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Thread: We need a new word besides Nerf/Nurf

  1. #1

    We need a new word besides Nerf/Nurf

    It's getting old and it just sounds, well, stupid.
    Rotamus, 196 NT
    Littlebitt, 200 Doc
    Ranxacka, 153 Trader

    Proud general of Immortal Ascension

    America's Finest News Source

    Hollywood Stock Exchange

  2. #2
    As the toy company says:

    -- Falling never killed anyone, its always the landing.
    Telgi-61 Solitus Enforcer
    Gauf-31 Nanomage Doctor
    Saruzi- -=128=- Opifex Nano-Technician.
    Manstien-44 Solitus Soldier

  3. #3

    Arrow in MUDs people called it " Wimping "

    Also known as: Pulling a Verant, a FunCom, or a Mythic depending on your experience with other MMOGs.

    I've heard Blunting as well.

  4. #4
    The shaft, or shafting

    as in

    We shafted the players
    Give the players the shaft
    Engineers are completely shafted
    Up your shaft (expletive)
    Dont you think I look like Geordie from Star Trek?
    Actually I look more of a cross between him and Picard don't I?

  5. #5

  6. #6

  7. #7
    barf perhaps?
    /DaveDread (D.A.V.E.D.R.E.A.D.: Digital Artificial Violence and Exploration Device/Replicant Engineered for Assassination and Destruction mohahaha)

    200 Opifex Clanner Gimp - Dinged in Style! (dimached a Virulent Minibull) Finally got my head straight, nothing like a goat helmet to get you in shape again. Oh, and those marks on my forehead (yah, still visible through the helmet, duh)... It was a Motorcycle baby. Really. Ran me over in West Athens while I was working on my tan. Think I look bad? You should see the biker.

  8. #8
    heh, some suggestions:

    My Soldier was uber but now he is Funcomed
    My Soldier was uber but now he is FCed
    My Soldier was uber but now he is Fucced
    My Soldier was uber but now he is Funked
    Greendevil Solitus Soldier
    Grummpy Atrox Enforcer

  9. #9



    Bah, I'll stick with Nerf.

    Meta Physicist

  10. #10
    um i have a feeling all my replaces for nerfed would be filtered out.

    the word that really needs replacement is uber..just leaves a bad taste in my mouth

  11. #11

    I got one

    How about "gimped"

    My Enforcer is still gimped.

    They really gimped my nanos this time.

    I can't PvP with you guys, Im a gimp.

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