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Thread: Best Professions...

  1. #1

    Best Professions...

    Could someone list in order the best to worst choice of professions?..and for what they feel is the "BEST" explain why exactly it's the best..i've had an agent now for nearly 6 months i'm at level 79 and i've lost the feel for him at least until the new patch..and want to start a new character.. thanks..

  2. #2
    That depends on what you want to do. Do you want to be up in the front lines bashing away? Or do you want to support those people?

  3. #3


    There's a thread on this in the beginners forum. But, here's my take on those profs I've played.

    Simple, straightforward, hits things with metalware...
    My main on RK1

    Martial Artist
    Less simple, not quite so straightforward, hits things...

    Expensive, lot of fun early on, can be frustrating later...
    My main on testlive

    Meta Physicist
    Expensive, annoying pets, haven't played in ages...

    Costly, pet can be a bit annoying, but I'm still having fun...

  4. #4
    Trader is my best choice, not because it is powerful as everyone seems to think, but because I get to do different things depending on the composition of the group.

    If there is not a doc, then I heal; If there is not a tank then I tank; If there is not a mezzer, then I mezz. It keeps the game interesting for me.

    I hate pets, so pet professions are out for me. Reason I hate pets is because they get stuck a lot in indoors and there seem to be more bugs with them here. I don't mind them in other games though. Just in this game.

    I don't like the hit and wait to see thing either. So pure melee classes are out for me.

    I don't like pure casters that much either. I like to run around with a weapon, not a pillow in my hands. So NT is out for me.

    As you can see, it's a personal taste thing really.
    Janella "Zindi" Catt
    Trader, Rubi-Ka 2

  5. #5

    Adventurers/ agents

    WEll so far these are the two professions i've stuck with through out the couple of months i've been laying hope this helps

    Adventurer's are all around characters, we heal we buff...and we have morphs to make life more sweet, ADV's can use basically any weapon they want since most options are light blue, i've seen adv's with novaflows (roxxor rifle) Hammers and Other metal's (Nice for hard hitting) 2 hand swords ( nice damage way to slow ) 1 had sword (makes the adv look like a ninja but there anre't any real good choices for blades yet) and pistols ( these seem to be a new thing and pretty good so far since they aren't nerfed yet)

    Agents are probably expensivce as hell since you can switch your profession you have to keep up with all the other Nano crystals you want, soo i dont think having a bunch of time for social clothes and apartments is going to be int he question here.
    §¤§ Ekrixi
    - Adv from Rubi-Ka1
    - Leader of Dead Cell
    "Dust to Dust Ashes to Ashes"

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