What Im missing in AO regarding weapons, are procs!

There have been some added that have proc, ex Cust Reet and Hellspinner .

What we need is more of those.

It gives players the option to balance pure damage output against an extra feature... ex a weapon that have a chance of DoTing the target, or rooting it or just debuffing it somehow.

That would alow people that be less of a cockiecutter and at the same time keeping the damage/sec down a bit.

A weapon with a builtin debuffer should have lower damage output then a nonprocing weapon, but the feature should be able to balance that.

Ex, I would love to have an offhand weapon with a chance to root with my Adv.

Or, a offhand melee weapon with a slow with my Enf..

I can think of lots and lots of way to make up for pure damage with these kinds of features.