you're just narrow minded in thinking that everyone should play the way you do could it? Nahhhh you're such an easy going tolerant person right?
    How is a 25% world forcing anyone to play the way i like? I'm sorry, if you get ganked all the time and get killed in 25% zones while missioning.. you are stupid and ill-prepared. Now if you know what you are doing and are experienced you should never get ganked or "owned" in a pvp situation. What is there to do for experience past lvl 100? You can go to aces (25% zone) or lvl in missions. (usually BS). Neither of these would be changed for a 25% world.
    Undercover Soccom Brother

    Blackness confirmed!!
    Welcome to the Brotherhood.

    Buying ql 161 Art of Peace nano

  12. #92
    Originally posted by CocoClown
    Using the word 'Carebear' in your post unfortunately betrays your attempt to appear logical and reasonable.
    Oops i guess i forgot the quotes part =P

    I don't like calling people "Carebears" =(
    Should be 1 of the 2.

    Last edited by Soccom; May 13th, 2002 at 18:16:22.
    Undercover Soccom Brother

    Blackness confirmed!!
    Welcome to the Brotherhood.

    Buying ql 161 Art of Peace nano

  13. #93
    Originally posted by HidaReign
    PvP'rs fall into Two catergories (this is since all non-pvp'rs are "CareBears")
    1. Twitchfest Quaker's , these are the people coming from quake servers that are slowly evaperating. They tend to be rude, cuss alot, use words like ROX ,etc. They want to rack up as many FRAG's as possible so they can be UBER.

    2. PvP roleplayers. These people want PvP for the reason of wars. This is the intent of Funcom. not another TWITCH fest. When I want to play those I boot up halo on my xbox and play capture the flag on gamespy. When a war comes i'll be activly involed, but not untill then. IF you want to go gank someone go play Counterstrike/ Elite force/Halo/Quake/any other TWITCH fest game. This is a role Playing game not a gank game that being said I don't mind PVP as long as I'm not involved, being a engi I know i have no chance at all In PVP so I leave it alone. (Making a Doc to pvp just been delayed abit).
    There are so many Roleplaying PVP possibilities for AO. The full PVP people do cause problems in MMORPGs but it is a very small price to pay.
    Having guards attack on sight yet players teaming in BS (of opposite factions) seems really stupid. Ohhh i join a clan team and now the team is nuetral and the mobs i am fighting are OT and I am gaining exp from killing them. That seems logical...

    Once players start to hit 120 they will realize that there really isn't much to do besides killing the same veteran mob 9 billion times in a mission that looks exactly the same as the past 5million missions.
    Some will quit, some will gain lvls just to be stronger in pvp, and some will make alts. Just lvling to hit the magical lvl200 is really pointless when you can use all the weapons (by lvl 130 and not be OE) and all the armor (by lvl 140 and not be OE).
    Undercover Soccom Brother

    Blackness confirmed!!
    Welcome to the Brotherhood.

    Buying ql 161 Art of Peace nano

  14. #94
    Once players start to hit 120 they will realize that there really isn't much to do besides killing the same veteran mob 9 billion times in a mission that looks exactly the same as the past 5million missions.
    Some will quit, some will gain lvls just to be stronger in pvp, and some will make alts. Just lvling to hit the magical lvl200 is really pointless when you can use all the weapons (by lvl 130 and not be OE) and all the armor (by lvl 140 and not be OE).
    Oh I see. Because YOU are bored, you want to ruin the game for players whose characters are under 120 and who don't want to pvp.

    Oh by the way I don't go into political or mayhem zones. So I have NEVER been ganked and I don't intend to be ganked. Except you want to make it IMPOSSIBLE for me to avoid getting ganked because you want the whole damn world to be 25%.

    So you're a high level and to hell with those of us who are not yet high level, right? You got to level in the relative safety of the 75% zones but now that you don't need those zones you want the entire planet to be pvp so you can get your jollies.

    Can you say SELFISH? I knew you could.

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