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Thread: Buh Bye

  1. #41
    Originally posted by Succumbus
    Also prefer 3d view to first person for roleplaying games (like to be able to see how cool I look )
    Oi lil' :c)

    Check the screenies I posted somewhere up there... some of them are 3rd Person.. there will be different views obviously
    taken from the FAQ those will include top-down, 3rd person and 1st person..

    Go sign up! :c)
    Zack "Raik" Brumble - "Boom Hippie Bye Bye, the Raik is back!"

  2. #42
    just had a quick look, but I couldnt see any 3rd person ones (might just be having a blond day tho )

    Hugs raik

    (find me a 3rd person option and I might just sign up )

    Lilnymph - Clan Fixer - RK1
    lilnymph wrote on November 21st, 2003 08:01:01:
    You may take our postcount threads, but you will never take our FREEDOM!!!!!
    Originally posted by Cz
    The post count is mine! All mine! Mwahahahah!

    40.476190476190474% of me is a huge nerd! How about you?
    Style over Substance

  3. #43
    Originally posted by Succumbus
    just had a quick look, but I couldnt see any 3rd person ones (might just be having a blond day tho )

    Hugs raik

    (find me a 3rd person option and I might just sign up )


    here you go:

    and here:

    also download the trailer... some 3rd person action there :c)
    Zack "Raik" Brumble - "Boom Hippie Bye Bye, the Raik is back!"

  4. #44
    I signed up for the beta AGES ago guess they dont want a laggy 56k er from OZ

    Hope the exam went well Reel

    /me grins and sleepily wanders around the forums
    Queen of the Ninjas

    Slyyk - MUHAHAHA! Old Fixers never die, they just take a different grid exit.

    Cosmik - And don't worry, Jorji. We've got FC love for everyone. It's stockpiled and going out the door.

    Jorji's art page (some mature content )

    zomg she finally got myspace lawls

  5. #45

    Guess what..

    I was in neocron beta.. and quit!!

    You sit in sewers leveling.
    I hate there skill system.
    AO kills there graphics.
    The game interface is cumbersome.

    Trust me Neocron blows.

    SWG is the only issue that AO will have to face for a while.
    Im not saying im leaving AO. Im saying i tried neocron and there is no way they will get my money.

    I will be buying the Shadow lands expansion .

  6. #46

    Re: Guess what..

    Originally posted by jakespeed
    I was in neocron beta.. and quit!!

    You sit in sewers leveling.
    I hate there skill system.
    AO kills there graphics.
    The game interface is cumbersome.

    Trust me Neocron blows.

    SWG is the only issue that AO will have to face for a while.
    Im not saying im leaving AO. Im saying i tried neocron and there is no way they will get my money.

    I will be buying the Shadow lands expansion .
    this is not a personal crusade of mine - beleive me i stopped having those at the age of 13 :c)

    however to edit your quote..- trust me... AO blows. theres a reason I am leaving and i guess what we got here can easily be summarized with 'tastes differ' ...

    The graphics of a Game don't mean half as much as the options you have for your character development... and even there its not sheer number of options, but whats there...

    I will trade what AO offers any second for a Game where I can get some adrenalin from playing 'Raik' as he lives in my mind..

    only recently I realized that the "Raik" I impersonated in AO is about as far from my old pen and paper avatar as you can get...

    If Neocron is any closer to what I picture my character to be like it will win over AO - Graphics or not :c)

    If it is not - theres still stuff to wait for ;c)

    Citizen Zero namely *grin*
    Zack "Raik" Brumble - "Boom Hippie Bye Bye, the Raik is back!"

  7. #47
    have to say, after checking out all the web pages for the up and coming MMORPG's, the only one that seems to interest me more than AO is Citizen Zero (which is the only one not accepting Beta applications, typical)

    hugs all

    Lilnymph - Clan Fixer - RK1
    lilnymph wrote on November 21st, 2003 08:01:01:
    You may take our postcount threads, but you will never take our FREEDOM!!!!!
    Originally posted by Cz
    The post count is mine! All mine! Mwahahahah!

    40.476190476190474% of me is a huge nerd! How about you?
    Style over Substance

  8. #48
    exam was cool, all your stupid questions are belong to us.

    if it sucks, it sucks, if its cool, its cool, i jsut hope that its what i want from a game, as ao was my first mmorpg, im not sure what that is

    still, i guess it gives me a chance to demonstrate my l33t sK1lLz, then shoot myself for using leet speak.
    My lungs arent blackened by tar, they're blackened by SIN!

  9. #49

    ][ am 133720r than j00. ;c)

    good job on the exam mate - hope you get a good grade.
    Zack "Raik" Brumble - "Boom Hippie Bye Bye, the Raik is back!"

  10. #50
    Citizen Zero. In case someone else has trouble finding the site.
    Looks good, but so did AO.

    pirates. with lasers.
    Are you having an argument on the internet, again?

    Gene13 - on a space odyssey since 2001
    XXX - N

    Some day your ship will come in, but you will be at the airport.

  11. #51
    Neocron look crap to me. Don't know how you can be so joyfull when speaking about it ; ).

    I love Star Wars, but I love the movies, I don't want to play in a game with a fake Dark Vador, a fake Naboo or anything like that. SWG is a dead end for me, even if the gameplay is cool, I will never enjoy the RP part. I would be sad to see people leaving for it, because I will nerver play this game.

    Also AO beats their graphism.

    Maybe Citizen Zero will be great, I don't know much about this game. Can anybody give me some good address to learn more about it ?

    AO can be boring because mmorpg can be boring. The only thing I find really sad is people leaving to go somewhere else...

    Also, I'm looking forward Neverwinter Nights too : ), but with great doubt.

    /me is waiting for the next online role playing game revolution
    Last edited by Zuh; May 23rd, 2002 at 19:57:48.

  12. #52
    I'm in the Neocron Beta...

    It hasn't been installed on my drive for over a month.

    So before you stone me, let me explain to you why...

    1st off: the strippers are HORRID. Their meshes deform in odd ways and they just kind of... wiggle, but slowly, so it's more of a slithering nasty deforming jelly blob of grossness...

    Not to mention that they're taking out the topless nudity in the next beta phase (unless it already went live)... seems that even THEY buckle under pressure of media attention...

    Now, the real problem... let me set up a scenario for you...

    I've played games since the days of the TRS-80
    I loved Romance of the Three Kingdoms on the SNES
    I've played through all the final fantasy games except FFX...
    I've played through both Suikoden
    I've played through more CRPG's than I can think of
    I've played some of the most absurdly complicated games that have ever been released (that I know of), had to struggle through some, and ultimately prevailed.

    I have YET to figure out one damned thing in Neocron. I don't know how the city's laid out, and if I have my map up and I use my keyboard to turn, it starts spamming the keyboard letters I'm hitting into the chat window while I'm turning. I searched for ammo for my gun for over 40 minutes, couldn't find a shop that sold it. Not that I knew what kind of ammo I had the skill to use. Not that I knew if ammo needed a skill to use.

    Sewers? Um, sorry, but I had a hell of a time even trying to find an entrance to the sewer level 1 that I was supposedly capable of surviving in. I never made it out of level 1.

    Oh, and yeah, I played through their tutorial just fine. A fat lot of help it was.

    The game can improve though, that's what beta's are for (HINT HINT FUNCOM)...

    But damn, it hurt.

    Level 77 Clan fixer.

    Trellame ought to be sainted or made a deity or something. I mean, seriously.

  13. #53
    well i hope that by the end of beta theyve made it a little easier to understand... looks like a great concept, and if they make sure that it releases after beta, not during, like certain people i could mention.... i think that it will be good.

    im just a little worried about the l33ts.
    My lungs arent blackened by tar, they're blackened by SIN!

  14. #54
    I'm waiting for: NWN (IT's gonna ROCK), Star Wars: Galaxies (ALSO gonna ROCK), and The Sims Online (What can I say, I'm a Sims junky.)
    Katelin "Missmaul" Locknane -Sloooowly climbing her way out of the dank pits of gimpness. But stil crazy. Ya know...just in case you cared.

  15. #55
    I have also beta tested neocron and quit. The game is horribly made. Their is no content at all you just kill stuff and level. You can make some items and stuff but thats it. The skill system is the worst I have ever seen and is very tedious. I am just very disapointed with the game. The world is way to small and reakktor media has stated they think the size is fine and will not be changed. Their is just nothing to the game I hope it changes it had a ton of potential but they would have to almost recode the whole thing to make me even want to give it another go. I would rather play any game out right now than play neocron. This is just my personal opinion their are some who like it but I don't know to many.

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