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Thread: Promote outdoors hunting : triple xp reward!

  1. #1

    Promote outdoors hunting : triple xp reward!

    Think about it... for example, a Sandworm, which is about as tough as a mission mob that gives you 50k xp, will then be worth a whole 30k!

    Or how about hunting big scary Eremites for 45k xp each ? Almost worth the trouble.

    And, give us a decent Desert Demon spawn for 135k xp per demon!

  2. #2
    Oooho almost forgot : double it again in 25% or lower!

  3. #3
    Hehehe here is how FC thinks.

    More XP=
    faster lv gain=
    more high lv folks +no real game story, content=
    more bored players=
    more ppl who leave game=
    bad idea.
    Cyrus "Makarov" Scola (so called creator of never released Kamikazebots)

    Kids= 30sec pleasure +18years of suffering.
    Al Bundy

    The entire free-trade community from North, Central and South America, along with the EU and the rest of Europe, Russia, the former Soviet States, India, Communist China and the rest of Asia along with industrialized Africa (mainly S. Africa) all know what slag is, and use that term regularly.
    So just what culture is being offended by the term "slag"?

  4. #4
    instead of increasing exp make outside mobs have a chance of boss mob loot. I am very upset with me being forced to waste my time grouping to have a shot at boss loot that I might or might not get.

  5. #5
    And lets face it at the end of the day XP from hunting is not really a problem.

    Random drops of various boss loot would be much more encouraging. Even if it was only a 1 in 50 chance it owuld be nice.
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