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Thread: I was in the best team today :)

  1. #1

    I was in the best team today :)

    It was great, a team of 6 people all in the same level range. A doc, an enforcer (me), an ma, soldier, eng, and nt. We rocked I say, everyone knew what to do, nobody died in 2 hits before I could reaggro the mobs, nobody ran all over aggro'ing adds, nobody opened chests during fights releasing rats. We all attacked the same target allowing the NT to calm the few adds we drew. We all gained multiple levels .

    Made me remember what it's like teaming with high levels again, lvl 92 and I've had my first team of non nubes. We handled 2 100% difficulty missions, challenging and fun they were. No little 75% mission with people dying for no reason, people wandering all over, people wondering why they're doing crap damage when they have ql 100 weapons equiped at lvl 90. People who've never hunted outdoors, or done any solo'ing and are consequently poor as dirt with crappy equipment.

    Too bad all teams can't be like this , tho I have high hopes that now that I'm almost 100 I'll be able to find more like it.
    Sredniaka Sherrmanaka Posthasteaka Thanatopsysaka Vashtareliusaka Nnerroaka Alexxander

    "Quidquid latine dictum, sit altum viditur"

    Sredni Vashtar went forth,
    His thoughts were red thoughts and his teeth were white.
    His enemies called for peace, but he brought them death.
    Sredni Vashtar the Beautiful.
    by HH Munro

  2. #2
    Nice when it works isn't it

    Trick is to try and form regular teams with the same ppl
    Kissysuzuki 220 - 24 - 60/70
    Minisuzuki 205 - 9 - 13/70
    Riders of the Lost Org

    "Enforcers are being nibbled to death"

  3. #3


    Indeed. I got almost 4 levels on Sunday with a full team (with the lowest member just able to team with our highest) - had a crat, a trader, a meta, an enf, an agent and an MA. Nice combos Crat was able to use a good Ninja Bot and we kept a Atrox Vet Enf MOB in tow...

    I know them, and have teamed with most of them before, so we generally know how we work, what our tactics are etc. Saves a lot of time and hassle.
    "Do not try and catch the hamster... that's impossible. Instead only try to realize the truth... There is no hamster, only a deadbeat rollerat..."

    [Social] Means: I don't think we removed any bosses because of bad pathing...there wouldnt be any left if we did :P

    AO Character Skill Emulator and Character Parser and AO Implant Layout Helper

  4. #4
    On Sunday I had a similar group and we did 100% missions as well where I got 5 levels (lvl 100 to 105). It was simply amazing and I thought finally now that I am over 100 teaming will be awesome..

    dream on...I told myself last night.

    I waited over 3 hours at Tir Grid trying to get a team going or joining one..I never knew it was so hard to get some kind of healer.

    Finally gave up and took 2 QL 90 team missions to solo in the hopes of maybe getting a GA II ID/ luck either..

    so after 5 hours playing I got 300k exp =/
    Vampire of the Shadow Ops

  5. #5
    5 Levels?! Nerf Darxy!
    Shattered Dreams

  6. #6
    Finding and maintaining regular teammates is the key to the title lvl 4 - 5 game. Think about joining a guild maybe with a good number of players in your range maybe

    contact Jakeaway if you wanna join up into our ever expanding guild. Trader Underground welcomes all players / all levels
    clan only of course

  7. #7
    Good teams are a pain unless you know the people.

    My favorite team combo.......Enforcer(me), Doc, NT/Crat, Fixer and a couple MA's or Adv's.

    Not putting down other professions, but my favorite teams always have that combo.

    Another good team I was in....I mean we owned VET's, Real Means and some ACE's. It had and Atrox Hammer Doc, 4 MA's and Enforcer (me).

    But what scares the crap out of me is.....You get asked to be in team, and you see there are two places left and you say..."We need a doc" and they say well be fine and they pull a mish with ACE's and the only healer is an Adv 10 levels lower.

    My Current Armor Setup Nail Armor Baby!

    Stupidity Should Be Painful

    LVL 200 Clan Enforcer - General of Lost Chapter

  8. #8
    Heheh... Sherrman is already in a guild, a damn fine one. Sherr is his second char, as you'll realize if you read his sig, and his first one went pretty high.

    So, the advice is pretty entertaining to see. Just letting you guys in.
    Gunned down the young. Now old, crotchety, and back.

  9. #9
    Originally posted by Hemicuda
    Good teams are a pain unless you know the people.

    My favorite team combo.......Enforcer(me), Doc, NT/Crat, Fixer and a couple MA's or Adv's.

    Not putting down other professions, but my favorite teams always have that combo.

    Another good team I was in....I mean we owned VET's, Real Means and some ACE's. It had and Atrox Hammer Doc, 4 MA's and Enforcer (me).

    But what scares the crap out of me is.....You get asked to be in team, and you see there are two places left and you say..."We need a doc" and they say well be fine and they pull a mish with ACE's and the only healer is an Adv 10 levels lower.
    Hmm.. I depends on the level of your team. I was in one... with 2 MAs, 1 agent, 1 soldier, 1 Enf, and me the ADV. Most of us were > lvl 150.

    Bashed thru Ace and RMs (even enforcer types), regardless of adds, etc. (noticed we had no calmers?)

    MAs plus ADVs can sum up to decent healing. Plus.. the MAs are damm good tanks too. With teamwork... it wasn't hard and mobs go down so fast we hardly noticed the adds.

    (I belief the key here is.. soldier gave everybody reflects, and MAs gave every crit + evade buff. So we have... 5 tanks in the team)

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