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Thread: Improve PvP by making it possible to take over outposts

  1. #1

    Improve PvP by making it possible to take over outposts

    Yes like DAoC.

    Just copy what they do for PvP. =)

  2. #2
    Beating a dead horse. You'd better check the weather reports for hell freezing over because that's when this will happen.
    Rotamus, 196 NT
    Littlebitt, 200 Doc
    Ranxacka, 153 Trader

    Proud general of Immortal Ascension

    America's Finest News Source

    Hollywood Stock Exchange

  3. #3
    FC said they would be implementing this. But they do tend to abandon ideas.

    IMHO this will be the only thing that makes PvP worthwhile.
    The Title-system is lame and the reason PvP in AO is nothing but a zonecamping gankfest.

    Ducking in and out of shops is hardly the war they advertised.

    /me dreams of territory capture and battles with consequences.

  4. #4
    Outpost takeovers would be sweet! BUMP!

  5. #5
    Ahh yeah the store zoning.

    We had a high level doc today...all he would do is step outside, debuff inits or dot.....then he would have to zone to heal up.

    By the time he stuck his head out again debuffs gone.....repeat cycle. Whoa....he was so scary. Now if they made stores 25% end of fleeing.....into a store. You could meet the doc as he zoned and say HI there....welcome to my alpha......steps back out and bam. None of this store zone ganking crap.

    Phinger 187 NT
    Level 220 Nanotech
    Highangel - Level 212 Crat
    and a 205 MP (Used to buff Phinger buffs everyone else)

    You hit Stefan Messamore with nanobots for 14295 points of radiation damage.

  6. #6
    Stores will never be 25%.
    Noone will spend money when they can be looted a half second later.
    That's not really the problem anyway.

    The problem is geography.
    2ho is a stupid place for PvP.
    whomps.. grid.. bunkers.. stores.. gaurds..

    Put some outposts in the middle of a PvP zone.
    miles away form any zone border. .
    miles away from a whompa or grid..
    no shops.. no safe zones..

    Design a method of controling / conquering those outposts
    and make who controls outposts have some sort of effect ingame.
    Perhaps designate a few outposts as traderoutes and whichever
    side controls the traderoutes get a bonus shop discount
    or gets special items in their stores that wouldnt usually be there.

  7. #7
    "Put some outposts in the middle of a PvP zone.
    miles away form any zone border. .
    miles away from a whompa or grid..
    no shops.. no safe zones.. "

    These places exist already, walk around a bit.
    BiggerDave - 93 Omni Soldier
    Fethers - 43 Omni Agent
    Phetherz - 18 Omni Doctor

    Unit member of Omni-Tek Blackwolf Operations

  8. #8
    But those places are neutral and hold no strategic value (no save terms, shops, bonuses gained by controlling it), and thus neither side sees them fit enough to be fortified.
    Intenseheat: Omni MA, ph33r teh ub3r l337
    Preeminence: Omni crat - hopelessly gimped - lost 180K IP trying to reset skills - ph33r teh ub3r t33th
    Omniwins: Omni soldier, always winning

    I'm just an ass that happens to be smart.

  9. #9
    yeah, biggerdave missed the point.

    PvP in AO .. the conflict between Omni-Tek and the clans ..
    should be about more than title-points.

    I dont bother PvPing now because it is pointless
    unless you get off on making other people lose XP / hours of gametime.

    I think most players would really appreciate a reason to PvP,
    and the ability to PvP 'in the open' without being a 'griefer'.

    In order for there to be a war, there must be something valuable to fight over.

  10. #10
    yeah i see what you mean.

    so what do you suggest? should new areas be added that are 0% and have value?

    should existing areas like outpost 10-3 be given value?

    I think it'd be good if players could find outcrops of notum, and then if they hold the area for a while then a mine would be 'spawned' there, with guards of the side of whoever holds the area. a bit like dyna camps. by securing such an area people could recieve money. or, they could transport notum to another outpost ina convoy or something. just an idea.
    BiggerDave - 93 Omni Soldier
    Fethers - 43 Omni Agent
    Phetherz - 18 Omni Doctor

    Unit member of Omni-Tek Blackwolf Operations

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