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Thread: evades on battle stations (NOT addalldef)

  1. #141
    Quote Originally Posted by Sterva View Post
    i can top that

    did some testing in the arena the other day, an adv with 1500 less AR than my running defenses hit me about 50% of the time or more.
    I have that too, it's sad.
    Fixer - Solja Lite
    Adv - Forgotten lubchild
    Trader - Nerfed Professional

  2. #142
    Quote Originally Posted by Horias View Post
    Ok, it seems you people forgot something when you try to calculate probabilities.

    Lets say MA with 4.3k def, Soldier with 3k AR/2.2k FA?

    Without any real knowledge how FC calcs FA probability to hit on any target I asume AR and FA are calculated even in this, so its 50% on both. Makes it an overall Special-AR of (2200+3000)/2=2600.

    This Special-AR is calculated against 4300 ranged def. Means, the chance to hit 1 (ONE) FA bullet against the MA is 2600:4300 and in percentage it is:

    and the chance is:
    2600/6900*100=37,68% to get 1 FA bullet to hit.

    Soldiers with that high FA skill get ~25 bullets off with every FA.
    37,68% of 25 bullets = 9 bullets that hit.

    For MAs you usually dont need 9 bullets to cap... maybe 5-7.

    So what I wanna say is: With that calculation in mind its pretty easy for soldier to cap FA on MAs EVERYTIME!

    This calculation doesnt take into consideration the fact of FCs 0 bullet calculation on BY leets, but thats an innate 3% chance I think.
    And there could be another internal calculation done by FC which Im not aware of, but the point I wanna show you is the probability of capping FAs on MAs is much higher than you might think of.
    Firstly I'm absolutely certain that evades don't work on a simple ratio between attack rating and defence rating since Agg/Def effects them and people have tried hard to work out what what the formula is. Also I think someone with 4,5k dms will evade a lot more that 60% of the shots from someone with only 2,6k AR.

    Anyway, back on topic, with FA once one bullet misses, all consecutive bullets will miss. This is fairly illogical, however that's the way the mechanics work(ed?). Hence to hit capped FA, they would need to land however many bullets in a row.
    Forek 220/30

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    Forefix 178/18

  3. #143
    Quote Originally Posted by Forek View Post
    Firstly I'm absolutely certain that evades don't work on a simple ratio between attack rating and defence rating since Agg/Def effects them and people have tried hard to work out what what the formula is. Also I think someone with 4,5k dms will evade a lot more that 60% of the shots from someone with only 2,6k AR.

    Anyway, back on topic, with FA once one bullet misses, all consecutive bullets will miss. This is fairly illogical, however that's the way the mechanics work(ed?). Hence to hit capped FA, they would need to land however many bullets in a row.
    I made once a test on a fellow guildie with AOparser (DamageDumper) where it shows the % of missing/hits. Just regular hits and no specials for over 5 minutes. The guildie evaded (or rather: I missed) pretty much the same % which were calculated with his defense and my AR. his Def and my AR were close together, so the result was about 50% missing.

    Im pretty sure if you try to hit a MA with 4.3k def and you with 2.6k AR you'll only miss about 60-70%. You have to try over a longer time because it happens ofc that if you only try 10 times (which happens in most battles), that you might miss all 10 shots (bad rolls) or hit all 10 (good rolls)
    No need to PHEAR ME! anymore - Im gone

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