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Thread: 12 days of Christmas over?

  1. #1

    12 days of Christmas over?

    "Rubi-Ka Safaris - Guide: Today is the first day of our for today you only get to meet me. "

    This is the message i'm getting as of five minutes ago. If this isn't a bug and FC actually stopped the girl from allowing people to complete their collections, i'm not sure FC knows what the spirit of Christmas is.
    Corinthians - 220 Nano Technician
    Pickygirl - 220 Engineer
    Pink - 220 Fixer
    Israel - 220 Keeper
    Israeli - 220 Shade
    Amenadiel - 165 Soldier
    Maitrize - 173 Martial Artist

    Quote Originally Posted by corinthians
    {Etaks: Do not post this again.}

  2. #2
    I think it's probably safe to say that this is a bug, albeit a bug with terrible timing.
    Lusthorne - 220 Keeper | Isellthings - 220 Trader - PvP-Config
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    and many more

    Boost outdoor sk in Pen/Inf or adjust missions for mixed factions
    A different approach to GTH
    Quote Originally Posted by Sterva View Post
    If you felt that I was implying that you are an idiot, it's probably because you are in fact, an idiot.

  3. #3
    Someone from FC must manually advance her timer. And with servers rebooting, she's back on day 1. Give the one responsible for updating her some time to wake up and haul him/herself to work to bring Guide up to date.
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    [Kintaii]: Dude, I *am* weird
    [Kintaii]: I came to accept this many years ago and am much happier for it. XD
    [Kintaii]: Besides - I work on *AO*. That right there is proof of my oddness.

  4. #4
    Thats not the way of the forumgoer.

    We rather spam some insults, then give people time to get out of their x-mas eve hangover.
    Game Suggestion:Make TL7 more then just a rush to 215+. Lower Profession Nanodeck levelreq down from 215+ to the level you can do the quest, 205+.

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