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Thread: What is wrong with/somewhat why I hate AO/Funcom

  1. #1

    Recomendations for Funcom/Things that need to be fixed.

    Hello. I have came up with a list of some of the things that are really messed up with this game. Right now, I hate Anarchy-Online. There is nothing to do. Leveling takes too long, PvP is all about reflect and crit, and there is no content. Nothing you can roleplay. So, here is my list.

    1.) Shooting thru walls: I try to use my surrounding to my advantage - The Ent arena. I like to go into sneak mode before a battle, creep behind the piller, and cast TMS or another slow buff, to give me a time advantage of them having to run around the piller to shoot me. There are 2 problems with that. 1. Somehow, players are able to shoot thru a piller about 4m thick of concret. And 2, which leads onto my second complaint.

    2.) Sneaking: Buffed, I have 1124 concealment. I know most (if not all) players my level can not see me, as level 200 mobs can't. But somehow they manage to. I'll go into sneak mode and some level 10 or whatever will come by and say "Hey, I see you!" Thats ... Not right. Sneaking seems to work in PvM, but in PvP. No. Maybe 10% of the time.

    3.) Lag: I have a 256K DSL connection. I want to know why it takes me so long to zone into a place as simple as a store or a mission. Zoning into Tir, Trade, or Ent ... Thats another story, it takes so long. There should be no reason for this.

    4.) Framerates: I have a Pentium4 processor, 768MB of ram, GeForce3 Ti500 graphics card with 64MB of video ram and the newest drivers, a 30 GB and a 100 GB 7400 RPM harddrives configured very nicely. And I defrag about once a week. Now, my point. I try running thru a city, and I'm skipping everywhere. I get like 19 FpS, and I have the graphics set to about half. I know this is not a problem with my computer hardware or software or how it is configured. So, you really need to fix your framerate/graphics problems.

    5.) Broken HP bars: "You hit whoever for 1376 points of Aimed Shot damage." "You hit whoever for 900 points of energy damage. Critical hit!" "You hit whoever for 1000 points of energy damage. Critical hit!" And guess what? My enemys HP bar doesnt move. I doubt even if I was fighting a doctor with maxed Nano Init and Complete Heal that they could heal fast enough to keep there HP bar at full. I know its a bug, you need to fix it. How am I susposed to know if I should use my Aim Shot or my Crit buff right now or after another 2 hits if there HP bar doesnt move?

    6.) Shotguns (or other guns?) doing higher AimShots then Agents using rifles: I am a level 158 agent with maxed AimShot and a ql 200 X3 or Carterwaul on and somehow a some damn NanoTech will be using a snakemaster or an ithica (I think the Ithica has AS) and he will hit me for more of an AS. This isnt a one time thing, its a almost everytime thing. I doubt that enemy has a higher aimshot skill then I do, being that I have AS implants and can cast Take The Shot (+130 AimShot.) You should correct this also.

    7.) Lack of content: There is nothing to do! You can do the same missions from level 90 to 200. Or you can *try* to PvP. I say *try* because if you dont have reflect bracers, and some outside buffs, you probably wont do good. You need to add more things to do!

    8.) Lack of events: Aside from all the time things (content) you should have special events. And, you don't. Very rarely will you have some, and if you do. They don't last long or turn out too well (from my experience) You should have 1 or 2 events a week. Be it a clan attack on some omni outpost, or Phillip Ross making an appearence. We just need something!

    9.) Terrible economy - Prices vs. Credits: The economy is so terrible. The only things that seem to sell for good money these days are: Dragonflesh body armor, Grid Armor, and Nullity Sphere. With the new love to the fixers, everyone is starting one. And in turn, they want Grid armor so they can be a better player. Since Grid Armor is rare, it costs a lot. And again since it is rare, chances are you wont find any and again be able to make some good money. Same thing goes for the dragonflesh armor, and Nullity sphere (Well, not the whole Fixer part.) I tried selling a ql 200 X-3 rifle today, and I didn't get one offer. Along with some other high level - Semi rare stuff. Not one offer. Why? Its not Grid Armor or whatever. All that means the avarage person is too poor to afford the items that he/she needs to make a good character.

    10.) Dumb gaurds: I don't get why if you attack and kill a guard (well, not even kill) he can't call for backup or whatever? I mean, here comes big mean clanner. He kills 1 or 2 gaurds and can now walk all over Ent without a worry about garuds. Should be like Gaurd: "I'm under attack, please send backup and search the area!!!" But no. :sighs: Also, what is the reasoning behind the backyard gaurds/guides being so much stronger then the city ones? If they city and backgaurd garuds traded places, it would help the citys protection, and make a lot of sense.

    11.) Pet pathing: I'm no big pet user (aside from the sometimes False Profession: Meta Physicist) but I feel the pain, and see it. High levels usually dont even use pets (Aside from some MPs using heal pet) because it takes to long to get them to follow becasue of the pathing. That takes away from the reason to be a pet using class.

    12.) XP: As I said before, for leveling. You do just about the same thing (And quality level, missons that is) from around level 90-200. This is boring. And with every level you get, you get less XP. When I was level 110ish I was getting MUCH more xp then I am now at level 158. And being that I take like 10 more mil (I don't know, a lot) XP to level, it takes too long.

    Well, I believe that is all. What I'm trying to say is I hate this game becasuse of those listed reasons. I would have more, but I put this list together in my last 2 days of gaming and some memories. You need to fix this stuff. People are soon enough not going to be able to take it and start closing there accounts (as I'm thinking about doing.) I know this is a lot, so take your time on your reply. Best of luck. :tips hat:

    By The Way ... This is the same thing I sent to feedback and support. Just if they don't respond maybe someone else will. Everyone who reads this, please post your responses. I might not have made sense on somethings. It was a lot to type so I may have got things mixed up
    Last edited by James Hetfield; Aug 8th, 2002 at 23:15:32.
    Rookie James Metallica86 Hetfield: Level 193 - Agent (Grandmaster Assasin) (Now with Map Upgrade - Side!!!).
    Misterquick: Level 47 fiXXXer - 0% effective $150 mil. twink - Applicant of Obsidian Order

    Sell me your QL220 clusters!

    Metallica86 - Now building your ql 200 implants.

    Proud owner of Anarchy Online: The Notum Wars... WAIT A SEC! Nothing is different!

  2. #2

    Re: What is wrong with/somewhat why I hate AO/Funcom

    Originally posted by Metallica86
    3.) Lag: I have a 256K DSL connection. I want to know why it takes me so long to zone into a place as simple as a store or a mission. Zoning into Tir, Trade, or Ent ... Thats another story, it takes so long. There should be no reason for this.
    Lag usually isn't lag, which is why your connection speed makes no difference. I've had smooth graphics at times when my ping times were over 1000ms, and evil amounts of chop at times when it was under 100ms. I notice that certain zones are worse than others for this. Borealis is generally fine, but Newland puts my poor old GeForce2 into slideshow mode for a while.

    The actual culprit is your comp loading the textures for the zone you're in. Borealis is apparently very simple, as it's all concrete. Newland is complex, and uses compressed textures, so it takes a while to smooth out. Last Ditch is nearly as bad. Of course, it loads the textures for your vicinity first, then does the rest of the zone. This means that you can see the zone before it's completely loaded, but adds to the pseudo-lag since your comp is trying to render your vicinity while unpacking the rest of Newland as it goes.

    I generally find that it takes a minute or two to really stabilise, depending on the zone. Large groups of characters don't help, since your comp suddenly has to load another great wedge of textures and models in order to display the crowd.

    As for the rest of your post, I'm pretty much in agreement, especially about the guards. Would it be so hard to spawn a squad's worth of them to fight off the attack?


    ~R~ <-- can waffle on about tech subjects indefinitely...

  3. #3


    Now that you say that, it does seem in a way more of a framewrate problem that I described under lag. I'll change that. When I hit "Greater detain suspect" 8 times and it doesnt cast, then 10 seconds later says "Already executing nanoprogram."
    Rookie James Metallica86 Hetfield: Level 193 - Agent (Grandmaster Assasin) (Now with Map Upgrade - Side!!!).
    Misterquick: Level 47 fiXXXer - 0% effective $150 mil. twink - Applicant of Obsidian Order

    Sell me your QL220 clusters!

    Metallica86 - Now building your ql 200 implants.

    Proud owner of Anarchy Online: The Notum Wars... WAIT A SEC! Nothing is different!

  4. #4
    :sigh: 13 people have viewed this, why only 1 reply?
    Rookie James Metallica86 Hetfield: Level 193 - Agent (Grandmaster Assasin) (Now with Map Upgrade - Side!!!).
    Misterquick: Level 47 fiXXXer - 0% effective $150 mil. twink - Applicant of Obsidian Order

    Sell me your QL220 clusters!

    Metallica86 - Now building your ql 200 implants.

    Proud owner of Anarchy Online: The Notum Wars... WAIT A SEC! Nothing is different!

  5. #5
    I am with you on this even if no one else is only that I experience the lag in places with lots of people also here lately alot on solo missions and when attacking... I am on a cable line (And ARK's can go on all day telling me that my line is slowed down because its shared! NNNNOooooooo... there is hardly anyone around my area that uses cable) and have played other games with much better graphics than this and I don't get nearly the lag I do here. For instance (Medal of Honor Online ... No lag!) I think it has to do with the servers that they have on thier side not our connections or computers. Probably since the game has been such a big flop they didn't put much money into it. I mean you can go into any computer store and look for this game??? No where to be found? At least not in my area? And the bad thing about it is the game was made near my hometown in North Carolina. From my personal experience of 2 months I have not seen alot of the things that higher ups complain about as of yet. I do want to say that I love the game at the moment (until SWG) and I think they did a pretty good job of it so far (biased opinion since i live in same state of company)! So with that being said I hope they fix alot of these problems if not ahh well I can wait til SWG comes out.

  6. #6
    They're all fanbois who are too scared to say anything bad about Funcom. :P

    I pretty much agree with your entire post. But I can live with all of it except the lack of content.

    We pay them 12.95 a month. For nothing but software fixes. Three quests after being open over a year. A handful of unique mobs. Content is the only reason a game like this can justify charging to play. More quests. More mob interaction. Fire the entire GM staff and hire people who have a concept on how to coordinate and lead a plot that is run by players. Not by some invincible greenie intent on making expert. Funcom does not deliver. That said, supposedly our next stealth patch is suppose to help address the issue. Seeing as I've yet to see Funcom say anything true, I won't hold my breath.

  7. #7

    good points

    I agree on all yout points...and i have started loosing faith in AO as well, still trying to catch something fun to do...IM an adventurer and the day i choosed to be one i was like waaaay cool we can turn into various animals!! Now when i know abit, lets face it, advs prof is made for socializing. We are not "best" on anything...just average good on everything...and that sux.
    (except perception buff....)

    I might be wrong but isnt a sabretooth adv beeter in pvp than a pit lizard adv? isnt that like.....wrong?

    Come out with your pants down!

  8. #8
    I'm happy that you all agree with me. I wonder if this post will be deleted though, I have heard of other posts being deleted that were *putting down* funcom/anarchy-online
    Rookie James Metallica86 Hetfield: Level 193 - Agent (Grandmaster Assasin) (Now with Map Upgrade - Side!!!).
    Misterquick: Level 47 fiXXXer - 0% effective $150 mil. twink - Applicant of Obsidian Order

    Sell me your QL220 clusters!

    Metallica86 - Now building your ql 200 implants.

    Proud owner of Anarchy Online: The Notum Wars... WAIT A SEC! Nothing is different!

  9. #9

    Add to the list of issues...

    I got some more issues you can add to your list

    1. Draconian EULA - tells us what we can't do, but nothing of what FC is responsible for. No complaints procedure, either.

    2. Customer support - No, they don't. Getting an answer out of them requires handling with kid gloves, otherwise you get ignored or if a technical query, you get someone with a serious lack of understanding the theory behind technical/customer support - YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO HELP THE CUSTOMER, NOT ABUSE THEM!

    3. 'Not negotiable, no refund, not our problem' policy of FC. FC work on a business model which puts the customer last, if at all.

    4. Fire fighting when it comes to patches/bugs or other similar issues, lack of coherent approach dealing with these technical issues (anyone still having sync issues with burst, AS or FS, for instance?)

    5. Leaving technical problems to be dealt with by the BB community

    6. Did FC really shut down for the Norwegian holidays the other week? If so, how does this equate to providing a service?

    7. Working on an expansion while the current game world is still bugged to hell

    8. Squandered potentially excellent parts of the game = ranged weapon trade items, why can't we upgrade or build guns in the same manner as implants!?

    9. 9 out of 10 ARK's who follow FC law without taking onboard or who are incapable/indifferent to our problems. The other one is usually an excellent, helpful person. Now why can't FC EMPLOY people like this!?

    10. Andre Backen's salary - put him on a wage which accurately reflects the feelings of the customers and the quality of AO...

    11. All of the above, plus more. Funcom is focused on Funcom, not the customer. All evidence goes to support this.

    And the worse thing of all

    As long as people populate the bulletin boards, Funcom will win - it shows people still care enough in the game. The moment people stop posting to the boards, it deprives FC of the oxygen of publicity. We are our own worst offenders, and FC will continue to abuse us until we figure it out.

    Am I p i s s e d off at FC? You betcha

  10. #10
    Yea, that AS problem REALLY bisses me off. Does the same thing with nanos at times too. And with there "customer support", your right. They usually don't help because of there bull**** "no refund, its all your fault" ploicy. And yes, they should put the expansion on hold for a bit and fix this game first.
    Rookie James Metallica86 Hetfield: Level 193 - Agent (Grandmaster Assasin) (Now with Map Upgrade - Side!!!).
    Misterquick: Level 47 fiXXXer - 0% effective $150 mil. twink - Applicant of Obsidian Order

    Sell me your QL220 clusters!

    Metallica86 - Now building your ql 200 implants.

    Proud owner of Anarchy Online: The Notum Wars... WAIT A SEC! Nothing is different!

  11. #11


    What a nice dearing thread.
    Wonder if it will be move like our troll thread was?
    Troll Commando, doing the dirty work that need to be done.

  12. #12
    Hey everyone! I just played the demo for Neocron and this game rocks! If you havn't played it get the demo. Hopefully this will do better at release than AO did.

  13. #13
    Really? I was interested in Neocron, but I have a friend who's in the Beta and he says it sucks.

    Maybe he's an idiot. He did major in Physical Education.

  14. #14
    Neocron is PvP-based. You can play carebear, but with penalties. If you're into PvP it's probably worth checking out, but only if that sort of thing floats your boat.

    Anyone know of any non-PvP sci-fi games on the horizon?
    Rogoff AKA Mr. Brumble - 59 Omni Bureaucrat (RK2)
    Goodz 55 Fixer, (RK2)
    Goodzz 25 MP - Afrolicious, freaky and habit-forming

    Mercinax: "/me casts afro containment field on Goodzz"

  15. #15
    Come on, where not here to talk about other games. Try to ... Stick to posting what you think needs improvment or just what you straight out hate about this game/company.
    Rookie James Metallica86 Hetfield: Level 193 - Agent (Grandmaster Assasin) (Now with Map Upgrade - Side!!!).
    Misterquick: Level 47 fiXXXer - 0% effective $150 mil. twink - Applicant of Obsidian Order

    Sell me your QL220 clusters!

    Metallica86 - Now building your ql 200 implants.

    Proud owner of Anarchy Online: The Notum Wars... WAIT A SEC! Nothing is different!

  16. #16
    Whats the point in sticking to it? I read a post in here the other day that says funcom doesn't read these forums, so whats the point? Why whine and complain about things when no one hears your cries? If you don't like the game don't play it! As for me I have yet to find anything much better to play at the moment until SWG comes out.

  17. #17
    Yes, and when SWG does come out, you're gonna find out the joys of dealing with Verant as opposed to Funcom.

    SWG_GM tells you: "No, Mdssreitfddlertlfsr, you cannot have that name because Mdssreitfddlertlfsr is a real word composed of the Ancient Tokharian word for pretzel mixed in with Middle High Martian slang and a touch of mediaevil Lithuanian. I'm changing your name to Jibobn."

  18. #18
    I've been playing Neocron Beta 4 and it *blows*.

    One of the things that AO did right was to let you grab your newb levels quickly and not have to spend hours fighting rats and snakes.

    Neocron is a spider mashing festival.


    (And you run like a gimp. Minor, but annoying.)
    Kenlon- Combat Medic, RK1
    "This! Is! My! Boomstick!" Gear.

    Creaky old vet, back for another go-round.

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