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Thread: Cz: Quick question about Robot Reeds

  1. #1

    Cz: Quick question about Robot Reeds

    It says that "Low-Level Players" will have the reeds automatically unequiped... could you please clarify what that means? After all... there are VERY few people that meet the exact complit reqs for their regular NCUs (through the use of temp implants, tutoring devices and trader[agent] selfbuffs)... so will this be something like OEing, where you need 80% of the reqs or else they get unequiped? or if you don't meet the exact reqs? or just if you don't meet the sense req?

    Thanks in advance,
    Dalmatia - 207 Eng Board Member of The Vigil
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  2. #2
    From what I have been able to find in various posts, I think the reeds will have a level req in addition to any other reqs. Those who are too low to meet the level req will have them de equipped.

  3. #3
    haha, glad I sold off all my reeds recently to low lvl twinks paying insane amounts. mhwha.
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  4. #4
    I think that they mean that they fixed the skill check....

    As from what I was told they were not being correctly preformed in the past
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