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Thread: Arena overreaction

  1. #1

    Arena overreaction

    Chilling out in the arena just goofing off. Letting guys pop my GA to see if they can hit me with specials or normals... letting people test roots on me.. testing roots on them.. the usual stuff.

    So occasionally while we're all goofing around and nobody is in a duel I let an area root go and watch all of the people crawl around.

    I did this last night and this guy totally flips his lid and starts shooting at me. OK I can understand you thought I was ganking you and you freaked. But jeez after a couple of minutes and I am not doing anything to you when do you realize you should stop attacking? When I yell "stop"? When I sit on the ground and say "stop"? When I say "I am not shooting you.. stop"?

    I mean take a chill buddy. Its only a stupid game.
    The guy got me down to like 25% before I realized he wasn't going to stop at all so I had to zone. I sent him a bunch of tells asking wtf and no response. So I promptly made my return buffed and spanked his ass.

    His only saving grace was that while he was just about to be finished all of my damage lagged up and he was allowed to zone. I only know this because again while goofing around in the arena I drumbrolled someone and he ended up getting almost 4k of damage that should have killed my previous opponent.

    Jeez chill out. If I am going to fight you in the arena I will ask you.

  2. #2
    So when did FC add the /spank emote? :O

    Fear is the Mind Killer.
    You wasted life, why wouldn't you waste death?

  3. #3
    Maybe he was ganked a lot as a kid?
    Cudus :: eqp

    PvP....It's not just a job, it's an adventure!

  4. #4


    Nova, my pal, whats up. Welcome back to Damage Inc. Give my regards to all the fellas. Take care bro, and congrats to Meyaggi on his new leadership of DI.

  5. #5
    woot Trad!
    Can't wait to see you bud

  6. #6
    If you area slowed me "just for fun", I too would have you eating bullets.

    You wanna toy with folks, fine. Just don't cry when they toy back.

  7. #7
    Yeah because its so threatening to be rooted. oooh you have to use a 1h blunt debuff on yourself.. oh boy... I'm ganked!!

  8. #8
    Originally posted by Novalia
    Yeah because its so threatening to be rooted. oooh you have to use a 1h blunt debuff on yourself.. oh boy... I'm ganked!!
    Hitting someone with a hostile nano = attack.. You attacked and someone returned fire..

  9. #9
    Ya he attacked and I did not. Stuff like that happens all the time in the Arena. Someone always lets off a burst on me and then it stops. And vice versa. We are clan and we are practicing and testing for when we meet the opposition in a battle. Happens EVERY time I go in Arena.

    But it goes too far when you are shooting someone and the other guy doesn't shoot at you for a solid minute or two. And even sits down to show non aggression. And is saying to you stop I am goofing around. Then it is an overreaction. And a way to get a cheap and easy kill.

    If that is how some of you play then you are prone to overreactions. A root lasts not very long. It wasn't like I ganked him and was continually shooting at him.

    Some of you want to play like asses like this then that's fine. You won't be killing me like that I will tell you that much. And I won't be scared to throw out an area root because you like to be big and bad. What is it some strange macho thing? Or are you nervous about being ganked by a fellow clanner?

    Well I don't gank so when you see "You have been attacked by Novalia" and we haven't agreed to fight then just relax I am goofing around. You can shoot back if you want but realize I won't shoot back at you for more than a warning shot. And if you try to kill me for that then I will zone and then rebuff and then we can take it outside if that is how you choose to behave.

    You may kill me or you may not. But if you're going to be a tough guy then at least do it to someone that is fighting back.

  10. #10
    Hehe I love playing around at the arena, but alot of people take it too serious... Seems like you rooting him was enough excuse for him to attack you (Some people get riled up easy)
    If you can't beat them, Hit them in the face with a wrench


  11. #11
    I'm with Novalia on this one. I like to play around in the arena too, maybe throw area blind. It's all just for fun, but sometimes there's just these guys that don't get it, and continue to shoot even though u r not fighting back at all. So sad...
    200 · Nano-Technician


    - Every level a player gets past 150, they will be punished with less and less people they can kill
    - Make pure PvP server. 25% suppression in major cities, 5% everywhere else. And no level restrictions.
    One of my ALL Time Favorite websites when I feel down (It's beyond hilarious!)
    ..::Computer games don't affect kids; I mean if Pac-man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music::..
    (Disclaimer: My actions, views and comments on these boards in no way reflect my ingame personality)

  12. #12
    Well when you on arena be ready to get attacked .

    I remeber when i was goofing around and debuffed two guys who took it seriously and killed me tok them a while and i didnt attack back and asked them to stop. But well was my foult. Novalia some people dont understand jokes and so on... be careful next time
    Last edited by Julia; Sep 10th, 2002 at 23:22:03.
    Two sisters practicing medicine on Rubika and Shadowlands Pomy and Julka.

    As a doctor i would prescribe you to use some common sense and a vacation to Real Life"

    If i ever start a new character in Eve i will choose a name something like "aieerjjnnvajjnasdio11e3".

  13. #13
    If you make a hostile action towards someone, they can be hostile back if they want to. And you don't really have any grounds for *****ing about it.

  14. #14
    Originally posted by Julia
    Well when you on arena be ready to get attacked .

    I remeber when i was goofing around and debuffed two guys who took it seriously and killed me tok them a while and i didnt attack back and asked them to stop. But well was my foult. Novalia some people dont understand jokes and so on... be careful next time
    I doubt being hit by a 2 min init debuff is something people will see as a joke.

  15. #15
    Hey Nov who are these people? I will glady attack them messing around. Arena battles are stupid anyway. Everyone runs for cover and zone away.

    They need to fix it so that once you enter any arena you can't zone into any back yard for 10 mins.

  16. #16
    I feel so bad for mongoing enforcers, something must be done about that.

    last time i was in the arena i hit '1' on accident like 4 times while trying to type through lag, it happens.

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