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Thread: Profession quests as I'd like to see them

  1. #1

    Question Profession quests as I'd like to see them

    When the patch notes were put up for 14.5 I got really excited like many other people because it was said there would be a "Quest for every profession".

    Then like most other people I immediately thought of the fixer quest and how kewl that quest is for fixers. So here is my suggestion:

    Take those stupid insult-to-every-profession rings away and make them a tradeskill item for jewelry makers who want to even bother with them. Engineers and Traders will love having something useful to do with those skills anyways. The rest of us get new "profession" quests that are unique (Unique = we do something different, instead of all getting a quest to do the same thing) and rewarding.

    Here are some of my ideas:
    NT: A new device (like the Hacked Nano interface for fixers) that improves their Nano-programming skill and maybe Mech Engi or something. This way NTs can be a master of Nano-programming with the help of a buff, like realistically most of us think they shoudl be.

    MP: The Angel heal pet, they've been waiting patiently like fixers did for their special grid.

    Engineers: Similar to the NT they should better at engineering (Engineers?) than Traders. Give them a device to do this.

    Adventurers: A dual-wieldable pistol, or maybe a nice spear or something. They'd like more weapon selection.

    Enforcers: Maybe a nice 2-handed edged sword for those that have been begging for it?

    Agents: A phasing device (similar to cloaking device) to improve evades and concealment. Agents just can't take enough damage and it always seemed to me that someone who is hard to find should be hard to hit....

    Fixers: Can't think of much of anything they actually need; maybe a virtual leet pet for the grid?

    Soldiers: A medal of honor or something similar. Hopefully something that ups there damage ... most of us I think picture a soldier as being able to outdamage the other classes more often than they do.

    Crats: A useful paperwork tradeskill item would be nice. How about diplomatic immunity papers? Something like a passport that makes them change side for about 30 seconds so they can get past guards. (Agents should probably be able to FP this )

    MA: Something that makes them do more damage at high levels (maybe a good MA sword or piercing weapon), even at the expense of some healing or something. In my mind a trained killer assassin like a MA should be able to outdamage a big thug like an enforcer....

    Doctor: Something to boost those Ptech & Chemistry skills and something else useful to do with it.... or maybe a better treatment buff to help with all the new high level implants.

    Traders: Access to a "Trader bazaar" or "Black Market". A special place for Traders to buy/sell like the Fixers got the fixer grid.

    Now these would get us excited about a "Profession quest". It would also help all of the professions be more like they envision themselves.
    Clan Elder of The Pilgrims

  2. #2

    Re: Profession quests as I'd like to see them

    Originally posted by Sallust
    Fixers: Can't think of much of anything they actually need; maybe a virtual leet pet for the grid?
    How about the reward upgrades your fixer-grid nanos to not require a grid terminal? 30 second cast time, accessing the fixer grid directly.

    That'd be awesome.
    Gunned down the young. Now old, crotchety, and back.

  3. #3
    Quests? The word alone is enough of a reminder of EverQuest.
    .: Naraya :.

  4. #4

    Bring us real profession quests

    That is a good one Kiryat. I think the level for using these should be dropped to level 105-160 for the professions.

    Another thing is to make it a true soloing profession quest like the fixer quest. One of the reason there is a "Fixer" quests is because fixers go off on their own to do it. Not a team of 24 and all professions doing the same thing for a quest. There are plenty of ways of doing that too. (i.e. Advents have to race down a river, engineers need to build something). Ask if you need ideas.

    and in the future don't get us excited about "profession quests" unless you really have one. Your customers don't like getting their hopes up for nothing.
    Clan Elder of The Pilgrims

  5. #5
    aaah! A phasing device for agents, yes! I wholeheartedly agree with this one, since any cloak necessarily means you have no defenses if you are detected. You can't fight, only run. A good agent quest might be to go undercover into omni.

    I also agree with an MA change, perhaps by going to a master in the desert they could learn a new technique that improves all their fighting skills and earns them a title that they could wear.

    As to other professon quests, they should be equivalent to the fixer grid quest. Relatively low level, SOLO, and with unique environment that no one else will be going to.

    Profession quests should not be something players should compete with each other for, like the Trash King quests (where everyone either wants to kill him or tag him and 80% of the rest end up waiting for him to respawn).

    Reward ideas: unique quest-only nano, unique item that buffs dark blue skills, special weapon, title and social armor (lol), access to profession-only areas (like the fixer store).

  6. #6
    Just so you know, agents can change sides temporarily. However, it takes over 100 hrs to change back at high levels. They use "Undercover Kits".

    Agent Undercover Kit - Clan
    Agent Undercover Kit - Neutral
    Agent Undercover Kit - Omni Tek

    The problem is, the higher the ql the kit, the longer we're stuck like that. Makes it kinda impractical for changing sides just to get past guards.
    Rocco "Naels" Capone
    Atrox Martial Artist, Atlantean

    Enforcer Is The Nerfest Prof <-- The dumbest thread in the entire forums!

  7. #7
    I want enforcer quests

    RK-1 Brutenater

  8. #8
    I want a kama bot heh
    Level 200 Eng

    My name was nerfed if you wish to contact me ingame please use superslang

    These are great days we're living, bros! We are jolly green giants, walking the earth with guns. These people we wasted here today are the finest human beings we will ever know. After we rotate back to the world, we're gonna miss not having anyone around that's worth shooting.

  9. #9
    You know Gofle Prods? Make something that looks like that, make it adventurer-only, and make it dual-wieldable. Oh yeah, and it's gotta be cool, because those things look AWESOME.
    Katelin "Missmaul" Locknane -Sloooowly climbing her way out of the dank pits of gimpness. But stil crazy. Ya know...just in case you cared.

  10. #10


    On the Kamakazi bots - engineers have been promised those for a long time. I personally think they should be a regular tradeskill process that can be done anytime for the disposable robot.

    Then again I should probably do a seperate post entirely for the mess which is tradeskills.

    Anyways, can we get word on the status of REAL profession quests Cz?
    Clan Elder of The Pilgrims

  11. #11
    just out of interest, anyone tried doing anything with the rings other than moan about them, as there is a rumour they are part of a bigger quest. Might be worth looking into


    Lilnymph - Clan Fixer - RK1
    lilnymph wrote on November 21st, 2003 08:01:01:
    You may take our postcount threads, but you will never take our FREEDOM!!!!!
    Originally posted by Cz
    The post count is mine! All mine! Mwahahahah!

    40.476190476190474% of me is a huge nerd! How about you?
    Style over Substance

  12. #12

    Re: Profession quests as I'd like to see them

    Originally posted by Sallust

    Enforcers: Maybe a nice 2-handed edged sword for those that have been begging for it?
    No thanks.

    Only a few enfs use 2 handed edged and I'd rather have some sort of mellee energy weapon, but then I guess a lot of enfs would moan about putting ip into energy as well as their 2hb / dual 1he
    I quested all the way to Penumbra, and I didn't even get a lousy t-shirt.

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