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Thread: A few Ideas to improve AO

  1. #1

    Lightbulb A few Ideas to improve AO

    I hi play a Fixer om RK1. I played AO back when it came out and I quit a month later. I have come back now about a month ago. The game has made really good headway and is actully fun to play now. There are however a few little things that I would like to see change for the better.

    1. Rare items like Grid Armor are so hyper inflated that they are not obtainable by any players without a high level main willing to pay 100s of Millions of credits. Groups wont give them to the fixer in the group because they know the value of the item on the open market. The only way you can obtain items like this is be a. Super lucky, b. play 24/7, c. have a nice guild or group of friends who look out for you.

    FIX: Make the item no drop so people are willing to share with each other or Make it a quest item like the fixer grid nano, other then the bot camping, thats a great and fun quest or make it not so rare.

    2. I hate the chat system so much. It is very clumsy and hard to choose what channel you want to speak on. I have always hated having to open the windows on the side of the screen that eventuly get to long and scroll off the bottom of my screen.

    FIX: How about chat windows. It would be nice to have sperate windows for shopping, guilds, friend and so on. It would also be nice to be able to move them around the screen as needed. A pop up MSN style messnger would be really great for messages between players.

    3. I know this may not be popular among people who have the needed skills but.... I hate when I spend hours online looking for a player to assemble my Mausser Chem streamer or give me a Wrangle

    FIX: How about NPCs who can do this for us. Make it cost money and be cheaper to use the service of another player but be there none the less.

    4. I hate how you cat move the little windows around on the side of the screen. I wish I could move them seperate where ever I wanted them.

    FIX: Just let us move them around

    5. Why can't we size bank and inventory windows?

    FIX: Let us sise those darn windows!!

    Well thats all I can think of for now. The game is doing great and I look forwrd to playing more when I get off work today.

  2. #2

    Re: A few Ideas to improve AO

    Originally posted by Reevja
    I hi play a Fixer om RK1. I played AO back when it came out and I quit a month later. I have come back now about a month ago. The game has made really good headway and is actully fun to play now. There are however a few little things that I would like to see change for the better.

    1. Rare items like Grid Armor are so hyper inflated that they are not obtainable by any players without a high level main willing to pay 100s of Millions of credits. Groups wont give them to the fixer in the group because they know the value of the item on the open market. The only way you can obtain items like this is be a. Super lucky, b. play 24/7, c. have a nice guild or group of friends who look out for you.

    FIX: Make the item no drop so people are willing to share with each other or Make it a quest item like the fixer grid nano, other then the bot camping, thats a great and fun quest or make it not so rare.
    No drop would make it impossible to aquire unless you are there when it drops. However I think questing for the item would be a terrific idea as long as the one who spawns the mission only gives one to a player and never vanishes.

    2. I hate the chat system so much. It is very clumsy and hard to choose what channel you want to speak on. I have always hated having to open the windows on the side of the screen that eventuly get to long and scroll off the bottom of my screen.

    FIX: How about chat windows. It would be nice to have sperate windows for shopping, guilds, friend and so on. It would also be nice to be able to move them around the screen as needed. A pop up MSN style messnger would be really great for messages between players.
    Chat sucks although windows upon windows of chat would totally clutter up the screen. I suggest you begin thinking about using temp chat groups (doubleclick on the characters name you want to invite to it) and there are already diffrent channels for shopping, YOUR guild, ooc, and team searching. Those open in a diffrent setting not in the friends list of names.

    3. I know this may not be popular among people who have the needed skills but.... I hate when I spend hours online looking for a player to assemble my Mausser Chem streamer or give me a Wrangle

    FIX: How about NPCs who can do this for us. Make it cost money and be cheaper to use the service of another player but be there none the less.
    This makes perfect sense... How would they set up the charges?
    Wouldn't this be an "assembly" shop in theory? Place items A and B in shop. Result would be item C put together at a cost of
    C - (A + B)??

    4. I hate how you cat move the little windows around on the side of the screen. I wish I could move them seperate where ever I wanted them.

    FIX: Just let us move them around
    Makes sense but would be insane to program. Remember these moveable adjustable windows would need a complete setting revamp requring everything saved from where it is, to it's size, what is listed. ETC.

    5. Why can't we size bank and inventory windows?

    FIX: Let us sise those darn windows!!
    Bank is a fixed size, as are backpacks. They have a set limit of how many boxes exist. Change this and you could mess up the entire backpack view and place things in slots that don't exist.

  3. #3
    Grid armour isnt a compulsory item, its more of a bonus item for the fixer so maybe its ok as it is just been for players who have already put a lot of work in to raise the cash for it a few months back. But im not a fixer and if i were i would probabaly really want the stuff. Then again if you made it easier to get then another one of the high level past times will have gone (spending weeks at the claw camp in pleasent meadows)

  4. #4
    as said before, the control pannels and openable windows are client-hosted (to my knowledge). You should easily notice this during login or while lagging. You can even download a new color for them.
    I don't trust Funcom to change it, and most of the windows are fine as-is.

  5. #5
    It's not much of a help, but an easy fix for some of your chat channel woes would be to macro the channel selections.

    On Panel 1, i have vicinicty qued to key 5, OOC set to key 6 and team (for when I am in one) set to key 8. That, combined with /reply and clicking names, allows me to rarely have to open my friends windown and scroll.

    Just a thought.

    btw- the syntax of the command is (for example) "/macro Vin /channel vicinity".

  6. #6
    Well I think the chat system seriously sucks. I cant tell you how many times I get tells with MT or see MT on the major chat channels.

    If I was doing the chat system I would put right under the main chat box nice large buttons which are easy to push and nice and bright to change and show which channel you were currently in. I also would make it so you can hit the "r" key and that would automatically open the chat box in and type "/reply" I would also do the exact same thing with the tell comand and have "t" pull up the box and type "/tell"

    There is much that could be done to enhance the poor chat system and I hope they get working on it and start fixing it in the next couple of patches.
    Fear is the Mind Killer.
    You wasted life, why wouldn't you waste death?

  7. #7
    aking GA nodrop would kill all drops in the form of an ID, and very few if any Fixers I know can make disks for themselves.
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