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Thread: I hate myself for suggesting this...

  1. #21
    actually, since FC doesn't really "need" the money (like they wont go bankrupt without it), they wont have to change anything about the game, i'm sure some companies would be fine with the content in the game, and the ones that aren't just wont advertise

  2. #22
    Yeah, I thought it would be cool to have a "museum bar" type thing. Where international headlines where shown in real-time.

  3. #23
    Funny, AO is single MMORPG yet where such advertisements are possible, not in fantasy PRGs, not in SWG, cuz SWG is not an Earth history. But find an Pepsi or Nike advertisement on the wall in AO will look naturally, because AO positioned like Earth future. Stupid future, of course, due to all these swords and bats equal to ranged weapons, but still Earth future.
    And hmmm.... looking deeper inside... it's really strange we don't got them yet. You can switch TV channels while TV advertising goes on, but you can't skip floating "Drink Coka-Cola" over Grid terminal in Trade. What are they thinking about? Thousands of teens... all are possible customers... Hmm... hmmm...
    And as for Funcom, 'tis more fair gain money from selling advertisements places instead of claiming money for patch, even if you call this patch "Booster pack".

    P. S. Don't kick me for my english, it isn't my native language.

  4. #24
    However the increase in diverse graphics would create extra loading lag and memory leakage surely?
    Jeremiah 'Ramat' Carmichael. Luckiest NT alive because hes married to 'Meraise'
    Master Nano Programmer on call. Writter of 'Jeremiahs Comprehensive Nano-Technician Guide'
    Damon 'Screwz' Gabriel. Master QFT and CL specialist on call. 1250+ in QFT/CL , other tradeskills also.
    Member of Illuminati
    Originally posted by Cz
    WT*?! I take Friday off to play AO from Thursday to Monday morning, and Atlantean is down! Gaaaaah! FRUSTRATION CAPS! *bangs head on keyboard* {Edited by moderator: Watch it Cz!!} *bangs keyboard on monitor*

  5. #25

    Extra features = extra trouble

    Yes, extra features and content always bring problems. Statistical analysis in the software field can confirm that on any developed product with a mature project team, there is a certain percentage of errors. Despite the best intentions of everyone, its a constant.

    I would like to thank the one respondant who gave a very serious point that I had not considered. It was saying that advertizers would probably want to get rid of some of the tongue in cheek humour, violence and questionable garments. Well, i mean they would probably want to make the questionable garments larger.

    I think shadowlands is moving even further into the questionable material, i am sure there are some that will be offended by metaphysical manifestations...

    Now, if advertizers were restricted to sci/fi and horror movies, athletic cloths and other stuff that might fit, I don't think that they would mind the edgyness. On the otherhand, if the advertizers are not beating down the doors for this they probably wouldn't accept restrictions. Very good point.
    PLEASE, give use a simple YES or no answer as to whether or not the CoH chests can be opened

  6. #26
    Read prophet without honour.

    Doesnt fit... if its done they betray their image more thanthey already have.
    I am Kong.

    Strong and passionate, I tend to be misunderstood, sometimes even feared. I don't want to fight, I don't want to cause trouble, all I ask is a little love, and a little peace. If I don't get what I want, I get angry, and throw barrels and flaming oil at whatever's stopping me.

  7. #27
    Why do you drink Coke?

    I saw an Atrox drinking it with Mean Joe Green on a billboard in omni trade............


  8. #28
    Originally posted by Myers
    In the Year 2017 billions of people died in huge a plague. Surivors were killed by some crazy cults thus ending civilization.
    Then came The Great Winter where the last survivors were living basicaly in the Stone and Copper ages for about 1000 years (I think this is when the Solitus came about). The Omega appeared and took over after that enslaveing the Solitus. So I doubt they perserved any corporation from today.
    Its an intersting idea, but it doesn't work RP wise
    even coca-cola?!

  9. #29
    especially Coca Cola
    Go drink some Bingo Cola

  10. #30

    Maybe omni imployees wouldn't mind....

    It seems like a fine idea, though being a clansmen i hate corperations.<------"Hate" is the key word here. Down with coperations and all who follow blindly? Yes, No?

  11. #31
    In-character advertisements = Good.
    Out-Of-Character advertisements = Bad.

    Any questions?
    Katelin "Missmaul" Locknane -Sloooowly climbing her way out of the dank pits of gimpness. But stil crazy. Ya know...just in case you cared.

  12. #32


    As has been pointed out, todays RL world simply no longer exists and hasn't since 2017. End of discussion.

    For a new MMORPG set in the near future, this might be an interesting area of revenue, but not for AO.
    "Do not try and catch the hamster... that's impossible. Instead only try to realize the truth... There is no hamster, only a deadbeat rollerat..."

    [Social] Means: I don't think we removed any bosses because of bad pathing...there wouldnt be any left if we did :P

    AO Character Skill Emulator and Character Parser and AO Implant Layout Helper

  13. #33
    Originally posted by Blix
    Advertising is a bad idea. As someone touched on earlier in the thread.

    Advertisers will want a say in the content. They will not want to be associated with anything considered negative, or racy, or violent.
    If Funcom becomes dependant on outside advertisers, you can be sure of the following changes:

    Less violence.
    Less emotes
    Toned down, more conservative social wear.
    No hope of seeing certain venues in Omni-Entertainment being opened.
    No ability of players to play a 'evil' role, or anything that can be even slightly described as satanic.

    If it comes to it, I'd rather pay a bit more every month than see the game dumbed down for a stupid public.

    Umm, can you say CK 1 , or any commercial for that fact, sex sells. I can say that your worng on the more conservative issue, advertizing is is almost on the edge of pg-13 / NC 17. Look at some popular TV shows..

    I think the Bladerunner atmosphere would be really cool in AO, dirty streets, trashy bulletin board neon signs ( even though it might cause lag) I hope we get this and if it gives FC more ca$h all the better. They obviously need it.
    I am woman see me game, you and I are much the same,
    I can roleplay, I can frag, I can PK while you lag
    I can strafe, duck and snipe and NO you're not my type
    This is one shrew you can not tame...
    I am woman... see me game

  14. #34

    I hate you more

    Cause they did it, sorta, its on test right now, big animated ad boards advertising .................Notum Wars........... and the new vehicles


  15. #35
    wonder how much air jordans will cost in 27000

  16. #36
    I'm not sure if people are following what is going on with The Masters Golf Championship, sponsorship, and a special interest group, but outside influence and conflict from advertisers would not be a good thing, I don't think.

  17. #37

    Poll takers are out to lunch

    Well, I have inadvertantly started a little experiment, posting this same thought as a poll.

    -people who take polls favour renting the space to rl companies.
    -most people who take the time to think through the issue point out that it is dangerous, and could possibly ruin the experience of the game.

    My belief:
    I wish they would rotate the adds, I would hate it if Ford got to put their symbols on yalms (and then yalms would bread down often), I would hate it if Nike got their name on an item that everyone was looking for, and that outside influences would change ingame play. There would be an odd situation if a competing product advertized ingame. I think though that under the right constraints advertizing would not ruin the game, but you would have to have a pretty addicted-to-AO advertizing representative to think this is a good idea, and agree to the constratins anytime soon.

    PLEASE, give use a simple YES or no answer as to whether or not the CoH chests can be opened

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