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Thread: Little things..

  1. #1

    Little things..

    Can we have say 25 items in our apartments????

    Can the furniture store sell beds, chairs, sofas, couches, etc..????

    Can we paint our yalms? Please??

    Can we wear our social clothing over our armor?? Carbonum looks like ummm...*expletive* *expletive*.

    Can we drop the supression gas in NLC to 75%? The guards outside have taken enough beatings already. Time for the guards inside to have some.

    Can we have a new mob to kill? Call him Uber Leet Rollerrat. Make there be one per zone. Make him powerful. Make him strong. Make them drop "Essence Of Rollerrat" (item which can be used to turn themselves into a Rollerrat (+500 runspeed +10aggdef)).

    Can we have more than 3 different kinds of sunglasses?

    Can we have makeup?

    Can we have more than 3 different color dresses?

    Can you let us make our own clothes? You know...with a pattern, some cloth, some thread, and a needle? Combine thread with needle. Combine pattern with cloth. Combine result with result and you get new clothes!!

    Can we kill leets charmed by adventurers?

    Can we have an emote called /fart (and a fart1.wav, fart2.wav, fart3.wav, and fart4.wav) which plays a random fart noise for those close enough to hear it?

    Instead of having one big arena, can we have 10 little arenas?

    Can you make coffee have a positive effect on your NanoC Init???
    .: Naraya :.

  2. #2
    ....and oh yeah..

    Can we have...CASINOS!!!!?????

    Casinos could potentially be the missing money sink....that sickening form of entertainment that Omn-1 Entertainment needs before they change the name of the playfield to Omni-1 Trade Section 2...
    .: Naraya :.

  3. #3
    Free bump!
    Katelin "Missmaul" Locknane -Sloooowly climbing her way out of the dank pits of gimpness. But stil crazy. Ya know...just in case you cared.

  4. #4

    Thumbs up

    A bump.

    And a "no" to the NLC being 75%.
    There's enough lag already in NLC, letting people fight the guards there would be near to unbearable. I remember when NLC was 75% and the bank was close to the Western exit, those guards would go down *a lot*. And lag was unbearable.

  5. #5


    Can we paint our yalms? Please??

    I want mine bright Neon colors like Green red pink or even a black yalm, or logos like...

    "I break to shoot leets"
    "Looks like its time to break open a can of Whompa"

  6. #6
    I want audio emotes, too (like your "fart" one).

    I wish I made a little "hmm?" noise in game when I scratch my head, for instance. Nothing language-specific.

  7. #7

    Re: Little things..

    Originally posted by Naraya
    Can we have say 25 items in our apartments????

    Can the furniture store sell beds, chairs, sofas, couches, etc..????
    Unfortunately, if we place it ourselves, we can walk right through it. I'm all for set templates though...

    Can we paint our yalms? Please??
    I wanna red and black yalm...Maybe they could just give us the texture and let us do whatever we wanted with it...I know there'd be problems, but hey- a yalm flies by so fast you won't be looking at it very long anyway...

    Can we wear our social clothing over our armor?? Carbonum looks like ummm...*expletive* *expletive*.
    I want a social tab...

    Can we drop the supression gas in NLC to 75%? The guards outside have taken enough beatings already. Time for the guards inside to have some.

    Can we have a new mob to kill? Call him Uber Leet Rollerrat. Make there be one per zone. Make him powerful. Make him strong. Make them drop "Essence Of Rollerrat" (item which can be used to turn themselves into a Rollerrat (+500 runspeed +10aggdef)).

    Can we have more than 3 different kinds of sunglasses?
    THREE?! What's the third?! I thought there were only Katara and Keelaar...but yeah, I want more.

    Can we have makeup?
    Hmm...dunno how it would work

    Can we have more than 3 different color dresses?
    Yes please, I want a blue dress, and a yellow one, and a green one, and a purple one...

    Can you let us make our own clothes? You know...with a pattern, some cloth, some thread, and a needle? Combine thread with needle. Combine pattern with cloth. Combine result with result and you get new clothes!!
    I would suggest:

    (Color) Clothing Dye
    Cotton cloth/Rubber/Nylon/ect.
    Shirt pattern/sleeves pattern/pants pattern/boots pattern/hood pattern with plain/dragon/gradient/stars/ect. print

    I imagine this would just make regular colored clothing, unless there was a special print on the pattern. (See above)

    Can we kill leets charmed by adventurers?

    Can we have an emote called /fart (and a fart1.wav, fart2.wav, fart3.wav, and fart4.wav) which plays a random fart noise for those close enough to hear it?
    Yes, but LET US DISABLE IT!

    Instead of having one big arena, can we have 10 little arenas?
    Yes please, I'm sick of being ganked

    Can you make coffee have a positive effect on your NanoC Init???
    Add Melee init too. Do this, as well as add bonuses to alchohol, soda, ect....
    Katelin "Missmaul" Locknane -Sloooowly climbing her way out of the dank pits of gimpness. But stil crazy. Ya know...just in case you cared.

  8. #8
    Why am I bumping shouldn't need a bump... o_o
    Katelin "Missmaul" Locknane -Sloooowly climbing her way out of the dank pits of gimpness. But stil crazy. Ya know...just in case you cared.

  9. #9
    clothes clothes clothes clothes clothes please more clothes and not any super stat enhancing uber pants and tops that I have to do crazy stuff for. Just ordinary clothes to cover or slightly cover my body. Didn't I read that there was someone whos only job was to design clothes. What has she been doing all year? even your new clothes with the uber stats are just old items with new names. Please put in a pile of new clothes!

  10. #10
    The third is lucubration or however you spell it..which looks like keelar's as I recall. There are also some items in the 14.2 and 14.5 databases that look like new sunglasses, but who knows if they will drop ever.
    General Hershel "Kasimir" Jurik

    President of Division 9 R.S.G.E


    Braumiester of the Pagan Bartenders, wielder of dual SSo8s

    Stealer of hearts, creds, and anything not nailed down!

  11. #11

    Re: Little things..

    Originally posted by Naraya
    Can we paint our yalms? Please??
    Can we have makeup?
    Can you let us make our own clothes? You know...with a pattern, some cloth, some thread, and a needle? Combine thread with needle. Combine pattern with cloth. Combine result with result and you get new clothes!!
    All great ideas, in thoery, just answer 2 questions for me though.

    1) Do you want other people to be able to see your nicely painted Yalm/face/clothes?

    2)If you arswered 'yes' to the above question (I presume you did) then : Do you really think it's worth the crippling lag it would cause on an already over-stretched server system?

    Long before any ideas like this are implented Funcom _really_ need to do something with the servers, like upgrading them so they can actually handle the existing load. Sad, but true.

  12. #12

    Re: Re: Little things..

    Originally posted by Nemesi5

    All great ideas, in thoery, just answer 2 questions for me though.

    1) Do you want other people to be able to see your nicely painted Yalm/face/clothes?

    2)If you arswered 'yes' to the above question (I presume you did) then : Do you really think it's worth the crippling lag it would cause on an already over-stretched server system?

    Long before any ideas like this are implented Funcom _really_ need to do something with the servers, like upgrading them so they can actually handle the existing load. Sad, but true.
    Actually, that's only laggy cause FC's dumb. No I said it this time..lemme give you an example.

    Metaplast armor
    Chilled Plasteel Armor
    Heated Plasteel Armor
    Carbonum Armor
    Sekutek Armor

    What do these items have in common? That's right kids..the exact same graphics. Why are they different? Thats right, different colors. Now why is FC dumb? There are two ways FC coulda implemented the armor. The first is called palette swapping, where one graphic is crated and a color filter overlays the item giving it the desired shade. Your processor only has to draw the first one it runs across, and the rest are cached, it just slips a new color on for the different colored ones. Very simple, EQ's done it from day one (the dozen or so variants on Fine Steel armor, the cleric and paladin MKI and MK2 armors, etc etc etc...they have about 20 shades out there with the same model)The other involves making a separate model for each armor, which means your processor has to draw each one seprately, hence more lag. Guess which method FC uses?
    Last edited by Kasimir; Sep 9th, 2002 at 12:21:26.
    General Hershel "Kasimir" Jurik

    President of Division 9 R.S.G.E


    Braumiester of the Pagan Bartenders, wielder of dual SSo8s

    Stealer of hearts, creds, and anything not nailed down!

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