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Thread: READ THIS, (and tell me what u mean)

  1. #1

    Question READ THIS, (and tell me what u mean)

    Hello funcom fans and players. I have been dicussing the game and its story the way it works with other fans of AO. And many ppl i have been talking too, mean that the game is more a big chatting program with some hunting and carakter building added, than a game. And that it is a problem that the only goal is to get too lvl 200. I have been thinking alot about this problem, yet what im telling u here is just something i belive is the problem. And that details r not a part of this, only a picture of how it could bee done. If u look at other games, where there is a story line written to the game and becomming a part of what happining in the game. In AO the storyline is just a history written for what Rubi-ka is. It dont take part in the playing u do in AO. Why.? Becaus AO is a realtime game and the story have to bee comming as Time goes if it shuld bee affecting the game. But if u see the problem in ppl leaving AO after gaind lvl 200 u see that thats the goal ppl have, too reache lvl 200. Thats becaus ppl want too have the best carakter as possible. And getting there as fast as possible.
    My idea is to make a story that effect the playing in the game, and that all players have the same goal.
    If u see the misson as it is today u see it's just about getting xp so the players can lvl theyr carakter.
    I will no try to explain what i men can make this game more interresting and a same goal for all players and for all lvl.
    Bye making wonders, buildings of wonder r made bye players. The wonders have too have 3 sides 1 clan 1 neutral and 1 omni. The side that do finish wonder first within the timelimit for the game gets the WONDER of Rubi-ka. wonder can bee a weapon so strong (a pyramide or somthing) that otherside cant compear with the power of the weapon. Than the building time of wonder will bee like a cold war.
    And the side that wins the wonder, r the ruler of Rubi-ka and the war will have a end.
    Bye doing this the goal is not only to bee lvl 200 but all players lvl will have the same goal. and that is too win the war (cold war).
    How building the wonder.
    By making all missions small quests where u gets a item or somthing u have too bring back too a terminal made for this quests(wonder terminal). calculations for the building of wonder r made bye funcom out of how many mission taken in game in a spsefic time. I can see a pvp part in this too. With some solo missions(spesial miss term) where u gets a item that is 1 part of 2 items if combined will bee a special item. When u take a misson and doing it and gets the 1 part item u will get a message wherer\ to go too a pvp sone where 1 person from enemy side also taking a mission at same time as u got same message. u have to get item from him to finish and get ur item compleeted. Or u gets a message to get into a pvp sone to get mission item from him bye killing him befor he reach the place where he have to klick item on a stone or somthing. This is just pictures of how im thinking. i dont no anything about building games or anything about programming, so i dont no if it's possible too add somthing like this into game. But i think it's a good idea so i just wanted too tell u about it.
    OBS... im not good in English, hope u all understand::::::::)))))).


  2. #2

    Question xx

    I dont no anything about how mutch coding it is to get spesial mission terminals just for wonder or ( some kind of weapon ) building... that i dont no a **** about lol .. thats why probebly my suggestion sound pritty stupid in the ear of some1 who no how mutch codings it realy take. But what the idea is about is about is a competition against eatchother.. "wonder can bee " anything, like weapon for omni.. chappel for peace for neutrals. and somthing else for clan.. but the "wonder" can bee somthing that r cymbolic for the side and what it stands for .. and the building have to bee BIG and bee realy spetaculer. If neutral wins it can bee a tempel/chappel or somthing that symbolise the peace and harmony and the power from this is strong.. when omni builds a weapon .. a big laser cannon with a spetaculer look. Clan can buld the political house(dont no whats the name in english ,, house where politcans dabates?). lol :O/

    well than when we reach lvl 200 we still got somthing to play for. I realy dont no if ppl will get involved eough in the building prosses.. but that is somthing u have to look at when u look into ditails. I belive A progress bar that shows how far in the buildingprogress u have reach can bee a idea placed on a sign at Tir big as a wall. lol or u have to go klick item on the buildingplace that r realy huge.. and actualy go to the buildingplace and do part of the building.. u will not see it raise ewery time u klick item on it.. but day by day and week bye week u see how big it becoms.. and u can go see omni building to see how far they have reach in building prossess.

    Mabe that would keep u in game after lvl 200. mabe then u will feel u got somthing to du in game after lvl 200. :O) or mabe not :O( i dont no .

    it's just an idea.


  3. #3
    someone read this cause im too lazy to, then repeat it and record it to a tape, and mail it to me, in 1 syllable words please

  4. #4
    whats your address?
    BiggerDave - 93 Omni Soldier
    Fethers - 43 Omni Agent
    Phetherz - 18 Omni Doctor

    Unit member of Omni-Tek Blackwolf Operations

  5. #5


    Originally posted by biggerdave
    whats your address?
    Dont ewer ask me for address again !!!

  6. #6


    Originally posted by Acidication
    someone read this cause im too lazy to, then repeat it and record it to a tape, and mail it to me, in 1 syllable words please
    I like playing AO.. i have a great time playing it .. but somthing good can always bee better. But that dont mean this idea r somthing that can lift the game eawen higher. No it can bee the most stupid idea ewer posted here .. lol .. thats up to other ppl to deside. But I think it's a good idea. But if like 100% of all ppl posting replay to this idea saying it's a stupid suggestion. than it proberbly is .. lol.. ? :=/

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