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Thread: What I think a "Newb" is.

  1. #1

    What I think a "Newb" is.

    Ok, Getting sick of these "Stfu newb, Your a stupid newbie who knows nothing." ect.

    A "Newb" is definded as these following defs:

    1. A Person new to the game.
    2. A person who does not have alot of experience that is old/new to the game.

    You can be lvl 200 and still be a newb. You could of played from Day 1 and still be a newb. It matters on what you know as a player and AO. So all you flamers out there flaming Newbies, For as much as you know, You're a Newb!

  2. #2


    What forum is this?

  3. #3
    PvP Forum. Where the flamers go. ^^

    This forum would be the best place for this post. :P

  4. #4
    I guess flaming could be defined as "PvP" :P
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    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.- Herm Albright

  5. #5
    I agree with the thread starter, you shouldnt say "stfu newb"... But what you really should say, and what you really mean is "STFU n00b"...

    newb and n00b are 2 totally different things, or means different things. A newb is what the thread starter says, but a n00b is just a total moron.
    President of Ali Baba and the 40 thieves

    Garzu 193 Day 1 NT & Garzuperman My Fixer 4 fun since NTs are broken


  6. #6


    Noob= those who will not consider what experienced players have to say.

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