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Thread: Boss loot and game economy and gameplay

  1. #1

    Post Boss loot affeting gameplay - hours lost

    Boss lewt is indeed crap. This means I need to get people to team with me and take mission and solo it or either do team mission with team. Soloing is ok since mid hard team mission usually spawn ok level monsters for my taste when single mission spawns barely greens ( mid setting ). But it takes me like 0.5-3hours depending on the size of mission to get to boss and kill him and get the lewt.

    I have spent 1 WEEK trying to hunt down Grid Armor (any of them) and the shape soft/hard armor what I have got? tons of crap barely 1 mil of cash and 20 bags of 'sell players lewt' (that barely is worth of 2 mils or so) at ql 60. I have wasted like 70h~ in this week to just accomplish few levels and I havent found ANYTHING that I really need.

    Oh and what is the possibility to say like lvl 10 engineer to do ql 8 bronto hides? 0% Why? well I cant think any lvl 10 character that could kill level 60 boss or afford 40-150mils for the PPE. Of course if the engi is like high level toon maybe then but who level 120+ ppl would be so insane to start engineer when its 2nd worst gimp in game.. after NT :P

    What is the nubi level 60-80 fixer chance to get GA? 1% I leveled from 50~ killing only mutants I found ALL the discs but no GA.

    There is indeed something wrong when ppl buy stuff -- that are under ql 100 and like the PPEs meant for all level tradeskill guys to use -- with 20+ mils.

    For good suggestions how to fix this and another thread about the subject..

    Thanks for frellingcom to give me soooo damn nice time with this game since 14.4. Anything that increases our wasted time in game is not good for the game I wish you saw that.

    I loved this game before 14.4 but thanks to your visions I can barely have 0.5hours of fun per day in the game now
    Last edited by Flope; Jul 15th, 2002 at 16:06:52.

  2. #2


    It is big shame that anybody isnt concerned of the matters in this post.

    Maybe its my way expressing myself loud put there is really something wrong in this game and its not just fixed by ignoring the probs.

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