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Thread: Don't Team with this guy

  1. #1

    Don't Team with this guy

    Don't ever team with : CHUKKAMACE

    I was on this morons team and go through mission to boss, where I LD. I come back and help team kill boss expecting to be re-invited to finish the mission and get my xp.

    NO INVITE TO ME. I felt like I was talking to a wall. I asked numerous times, then I saw Chukkamace go and finish the mission without me. LOL WTF.


    This isn't a f'ing grief post. This is a hate post. I will never team with you and if I see you in the arena, I will attack you.
    Millard "Zzzzzz" Peak - Adventurer
    And 5 other gimps too!

    "I've never been so thirsty in my life!"
    - Half Baked

  2. #2
    There are always those losers who are too self interested to stop for 1 minutes to reinvite a fellow teammate. And it sickens me.

    It's happened to me more then once.

  3. #3
    Not to rain in on your rant but it may not entirely be his fault.

    I was having problems today when I was teaming. There were a few moments where my chat messages wouldn't show up on the screen and it took a few minutes to fix. Also during another mission today, one of my teammates disappeared. I mean, I could hear him in the team chat and he was standing there in front of me /waving his arms but me and the rest of the team couldn't see him.

    Although it is also possible that you didn't have any of these problems and, well, y'know...

  4. #4


    I've teamed with Chuk before, he doesn't strike me as the kind of guy who would purposely be an *******.

    I'm not contradicting yu, but are you positive there might have not been any other factors or reasons he may have some sort of animosity towards you?

    Or as Zastr said, he 'probly didn't see you.

    I'm not contradicting you, just sticking up for Chukkamace since he hasn't posted yet.

  5. #5
    You sure that CHUKKAMACE speaks english?

    I had two teams that went very badly today. In both of them the persons responsible spoke hardly any english so they did not understand us. It took us about 20 minutes into the mission to realize this though. In one the guy was the team leader! Sometimes its hard to tell if someone doesnt speak english because some team members are just quiet, and even non-english speakers know a few words.
    Last edited by Nothanks; Nov 3rd, 2002 at 07:42:52.

  6. #6
    He should know better. I know someone on the team heard me 'Ladyspy', because later that day I was on a team with her and she said, that the team tried to stop but Chukka wouldn't so they couldn't join me. Oh and chukka should have known that I was back because I was healing him when the team was fighting the boss. After the boss died I asked "Can i get an Invite?" Then he jumps to the mission objective and runs by me and just stands there. Thats when I left.

    Also, I have never teamed with him before so why would there be any bad blood? I don't know, I just dont get some people.
    Millard "Zzzzzz" Peak - Adventurer
    And 5 other gimps too!

    "I've never been so thirsty in my life!"
    - Half Baked

  7. #7
    Stupidllama is a person you really shouldn't team with either.
    He lives up to his name hehe

  8. #8
    Yeh someon else u shoulden team with, This guy joind my team, i askd if he could get a mission so he did, then he ran round the mission with us helping kill all the mobs and the boss, after he shared the loot he gridded us out, then he said hed had alot of fun thanked us for the team and told us take care, then he left, What an ass**** why did he team with us in the first place? if u ever dont want to complete a mission DONOT team Lunartrader just a word of warning.

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