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Thread: Tables turned on whiners, k thx

  1. #1

    Tables turned on whiners, k thx

    Alright, I come on the boards looking for constructive posts and here I keep seeing whiners who obviously know nothing about what it takes to create and patch a game.

    I'll admit FC doesn't do the best job *cough* :/
    But I want you whiny little 13 year olds to try to make a MMORPG then patch it monthly/bimonthly and get it all right the first damned time.

    FC may be suxxor, but give credit where credit is due. They delayed the patch because they could admit the messed up and want to fix it so we don't flip on them.

    Are any of you whiners big enough to admit your mistakes, which come in mass amounts? I don't think so.

    Sry if this a bit hot to the touch, but some things have to be said.

    K? Thx.
    Pfft, the GMs and ARKs aren't rid of me yet! Back for a third round, in this corner, we have Vamp. Weighing in at a buck-fiddy and lovin' all the bitties.

    Donations to the "Why Did Vamp Give All His Gearz Away" fund are now being accepted. Either that, or a friendly hello.

  2. #2


    Rubber "Zhoknerfer" Critducky - Gear & Perks - Level 210 :: 11 - Opifex Martial Artist Guru
    Rubber "Xephydes" Ducky - Level 214 :: 2 - Nanomage Meta-Physicist Deity - Clan Meta-Physicist since February 19th, 2002
    Rubber "Premortem" Stabducky - TL5 :: 7 Opifex Shade

    On extended leave... Awaiting Lost Eden I guess

    Arcane Circle

    WoW: Premortem, Night Elf Rogue, Draenor EU Server

  3. #3
    OK, Ill take the role of the 13 year old whiner even if I am over 30.

    Other MMORPG companies have been and are doing it right now (AC1) and the same companie will continue to do it(AC2). And all this on a monthly basis.

    You see, everything is not going according to FC s plan.

    At first they released story patches with videos at a rate of 2 per month and now, its hard to get one patch a month, never mind the story, almost 3 months on last patch. To me, it seems like they are under staff and do not know how to handle and plan things.

    And other then a few trinkets, there is nothing new in this patch.

  4. #4
    Funcom is steadily improving the game but they are working on their timetable with their priorities rather than many of our priorities. All in all they are doing a fantastic job even if they haven't taken care of my minor gripes and complaints.

    Kudos to Funcom.
    Fear is the Mind Killer.
    You wasted life, why wouldn't you waste death?

  5. #5
    I have doen a bit of programming myself, nothing on the scale of this thing but I cna fully understand that new bugs introduced can be found at a late point in time. I would rather see it fixed then go live . I also want to apologize to funcom for not flaming you as usual in this post, maybe next time around

    Formerly Yesiamstoned
    148nt rk2

  6. #6


    Vamp, I do agree that trying to get it right the very first time would be difficult, but by the time they say they are ready to release to main servers, they had the chance to try several times. That is what the damn test server is all about. The chance to do it more then once before bringing it live. I think my main complaint would be the fact that they don't seem to listen very well at all to people on the test server.
    And before you ask if I have even been on the test server, yes I have. I have tried on and off several times and the main problem I see with test server is the lack of other players there. I mean, I play a multi-player on line game to interact and team and play around with other people, but on test server, the main way to lvl without ARK intervention is to solo. Perhaps what Funcom might consider to get more people on the test server so patches can be better tested is to try to implement some sort of monthly fee discount if a person plays so many hours in a month on test server (I know this would have major problems since a person can just log a character on and then go to bed).
    If at first you dont' succeed, reload.

    If it moves, shoot it. If it doesn't move, loot it.

  7. #7
    Too many threads on this now. I made an 'official' one to keep it in one place and not drown other posts out.

    Closing this one.

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