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Thread: Spruce up the Arenas

  1. #1

    Spruce up the Arenas

    Arena fights....I think they need to be spruced up a bit. For instance, if you and I wanted to duel, we would go to an access terminal. We'd team up and hit it. We (or anyone in the team for that matter) would be zoned into a unique 10 room mission like zone. Maybe 20 room. Or 30 room. *shrug* Make it fairly big. But not so big that you'd get lost. 20 or 30 second countdown would begin. You were zoned into a room on one side. I was zoned into a room in the other side. All buffs were stripped from us. All pets were terminated. Use that time to buff and cast pets. (Perhaps increase that countdown. Dunno. Once countdown runs down, doors to starting room unlock. You are unteamed. Now you two go at it in a 30 room non zoneable mission. If you ld, it counts as a loss for you, and a kill for the other. Once someone 'loses' losing player is zoned to reclaim. Winner is zoned outside of access terminal. Maybe make some random aggros load if fight lasts longer then 10 mins? 5 mins? Possibly random shadow altars too to add to the unexpected. This could be modified to allow more then 1 on 1 fights if wanted.

  2. #2
    love the idea, it'd prevent people from running in when you're low on health after just killing someone and taking you out.

    that's the main reason i haven't personally been doing PvP

  3. #3
    There's nothing wrong with taking someone out when they're near dead.

    But in a duel, which is what an arena fight SHOULD be, having your private battle would be nice. They can spawn missions and despawn them. Spawning a private arena to fight in can't be too difficult. (I'll be the first to admit I know next to nothing about code etc.)

    The current arenas look to be an afterthought. 'Let's give them somewhere to kill each other repeatedly till they're all Neophytes.' For those of us who aren't really interested in titles, but want to fight a real duel, we currently have to go to some forsaken corner of this planet so we can fight 1 on 1 or 2 on 2 in peace.

  4. #4

    Wink My thoughts about ur arena idea

    Nice idea i quite like it. Perhaps you could choose the kind of mission settings to i.e alien,industrial,Ancient,gothic etc.... I alos think arenas should be kinda like a colleseum as well with ll the seats round the outside so every1 could see what happened.... This would be good in the NORMAL arenas too because when i first saw both arenas well i knew that didnt pass. So i hope your idea passes into the next patch and maybe you could reply to my patch about the banks......

  5. #5
    There is an arena with seats around it. It doesn't work like the other arenas, it's in a 25% zone, that includes all of the arena, even the seats.
    It's in a small town in 4 Holes. It's a shame 4 Holes is so poorly developed, The towns in the area would be great for player gatherings.

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