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Thread: I dont understand why...

  1. #1

    Question I dont understand why...

    We're not able to kill the Omnies comming to Tir... To me it would make sense that factions should be able to attack Clanners / Omnies comming in they're citys. All we can do right now is watch a group kill the guards while all the newbs are standing there watching and trying to attack (wich makes sense).

    Theres not enought pvp in this game... People are chilling in the arena for hours doing nothing but wait for something to happen. Arena should'nt be a place to get easy titles from same faction *duh*. I know its been said many times, but we should only get pvp points from killing someone from the other side, and we should also get XP from killing them at the same time heh. I think that would bring more people to actually enjoy pvp. I dont understand why we get tokens for *helping* your side of the conflict by doing missions, and we dont get tokens or anything else being a hardcore pvp'er that killed many omnies and helping out the faction. It would be nice to make a second type of token system that would give different bonnuses!


    thx for reading!!

  2. #2
    hmmm........I don't understand why Neutrals aren't allowed to assist the NLC guards, either. Touche! hehe

    (no, this is not a flame )

    /me waves to DrZ
    Last edited by Nealandbob; Aug 30th, 2002 at 16:14:29.
    Nealandbob Headbasher Burninsword-RK1
    Deathfyst Tonofbricks -RK2
    Tonofbricks Nealandbob -RK Test embracing my inner Brat
    Finally back from Iraq
    Enforcers ONLY vote here!
    WoW-Pahani, Skywall/Horde and Barthilas/Horde
    "A good Enforcer dies a lot"-Deng
    "FC didn't create Enforcers, Deng did" -Tza

  3. #3
    I don't agree with the faction entering a city rule. Guards do attack those players, which is their job. It’s not the citizen’s job to police his or her own cities. Going through Tir is the quickest way to get to a lot of spots of interest, while going through Ent is the quickest way to get to SoM. Right now a player only risks being killed by a guard while trying to quickly get somewhere. Taking away this access by making all cities 25% zones would create an imbalance in the game. It would make city raids so much more fun, but cities are already lagged down enough, and opening them up to PvP like that would be opening them up to even more zone crashes.

    I do agree that citizens should be able to protect their guards though. As soon as someone attacks a guard (not the other way around) they should be open to attack by anyone and everyone. Being able to protect guards would add a nice element to the game. If I see an Omni attacking an Omni guard, I should be able to attack and kill that unlawful and rebellious Omni employee. I recently saw a high-level clanner killing guard after guard in Rome Blue, and I wanted so much to be able to attack him. :/ It sucks to just have to watch your guards die one-by-one because a level 200 player is killing green guards out of boredum.

  4. #4
    Originally posted by Tarage
    I don't agree with the faction entering a city rule. Guards do attack those players, which is their job. It’s not the citizen’s job to police his or her own cities. Going through Tir is the quickest way to get to a lot of spots of interest, while going through Ent is the quickest way to get to SoM. Right now a player only risks being killed by a guard while trying to quickly get somewhere. Taking away this access by making all cities 25% zones would create an imbalance in the game. It would make city raids so much more fun, but cities are already lagged down enough, and opening them up to PvP like that would be opening them up to even more zone crashes.

    I do agree that citizens should be able to protect their guards though. As soon as someone attacks a guard (not the other way around) they should be open to attack by anyone and everyone. Being able to protect guards would add a nice element to the game. If I see an Omni attacking an Omni guard, I should be able to attack and kill that unlawful and rebellious Omni employee. I recently saw a high-level clanner killing guard after guard in Rome Blue, and I wanted so much to be able to attack him. :/ It sucks to just have to watch your guards die one-by-one because a level 200 player is killing green guards out of boredum.
    Yup, exactly. Just think how Neuts feel........those poor NLC guards spend more time on their backs than standing up LOL
    Nealandbob Headbasher Burninsword-RK1
    Deathfyst Tonofbricks -RK2
    Tonofbricks Nealandbob -RK Test embracing my inner Brat
    Finally back from Iraq
    Enforcers ONLY vote here!
    WoW-Pahani, Skywall/Horde and Barthilas/Horde
    "A good Enforcer dies a lot"-Deng
    "FC didn't create Enforcers, Deng did" -Tza

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