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Thread: Name Change - how long does it take

  1. #1

    Name Change - how long does it take

    I submitted a name change, how long does it take for the change to go through?
    PLEASE, give use a simple YES or no answer as to whether or not the CoH chests can be opened

  2. #2
    Not long at all. Try logging out for 10 minutes and log back in.
    Leave "Marinegent" AScar - 220/23/65 Atrox Agent
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    "Marinekeep" - 215/18/4x Atrox Keeper
    Quote Originally Posted by CuisinartBlade View Post
    to be fair, 2.8k ar is enough to perk anyone except fixers, mas, advs, shades, nt's that blinded you, shield mps, bow mps that landed dazzle, def docs, crats, or marinesold

    so all in all it's a fairly viable setup

  3. #3
    I am not a 100% certain, as I have not done this in ages, but I remember something along the lines of 24 hours.
    I could be wrong though.
    Freqflyerdnt (Fix) - Codney (MP) - Fiddlybit (Crat) - Breaker117 (Enfo) - Spasticdent (NT) - Fiveof9 (Keeper) - Maleshai (Advy) - Tacitblue (Shade)

    Squad Commander of Ab aeterno animus liberi

    Quote Originally Posted by Lazy
    clearly, it's all because arbalest is clan-only. all the omnis pvpers went clan for arbalest and all the omni pvmers went clan for the 35% xp buff so now the ratio of clan to omni is 9:1 herp derp clan favouritism herp derp devs are clan.

  4. #4
    depends i logged out, did a name change, waited a few minutes logged in, mine was changed. orgmate did his, he had to petition it, and they changed it for him. check out if its said its completed and done, petition it.
    Calida Solitus Pistol Adventurer - 220/30/70 RK2 - General & Recruitment Director of -= Power Overwhelming =-
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