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Thread: Trade Skill Co-Operative

  1. #1

    Trade Skill Co-Operative

    Co-Ops are a common thing, I don't know how others fair but I a problem with my trade skills. Now rather that complaining about the current limitations and bugs.... I've done that else where ... I am talking about problems I face in making the trade skills worth while.

    The situation I am in is that to get ready for some trade skills, install all implants wear right clothes etc etc, is quit alot of hassle for me as is changing back into combat ready mode. So making ten nano crystals takes about as long as 100.

    Also I tend to find that alot of peeps don't want to devote that much time to trade skills because of all the hassles. And when I do make all this stuff there is not sufficent demand for the crystals within my own guild and I find that advertising on the trade channels to be hit or miss with so much stuff.

    I was wondering if there are any Co-Ops out there. Not a guild but a collection of Trade Skill orientated people that work together. Or if peeps are interested in starting one?

  2. #2
    I don't know if there are any co-ops already out there, but I'd be interested in setting one up. One potential problem though - I'm on RK2.



  3. #3
    Sounds like a great idea, and with the central ICC area now, it could easily be done faction-independantly to ensure enough participation. From a role-play perspective this works also - a true merchant should be more interested in profits than politics anyway, right? Or if you see yourself as an artisan, your creation should be the primary concern

    Personally I have characters on both dimensions - clan on Rubi-1, Omni on 2 (felt less like cheating that way) although lately I've been spending most of my time on Rubi-2 since I was inactive during the IP reset and I'm still irritated that I missed it with my Rubi-1 characters which I had first and therefore needed it more.

    Lets keep this post alive and see if someone will organize such an endeavor. Since my highest chars are 60 & 48, I'm not really in a position to do it myself, but I'd be more than happy to help & spread the word if a time is set since I am online at all hours (chronic insomnia + disability = very random playtimes)

  4. #4


    I take some pride in the IP I've invested in my tradeskills. I feel a bit more selfless that, as a lvl99 Engi (God, the 100 is gettin close), I can create things that other people can use (albeit, not as much as I one day hope to create, due to broken weapon kits). I have never been interested in being able to cast the most uber bot, or kill the strongest of mobs. I am happy to take the backseat in my guild knowing that other members come to me first when they need a rare crystal made or a monster part converted. That is the role I like in this role-playing game.

    With that said, I would love to have a Co-Op of Traders, Engi, or whatever profession decides to endeavour into Tradeskills. I'm not going to leave my guild at this point (which is definetly NOT a "Tradeskill" guild). Being right at the 100 level, I feel I'm doing pretty good that I can build QL105ish crystals (with a few buffs) and still cast a decent bot. I do wonder what the lvl150-200 Engis are capable of with tradeskills. Have they long given up the idea of putting IP in those skills, or are there any that can make the QL212 crystals?

    Anyway, maybe, just maybe there will be enough interest to propel this idea and provide a valuable service Rubi-Ka wide. I've actually started working on a script (ex. Helpbot, Auctionbot style) that will allow for inquiry into what Instruction Discs I currently have avaible, and maybe even general quotes on different services. I dont know if that will actually pan out, but its a start.

    I would be happy to spearhead this idea, so reply here or send me a /tell Cophichius in game (by the way, I'm Omni, but agree with the idea of ICC being a perfect place to carry out business).

  5. #5
    It's good to see that peeps are interested...

    I am in a similar situation at being only level 85 and not really interested in leveling fast (got 32days /played on the char )

    I am an NT and have specialised in Nano programming, up to about 613 self buffed.

    I too have written a script to help in my endevours and if any of you want to try it then send a tell to tribunalbot almost always online.

    The shoppy bit is the command

    /tell tribunalbot nanosearch (lowQL)-(highQL) (search phrase)

    will return the first ten matches from the database.

    I agree that ICC is an ideal location and personally I am happy to deal with neurtals and clanners both as members of a co-op and as customers.

  6. #6
    I like the idea a lot. I'm looking into it and you should hopefully see an Omni-Tek Co-op in the next few days.

  7. #7
    I hope you know I'm in Ona.

    For those who do not know me, I'm a lvl 92 engi, and have pumped a fair bit of IP into tradeskills and I will be devoting the next 8 levels to primarily tradeskills. I can convert carbon rich rocks into crystals up to around lvl 90 without special implants so give me a tell any time if needed. I also fix jewelry up to about level 100 without special implants.

    Like others I hate having to get out my tradeskill implants to make 2 gizmos and have to run around looking for docs/agents and what not, to put my "battle" implants and armor back on again.

    ICC sounds like the perfect place to set up shop, and with people from multiple guilds/factions our clientel should be fair when we get going.

  8. #8

    Thumbs up Hi

    Sounds like a good idea, i would like to be a part of it

    My tradeskill as NT is NP have 1k+ whit the mp buff


  9. #9
    Yes, this is an awesome Idea, I will definitely join anything set up like this, Im a 103 engineer currently, and have maxed all tradeskills including tutoring, with the exception of psychology (dark blue and useless) and pharma tek(because I really dont run across monster parts all that often) I have absolutely no attack power beyond that of my bot, so this idea sounds great to me... maybe we should set up a time to meet?
    Level 220 16 Philip "Phil" Proteus, Engineer Equipment

  10. #10

    join the co-op

    I would love to join into this. I am lvl 175 trader. I have all my trade skills maxed (except Pharma tech which is 500 but will soon be maxed).

    I can make nanos up to ql181 with buffs only or 220 with implants, can make weapon recepticles (have to get a small B&E buff cause I am 7 points short), can overtune tank armor, make coffee makers, could make armor if I had the PPPE tool, and can make treatment libraries with a small B&E buff.
    If at first you dont' succeed, reload.

    If it moves, shoot it. If it doesn't move, loot it.

  11. #11
    I would be interested in this, I made a engi from the start because I wanted to make items.

    I am level 154 and max trade skills every level, also with the 1k token board I have the extra 210+ to NP and comp lit.

    I guess this would be more of a way to get buffs or somebody with slightly higher skills when needed.

    I have had a few times when making disks that I have found myself 10 points short, and had to spend a hour+ just looking for a trader that would buff me.


  12. #12
    Any room for a novice clan trader in this?

    I've made a trader for doing items. (OK, NT is not the most damage dealing profession, but I wanted to do something else than just killing things.) My trader is currently lvl 29 (hopefully early 30ies by the end of tonight), but if I'm allowed to hang out with higher level trade-skillers, it would be great! I'd love to learn how to do things appart from rings and monster parts. And I find that learning from other players is better than just reading a manual. (I do read manuals! That's how I figured out how to make rings.)

    RK1 clan trader
    Kirikiri - Trader
    General, Depot Division
    Ancarim Iron Legion
    Gattolina - NT
    Ancarim Iron Legion

  13. #13
    My trader Jakeaway has 800 in ME and EE. Currently title level capped til 150, i am happy to help out in any processes u need assistance with

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