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Thread: Make city 75%

  1. #1

    Make city 75%

    I hate the fact that you can't attack a Omni when he comes in Tir. 75% would be to much cause Omnies could come and raid Tir and kill low level char... But it would be nice if we would have the option to ingage battle with them(Once you attack they can fight you back of course), in other words if they come they can't attack but we can defend ourselves from them. That way when a team of Omnies come in Tir to kill the guards we could help the guards kill them instead of just being there looking at our guard die (I even saw some Clanners kill the guards with thew Omnies a few times *sight*)

  2. #2
    Make all cities 25%
    Grupurt Division 9 [RSGE] Ret.
    Second Nanomage Agent To Hit Lvl 200 on RK1


  3. #3

    Lightbulb city suppression

    I suggest that citys be PvP areas only down conflict lines.

    this should promote rolplay in this are of the game that will lead to more conflict battles, grouping and local citicenship.

    lower level player will get killed in the crossfire but will not get killed forever. high level member will find it in their best intrest to help out lower level member for everyone survival.

  4. #4
    There is no way that cities should be PvP or 25% suppression. People need a space where they can be safe from being killed, as nothing would be more frustrating than to come home and lose your hard earned xp to some raiding clanner or omni group. Besides, not everyone wants to be involved in the PvP scene, and making cities PvP would remove that option for people.

    Myself, I really dislike players attacking the guards, merchants, and general citizens of their own side, in their own cities. These people are clearly operating as outlaws, and should be treated as such; that is, lose their side status. They shouldn't become neutral, or be set as members of the other side (omni or clan), but rather should be designated outlaws, and attackable by all sides.

  5. #5

    Smile city suppression

    well wrath
    I can see you point, but it is also technicaly possible to create safe zones within the city just like PvP areas are now.

    furthermore if it was only (OT vs Clan) it would promote the rolplay of the game, and the reason why we pick a side! and play the game!

    also if your on one side of the conflict, you should be allowed to just walk up and heal your fellow citicen. Not having this option to help out your fellow neighbor is just wrong! and having to team up to do this simple thing is unneeded.

  6. #6

    To continue

    To continue,

    after reading the coverage of the coming notum wars booster pack, I believe if it can be done out at the towers it can be done to a city as well.

    Can you imagien an Org. or Clan invading a city or town and changing the map. They would have to hold the city to recive some game play advantage, while the displaced refugee's would have to relocate, regroup, plan and execute the operation to get back their homes (just one more reason to get more interactive Apartments), and belongings.

    with the Newbie issues, I believe the new members should start out in ICC peacekeeper held citys and zones. From there they can grow and learn the ropes before moving to other areas. Just as those who are neutral now start out.

  7. #7
    If NW is really popular and a lot of people are happy with how it works, I can understand a desire to extend both the techniques and the PvP possibilities it brings.

    But, if it's a bust, maybe predicating modifications to existing game play isn't too wise.

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