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Thread: why are all skinchips intel/psy reqs?

  1. #21

    Re: Waitt

    Originally posted by Reaperman
    I remember waitt too (Or if you weren't so rich - bau)

    Tried Kaelerr shades - they look quite cool , also mk 2 hood shows the whole of your face . Dragon circlet shows nothing on head .

    When you're soloing in the wild,
    usualy surviving an add with just a few HP,
    the extra HP/AC from a head piece can honesty
    be the difference between life and losing an hour of XP to an add.
    So no helmet / shades is not an option if they do nothing.

    MK2 hood is probably what I'll go with,
    but hoods make me feel like some fanatasy weeney.
    And I have this uber 'Bert' haircut that i'd like to show off.
    (hood covers all of head except face)

    Unfortunately my PC cannot handle Camelot lag,
    (I have tried many times and soon cannot move
    and die to who knows what. . and take 5 min to whitescreen
    back to reclaim. I'm not a hardcore gamer. use a voodoo3.)
    so I'll get no dragon armor unless I spend way too much.
    Besides, that stuff should really go to MAs.

  2. #22
    Originally posted by Scumbug

    Nanomages get Shades of Lucubration.
    What do Atroxes get in their head slot that you think
    overpowers them so much that we shouldbt be allowed
    some crappy piece of armor that shows our face?

    When I started playing this game,
    Waitt was by far the best armor in the game.
    Everyone, including Atrox soldiers, wore it.
    Most armor provided 0AC in most damage types.

    And this isn't about an item. It's about a graphic.
    or lack of a graphic. Understand the difference.

    I'm quite shocked at the selfish responses here.
    It's my suggestion. And it stands.
    It's what I want. It would make ME a happier player.
    And it wouldnt affect anyone/anything else one bit.

    how "selfish" are we? U wanted these 'uber' skinchips u can wear.

    but yet u call them crap.

    but yet u want to wear it.

    but yet u can't bear to wear something lower QL.

    and u whine because u want a few more ACs? u already get MORE acs than not wearing anything. nanomages just get to have a few more ACs than u in regards to this particular item because we can wear a higher QL. in regards to all other aspects, u guys will get more HP. we get jack. (like more nano = better nanomage....LOL, not quite)

    we're not posting selfishly. we're asking u to NOT post selfishly. =)
    Blue Steel(TM)

    E 86% - S 60% - A 33% - K 20%

    SL upgraded oct 10, 2003

    RK2 - Derek"Rayfield" Zoolander
    RK2 - "Umeshiso" Maki
    RK2 - Sylvester "Code187" Vallone

  3. #23
    Originally posted by Rayfield...

    how "selfish" are we? U wanted these 'uber' skinchips u can wear.

    but yet u call them crap.

    but yet u want to wear it.

    but yet u can't bear to wear something lower QL.

    I never said they were uber.
    I don't want uber.
    I dont want anything special that belongs to anyone else.
    Keep your nanoinit bonus or +nanopool or whatever.

    I just want a QL200 helmet or head-device without a graphic,
    that atrox can equip without prohibiting casting our nanos.

    That's what some of you seem to be missing the point about.
    I havent suggested any item/stats/modifiers at all.
    I am only talking graphics.

    Take my Graft helmet and turn off the graphic, and I'm happy.
    That makes no difference to anyone, except me.

  4. #24
    Originally posted by Scumbug

    I never said they were uber.
    I don't want uber.
    I dont want anything special that belongs to anyone else.
    Keep your nanoinit bonus or +nanopool or whatever.

    I just want a QL200 helmet or head-device without a graphic,
    that atrox can equip without prohibiting casting our nanos.

    That's what some of you seem to be missing the point about.
    I havent suggested any item/stats/modifiers at all.
    I am only talking graphics.

    Take my Graft helmet and turn off the graphic, and I'm happy.
    That makes no difference to anyone, except me.
    that's the thing....why must it be ql200 to RP? if u don't care about the advantages of the item itself, then what's stopping u from wearing a lower QL?
    Blue Steel(TM)

    E 86% - S 60% - A 33% - K 20%

    SL upgraded oct 10, 2003

    RK2 - Derek"Rayfield" Zoolander
    RK2 - "Umeshiso" Maki
    RK2 - Sylvester "Code187" Vallone

  5. #25
    Originally posted by Rayfield...

    that's the thing....why must it be ql200 to RP? if u don't care about the advantages of the item itself, then what's stopping u from wearing a lower QL?

    because i think i should be able to both be viable
    as well as look good. why should i have to choose?
    why should i have to be disapointed with the way i look,
    or be disapointed with my character performance?

    why can't i have both?
    because you are selfish?
    because you like to deny other people simple pleasures?

    there are many types of webcloaks, all equally viable,
    with every common combination of ability requirement.
    skinchips should offer the same variety.

    how are skinchips, and thier purpose,
    any different from webcloaks, and their purpose?

    These things were introduced to give players
    more options in character appearance. That is all.

  6. #26

    Dragon circlet

    Scumbug - That dragon circlet is only about 100 mill , I'm sure you could get it if you wanted it THAT badly

  7. #27

    Re: Dragon circlet

    Originally posted by Reaperman
    Scumbug - That dragon circlet is only about 100 mill , I'm sure you could get it if you wanted it THAT badly
    I could buy several of them then.

    That's not the point.

    Just because I could buy my way out of a bad situation
    doesnt mean I'm ready to say screw all the poor troxes who can't.

    It's also unfair to me, that I should have to pay 100mil
    (and raise martial arts) for something that anyone else
    can get for free with no additional IP expenditure.

  8. #28
    I have to raise intel and psychic for it.

    There, IP expenditure!

    Seriously. The point is that you're asking to have your cake and eat it too. Other people are pointing out that you already have cake, and the cake you want to eat is their cake, and that if you're going to have their cake, they want yours.

    It's 5 AM, I'm allowed a stupid analogy or 3.
    Gunned down the young. Now old, crotchety, and back.

  9. #29
    Originally posted by Scumbug

    why can't i have both?
    because you are selfish?
    because you like to deny other people simple pleasures?
    then by your measure... everyone should be able to use Silken Legchopper Gloves or a Beam...

    Some people probably think a beam looks really good too and a lot better than two sticks...

    There are options to use if you desire.. lower QL skinchips, no helmet, dragon ring, if you are a soldier then Poetic Stretch Band, if you are an agent then ring of the Escaped Gargantula, as a fixer you could wear a droid control device... etc... etc...

    there are options.... it all comes down as to whether you want to use them or not..

    I did get a kick out of this because of one of your prior posts:
    Originally posted by Scumbug

    look in shops . .

    str/stam options:

    - organic
    - graft
    - heated plasteel
    - chilled plasteel
    - titan
    - nomad
    - flak
    - vitos (still in shops?)
    - omni-pol recruit issue

    int/psy options:

    - crap ugly useless brown cyber junk

    .. um .. balance?

    int/psy users need new armor types introduced ingame
    and at the very least need bau/waitt put in shops

  10. #30
    so you see,
    I have, for a very long time, rallied for more variety,
    more options, for everyone. all players. all breeds.
    and fairness in availability. at the time I wrote that post,
    nano-armor was very rare and very expensive, and biomech
    did not exist yet, and bau/waiit was not sold in stores.
    the game was relatively new, noone had a hundred million credits,
    there was no clicksaver, and poor nanomages could spend all day
    on the shop channel or clicking endlessly on terminals,
    just to get a few similar QL pieces. It was unfair that they didn't
    have the options everyone else did.

    this is no different.
    Last edited by Ejeckted; Oct 11th, 2002 at 22:02:26.

  11. #31
    Originally posted by Scumbug
    so you see,
    I have, for a very long time, rallied for more variety,
    more options, for everyone. all players. all breeds.
    and fairness in availability. at the time I wrote that post,
    nano-armor was very rare and very expensive, and biomech
    did not exist yet, and bau/waiit was not sold in stores.
    the game was relatively new, noone had a hundred million credits,
    there was no clicksaver, and poor nanomages could spend all day
    on the shop channel or clicking endlessly on terminals,
    just to get a few similar QL pieces. It was unfair that they didn't
    have the options everyone else did.

    this is no different.
    actually this is about the only decent psy/intel armor ever put into the game (the skinchips from Primus camp) other than that the rest is pretty pathetic in terms of AC and relatively none that is even reasonable to get that has any mods whatsoever...

    you want to take away the only special piece of psy/intel armor they have and make a version for everyone, when there are actually alternatives... lower QL and other items.

  12. #32
    for the last time,
    there is no discussion of an item at all.
    just the absence of a graphic.
    understand that there is a difference.

    turning off a graphic is not taking an item.
    graphic != item

    and I maintain that skinchips are there for exactly
    the same reason as webcloaks, and deserve the same variety.

    that's my suggestion.
    hopefully a dev will read it.
    funcom can decide who's right here.

  13. #33
    Originally posted by Scumbug
    for the last time,
    there is no discussion of an item at all.
    just the absence of a graphic.
    understand that there is a difference.

    turning off a graphic is not taking an item.
    graphic != item

    and I maintain that skinchips are there for exactly
    the same reason as webcloaks, and deserve the same variety.

    that's my suggestion.
    hopefully a dev will read it.
    funcom can decide who's right here.
    for the "last" time...

    u want RP? atrox are dumb MF. why in the world would they know how to put in a skinchip? is that not a little too tech-y for them? should they not be wanting hard, physical armor? the whole idea if u wanting good ACs as well as showing your head is contradicting your want for RP, because u obviously can't stand wearing a lower QL. RP does not mean u win all the time. why not ask for a invisible omni-pol elite helm that gives 5000ACs? ql200 primus gives 900/450 acs, so wear somethin glower QL, losing 50 or so ACs will lose u what.....5 points of dmg per hit. omg. do u ever feel gimped now? this, my friend, is my reasons for calling u selfish. just learn to take what is there and wear a lower QL. hey, i want an INT/PSY buff just like essence, but do u see me b**ch about it. no....only MPs get the self only Odin's Eye. why do u think trox should have everything they want and and justify it calling it for RP reasons. as said above, u want good protection, get some strong material protecting your already thick atrox skull. don't think a small piece of skin chip will give u RP justification.
    Blue Steel(TM)

    E 86% - S 60% - A 33% - K 20%

    SL upgraded oct 10, 2003

    RK2 - Derek"Rayfield" Zoolander
    RK2 - "Umeshiso" Maki
    RK2 - Sylvester "Code187" Vallone

  14. #34
    So, are you saying you'd be happy if, say, the Graft armor head suddenly became invisible?
    Gunned down the young. Now old, crotchety, and back.

  15. #35
    Originally posted by Kiryat-Dharin
    So, are you saying you'd be happy if, say, the Graft armor head suddenly became invisible?

    The absence of a graphic does not an item make.

    item = stats/AC/modifiers
    graphic = texture model

    If you changed the texture on Dragon Body Armor
    and made it look like the noob omni startup shirt
    that wouldnt make it any less the same uber item.

    just like if you replaced the Graft armor helmet texture with the
    keelar sunglasses model, it wouldnt suddenly be Shades of Lucibration.


    Funcom have said their art department resources are stretched thin,
    and that they will be focusing on reusing old texture models
    instead of creating many new ones. (easier on loading too)
    I am asking them to reuse the 'no texture' / 'default face'
    tag for an armor item atrox could wear.

    if it had the same stats as my Graft armor helmet, ok.
    I'd use that over MKII any day. Because looks matter.
    But looks arent 'everything'. There has to be some balance.

    I could use a QL150 ..say.. physical protection skinchip.
    But I would have less proj/melee AC than a normal helmet
    and 0AC in everything else. That would be retarded.
    The old skinchips give better-than-a-helmet protection
    in a couple of damage types, in exchange for weakness in others.
    All items should have pros and cons like that.
    But if you can't use a QL200 .. then you lose all 'pros'
    and only have 'cons' compared to a QL200 str/stam helmet.
    So it is not a viable option.

    I never ask for uber. Just viable.

    I am not asking for something that belongs to anyone else.
    If you want to argue over who owns what graphics/textures,
    then let me remind you of something.
    I am an atrox. If my head-armor has no graphic,
    then the texture that is going to wrap around my head
    will be MY face; the face I chose at character creation.
    My unique atrox-only graphic.
    I'm not asking to display your nanomage face.

  16. #36
    Originally posted by Scumbug

    Funcom have said their art department resources are stretched thin,
    and that they will be focusing on reusing old texture models
    instead of creating many new ones. (easier on loading too)
    I am asking them to reuse the 'no texture' / 'default face'
    tag for an armor item atrox could wear.

    if it had the same stats as my Graft armor helmet, ok.
    I'd use that over MKII any day. Because looks matter.
    But looks arent 'everything'. There has to be some balance.

    I could use a QL150 ..say.. physical protection skinchip.
    But I would have less proj/melee AC than a normal helmet
    and 0AC in everything else. That would be retarded.
    The old skinchips give better-than-a-helmet protection
    in a couple of damage types, in exchange for weakness in others.
    All items should have pros and cons like that.
    But if you can't use a QL200 .. then you lose all 'pros'
    and only have 'cons' compared to a QL200 str/stam helmet.
    So it is not a viable option.

    I never ask for uber. Just viable.

    so i guess we should also ask for major fixes to multimelee so ppl can use 2 ql200 raids, or maharanee, rather than 1 ql200 and a gimpy ql100-130 on the offhand. cuz 1 maharanee + 1 jess is definitely not....viable. *ugh* whatever.
    Blue Steel(TM)

    E 86% - S 60% - A 33% - K 20%

    SL upgraded oct 10, 2003

    RK2 - Derek"Rayfield" Zoolander
    RK2 - "Umeshiso" Maki
    RK2 - Sylvester "Code187" Vallone

  17. #37
    once again, you fail to see the difference between an item,
    and the absence of a texture / default to my face texture.
    you can't tell the difference between an atrox face and a
    nano/opi/solitus face either apparently.

    any arguement/comparisons you make
    are fundamentally flawed in that respect.

    noone else but atrox have atrox faces,
    therefore atrox wanting to show atrox faces isn't asking
    for anything special/unique classs/breed-defining of yours.

    go watch farscape reruns and cry.

  18. #38
    Originally posted by Scumbug
    once again, you fail to see the difference between an item,
    and the absence of a texture / default to my face texture.
    you can't tell the difference between an atrox face and a
    nano/opi/solitus face either apparently.

    any arguement/comparisons you make
    are fundamentally flawed in that respect.

    noone else but atrox have atrox faces,
    therefore atrox wanting to show atrox faces isn't asking
    for anything special/unique classs/breed-defining of yours.

    go watch farscape reruns and cry.
    goody...u know how to call names. whoopie.

    see, u keep wanting to separate 1 arguement into 2 and when ppl respond, all u can do is complain about the 2 different instances separately.

    if u care so much about the visuals, why can u not wear a lower ql? just because it's a few points less ACs does that make u so gimp u cannot play your character? why can u not accept a lower ql? i don't care if u show your atrox face or hide it in a helmet. u can do all you want with your face. i'm simply asking why u cannot be satisfied with a slightly lower ql of what's already there? it's not as if u only get 1 single type u can wear. why are u singling out phys prot skinchip anyways? we were talking about primus chip earlier in the discussion and that is a totally viable skinchip, even at ql150, but yet u do not comment on that and used a crappy phys chip to make your points. so why not use some social armor in your argument and say atrox got crap because they are stuck wearing social armor?

    what i read:
    from Thoughtless:

    actually this is about the only decent psy/intel armor ever put into the game (the skinchips from Primus camp) other than that the rest is pretty pathetic in terms of AC and relatively none that is even reasonable to get that has any mods whatsoever...
    from Scumbug:

    I could use a QL150 ..say.. physical protection skinchip.
    But I would have less proj/melee AC than a normal helmet
    and 0AC in everything else. That would be retarded.
    does that make me the flawed speaker here? u posted an obviously weaker version of a skinchip for your arguement sake. please don't assume your opposition don't read the entire post before committing himself to a debate.

    btw, this is purely a debate on my end. FC could very well make a skinchip for STR/STA, but then i would also be asking for the same patch to include faction armor for all omni-factions, for all breeds. just to be fair and "viable" in terms of RP. oh, how about a more viable version of the bloodied med cloak? obviously some doc would like to wear that to the field with a portable surgery kit and be 'viable' and not lack in ACs while implanting someone at SW mines in between battles or something....

    that is my *ugh*. deal with a lower QL. or give me a NT version of EoT, which i'll just keep in my bank for RP reasons.
    Blue Steel(TM)

    E 86% - S 60% - A 33% - K 20%

    SL upgraded oct 10, 2003

    RK2 - Derek"Rayfield" Zoolander
    RK2 - "Umeshiso" Maki
    RK2 - Sylvester "Code187" Vallone

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