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Thread: Seeking a Roleplaying!?!? Organization

  1. #1

    Seeking a Roleplaying!?!? Organization

    Hello and well met:
    I am looking for a "Roleplaying" guild on Rubi-Ka 1. My characters name is Vortexx, and am a 31st level Bureaucrat, who is currently sided with Clan.

    About me: I have 4 characters level 50 and up, but have decided that a Bureaucrat is "who" I want to be. I am in North America, and mostly play from 1:00 (GMT) - 5:00ish (GMT) during the week, and when ever during the weekend.

    About Roleplaying: What I mean by this, is that I have been in 'uber' elite type guilds before (UO/EQ/DAoC) and found that the game gets to boring/frustrating when it just becomes a 'race' to level "Dreadlord"/50/60/200. To have the ultimate equipment/strongest character/etc etc. I have decided to change my approach. To have "fun". Yes I want to get to level 200, and will, but this time, I want to try to make sure I enjoy the actual journey.

    What I am looking for in a guild:
    -Friendly and fun.
    -Prefer a good size member ship, with the possibility of finding people my level to group with.
    -Active in the actual story line in the game
    -People actually active in the guild
    -Guild events/contests
    -No items/equipment/credits/etc don't need or want them.
    -Perhaps rankings in the organization, with a chance to be a part of something

    What I can offer to a guild:
    -Loyality: (I don't run the when something goes bad. IE complete party wipeout ^_^
    -Commitment: I will help members where ever I can
    -Teamwork: If someone in the guild is in trouble or needs help, I will help.
    -Respect: To all other members. Period

    Which Side:
    Clan or Omni.. Honestly, OOC, I don't care. I think finding a group of like minded people, having a great time playing, meeting new people, and being part of something, is what is really important to me.

    If there is a guild out there that would like to give me a chance to become part of your organization, please give me a tell in the game, or leave a message here if you like.

    Thank you for your time,

  2. #2


    You look like a dedicated player iam forming a guild atm maybe you cna be with me too the top and higher i can mee tyou on Tuesday or Friday the 1week in june after that we got too wait until the Summer vacateion.

  3. #3

    Smile I am very impressed

    I am very impressed with this post......................
    I wish that MY org was not going through a very serious dormant period right now.

    If the OSID were in an active cycle I would LOVE to invite you.

    Maybe soon we can meet up and work togeather.....

    Look for my second in command.......Areania. Or myself...Devora

  4. #4

    Look me up in game sir.


    I am a general of the "Mercury Dragons - Wraithguards" who are a clan rp organisation, looking to make a difference in the story line (we recently featured in a 'voice of freedom' article on the ao homepage after participating in a battle).

    For more information please look me up in game (name : Perinea).

    Len 'Perinea' Doniger.

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