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Thread: Into the Darkness...

  1. #1

    Into the Darkness...

    The stars shown clearly, Like pin holes in the black of night, as the moon rose to the top of its nightly journey, lighting the surface of Rubi-Ka and casting eerie shadows across the landscape. Trees and grass spread randomly over the rocky terrain that surrounded the Stret river here, giving the local lifeforms shade and food. A few rocks slide down the cliff wall facing the waters of the Stret, then more followed, rolling down the wall to drop into the waters below, breaking the silence of the night with their splashes. An arm shot from the wall of Rock, moving quickly to clear a hole so the rest of the figure could slide free. Pulling himself from the wall, Garret "Valaik" Clasen fell, tumbling down the same path the rocks had moments before to land with a loud splash in the water. Swimming slowly to shore, Valaik crawled to lie on the shore, the water having washed off some of the dirt and blood that had covered his face and arms, his now wet clothes torn to the point of being almost unrecognizable.

    "I never....thought I'd be so happy to see those damned stars." mumbled Valaik as he lay looking up at the stars, not caring about the new wounds he had collected in his fall.

    Slowly he raised his hand to his face and kissed the Ring of Thorns that grasped his finger tightly, digging into the flesh, His wedding ring given to him by his wife. Laughing lightly a smile slowly crossed his grimy face, remembering all that had happened these last few days. Slowly he climbed painfully to his feet, checking himself out to see if any of the new wounds were serious, most were minor cuts, and one deep cut ran down his calf. Pulling off the remains of his shirt, he tied it around the would to keep the bleeding to a minimum, then began a slow walk north. Moving slowly through the night, doing his best to avoid the predators in this region, Valaik's mind began to drift back to the events that he had just been through.

    3 Days Earlier...

    The base smelled of cleaning fluids and lubricant as Valaik walked along the halls, Inspecting the base one last time before he was satisfied that it was complete, for the most part. Two more levels were being constructed beneath the hangar level to accomodate the new facilities that would store the influx of offworld goods before they could make their way, through multiple fronts, into the population of Rubi-Ka. Smiling he made his way to a secure section at the end of the corridor, the facilities central computer confirming his identity with his Palm and Retinal scans before releasing the locks on the door. Moving into the storeroom Valaik scanned the crates that lined the walls, all marked with a large Omni-Tek Logo. Nodding his approval that everything he had ordered had arrived ahead of schedule, Valaik made a note on his wrist comp to transfer a bonus into the account of a certain Omni-Admin employee. Making his way back into the cooridor, He ran into an Engineer that was standing just outside the door.

    "WHoa! Geez, don't just on the otherside of doors, gonna end up getting hurt." Said Valaik as he straightened his shirt.

    "Sorry sorry, I was looking for you and the computer told me you were here. Seems there is a problem down on Sublevel Two. Some kinda cave that's not on the charts and that didn't show up on our sensor scans for some reason. The rest of the Engineering team thought you should Suit up and come down to have a look and tell us what you want to do." spoke the Engineer as he adjusted his glasses in a decidedly nasal voice, seeming the textbook description of a Tech weenie.

    "Alright, I'll suit up and meet you on the lift down to Sub Two. Gimme 10 minutes or so." spoke Valaik as he moved off down the hall to the lift that would take him down to the hanger level where the Modified Battle Suits they used for hazardous areas. The lift quickly took him down where he quickly got off and made his way to the Storage room for Suits, his mind going over the details of the next few days. Devil's Advocate was having a party Saturday night and hoped it to be a large one, a Return to what they had been originally known for, Entertainment, giving people a place to have fun. Smiling he tapped the control next to the door and stepped inside, Saturday night was gonna be fun, only thing that could make it better was if his wife could be there with him. The smile never left his face as he made his way to the suit with his name on the chest, tapping the access code into the controls beside it, he took a few steps back as the suit slide out and rotated, oppening with a hiss of air to allow him to climb inside the reinforced exoskeleton. Climbing up onto the suit Valaik slid his legs down inside of it, followed by his arms, and finally letting the suits Memory Gel interior to shape itself to his body as he told the suits computer to seal the suits rear hatch.

    "Ok, Computer, Full systems check, Error Report only please." spoke Valaik as the suit finished sealing and pressurised, moving his arms to remind himself of his more limited range of motion now.

    Moving out slowly into the room, Valaik made sure all the suits limbs would move as they were supposed to, the microsensors inside the suit picking up his own movements and transfering those to the suit, allowing him to move the half ton battle suit with little effort. A green indicator light began to glow on his heads up display, indicating that all systems were running
    within the operational design of the suit. He moved out into the hall and down a newly cut cooridor at the end, moving down to the heavy frieght lift that would take him down into the sublevels. Seeing the Engineer here already and suited up he couldn't help but think of himself as slow, being a Fixer that was not something he ever cared to be called by anyone. Moving into the lift alongside the Engineer, he activated the external speaker with the chin-plate in the suit.

    "Beat me here did ya ? No matter, I didn't catch your name earlier and it also seems to be on the edge of my mind, but I can't grab on." spoke Valaik through the suits speaker system as the Engineer tapped the controls that would lower them down to Sublevel Two.

    "Oh sorry, I am Chief Surveryor Gabriel Sims, I have only been working here for a few weeks. Rather tight security for a storage facility, don't you think ? I mean none of the folks here even know where we are, or refuse to comment on it." spoke the
    engineer, his suit causing his nasal voice to sound higher pitched.

    "Yes, competition is rough and sometimes its better to keep a few places private that you can fall back on without worrying about some competitor getting upset with you and blowing the place into low orbit." Said Valaik with a light chuckle as the lift reached Sublevel Two, the doors grinding slowly open to expose the cut rock that made up this level.

    Moving off of the lift the two Battle Suit Clad figures made their way slowly down the freshly cut cooridor, the uneven floor making their suits internal gyro's work harder than usual to keep them upright. The cooridor was lit by a series of glowlamps that had been placed along the ceiling, Valaik smiled a little at that, he hated bright light, it was painful. His eyes were hyper sensitive for some reason that the Doctors on the mudball mining world of his birth could never explain, but it gave him excellent night vision but also forced him to take caution around bright lights which could cause headaches, daze him, or even knock him out if they were bright enough.

    "Right up here sir, the dig team broke through into this cavern a few days ago. Seems to go pretty deep and we can hear water running, possibly an underground stream. Also, the rocks here are loaded down with Notum and something else, it makes all sensor readings go crazy, one of the other engineers even thinks that it may cause the Reclamation technology to malfuncion, but no one is crazy enough to let us test that." Spoke the engineer as they came upon a dark hole at the end of the cooridor.

    "Yeah, I can imagine. Well, we have no clue whats down there, but we do know that water is getting in and out somewhere so someone may be able to do the same. Lets seal up this cooridor, that should keep this area nice and secure. Make sure to place some seismographic monitors here as well, in case someone decides to try and dig their way in." Valaik said as he gazed over the hole and let his suits forearm lamp shine down into the hole.

    An explosion threw the pair forward, the concussion wave throwing them both from their feet and against the wall at the end of the cooridor hanging halfway over the openning into the cavern below. Valaik glanced back in the direction of the explosion as soon as he impacted on the wall, the suit taking almost all of the impact, in time to see a ball of plasma roaring down the cooridor towards him. Valaik pushed the unmoving form of the Engineer's suit into the hole, then followed him in, dropping into the darkness belew, turning as he did in time to see the flames consume the area where he had just been and shooting downwards towards him. The flames covered his suit for a moment and he heard an alarm sound, the fire so hot that it could be felt through the insulation of the suit. Spinning as he fell, Valaik caught sight of the Cavern floor far below, illuminated by the flames, a mass of razor shart stalagmites, and he was rushing right for them. He fell free of the flames moments before the suit impacted the ground, smashing into the rock with all the momentum the suit had collected in its fall. His head smashed into the suit controls on impact, the suit screaming as metal gave from the impact, robbing Valaik of consciousness.

    Distantly Valaik heard the suit reading off the damage, as if hearing it through water, slowly he climbed back to consciousness and the suits female voice began to make more sense.

    "Suit Integrity at 86%, Oxygen Supply at 46%, Mobility at 87%, Primary Power Offline, Auxilary Power at...." spoke the suits voice, continuously repeating the full list.

    "Computer.....Shut....Shut alerts." said Valaik, forcing the words from his mouth, trying to gather the breath in
    his lungs to speak.

    The computer stopped its status report and Valaik moved to get up, noticing that it was harder now than before, the sensors in the suit must have been damaged from the fall. Pushing his way to his feet, Valaik looked around, the area barely lighted by some luminus fungus of some type spread around the cavern. Valaik was surprised to see the suits wrist lamp in working condition and activated it, piercing the darkness with a beam of light, moving it slowly around the area he took in his surroundings. The walls rose up for what appeared to be 200 meters to the roof and he saw the hole he had come through, now a dried lump of reformed stone, the heat of the fire had liquified the rock and sealed off the opening. Sighing Valaik continued to scan the cavern, then came across something he had forgotten, the Engineer in the other battle suit. He hadn't been so lucky in the fall, a stalagmite had pierced the chest of the suit and now it lay impaled upon it. Moving in close Valaik expected to see the suit
    Empty, but what he saw surprised him and sent a chill down his spine, the engineer was still in the suit, dead, and the body hadn't been reclaimed.

    "Looks like the poor guy was right, Ressurection Technology doesn't seem to work down here, neither do Comm units it seems." muttered Valaik as he tried to place an comm signal to anyone that would respond, recieving only static in response to his efforts.

    Suddenly a stored message indicator began to flash inside the suit, thinking he might be able to recieve signals but not transmit, Valaik told the computer to play the message. His heart stopped when an image overlayed itself on his heads up display, a image of a man he knew all too well, Thelonis, his face stretched into a broad smile.

    "Hello Garret, I do hope this message finds you before you die. I really wish I could be there to watch the fun but unfortunately I'm not here for you, killing you is just a bonus. Well I do hope you're in a lot of pain and it really is too bad that the bomb was set to go off earlier than when I told the Engineer but you always taught me to never leave a witness. Now I have business to take care of, what is that you call yourself now, Valaik ? Now do take your time dying, I'd hate to think I went to all of this trouble for you to just keel over on me." spoke the image, a nastry grin on its face the whole time, then blinked out, leaving Valaik alone in the cave.

    Glancing around, Valaik looked for another way out of the cave, the water had to be comming in somewhere and getting out somewhere else, but which way to go was the question. Choosing the tunnel with the most room Valaik began to force the suit along, finding it much more difficult to move now, keeping his light ahead of him so he could better see. The tunnel had to be twenty meters high and the fifteen wide. Valaik noticed that the sharp rocks that lined the walls of the main cavern were broken here, some recently, he continued on but wrote it off as a curious event, wondering if the explosion had caused it. After a few hundred meters the tunnel began to turn, slowly slanting down according to the suits internal sensors. Valaik debated turning around and checking the other tunnel but continued on, hoping to find a tunnel branching off that would lead him to the surface.
    Garret "Valaik" Clasen - Renegade, Subversive, Simple Businessman
    Xavier "Cyberwrench" Krohs - Builder, Creator, Chiraptophobic

    The difference between a good man and a bad one is the choice of cause. -William James

  2. #2
    After another fifteen minutes of walking, the tunnel openned into another large cavern, this one twice as long as the one he had
    fallen into, with rock mounds covering the vast majority of the floor. Shining the light around the cave he heard something through his suits speakers, some kinda of noise, like wind. Motion off to his left caught Valaik's attention, swinging his light
    in that direction, trying to see what had caught his attention. His light settled on one of the large rocks, but something was
    wrong with it, it seemed different from the rest, it also seemed to be the source of the sound he had heard. As he watched the
    rock it moved, it shifted in place, whatever it may be it was not a rock. Then his light reflected off of something and he moved
    it back, then froze, his light illuminated a large reptillian eye that was staring right at him.

    "You've got to be kidding me!" Yelled Valaik as he saw what he had though was a rock at first move.

    The creature roared as it moved up from its position on the ground, its head shaking for a moment before comming to rest on Valaik. The creature, a Blast Lizard, was huge, nearly fifteen meters wide, and began to slowly move towards Valaik. Backing up swiftly, Valaik turned and ran accross the cavern to hide behind a huge boulder, a difficult task in the Battle Suit. He heard the Lizard moving, crushing rocks beneath it and moving closer, hunting him. Glancing to the side he saw another cave at the rear of this cavern, the stream of water ran out of the area down that tunnel, it seemed his best chance for escape because it was also much too small for for the Blast Lizard to follow. Taking a deep breath me forced the suit to run as fast as it could towards the tunnel, hearing the lizard behind him move to follow, crushing more rocks as it shuffled quickly across the cave,
    moving much faster than Valaik could. The cave was close and he could hear the Lizard behind him and then Valaik was lifted from
    his feet, flying into the cave and smashing into a wall covered with razor sharp rocks, stripping them from the wall. For the
    second time Valaik fell unconsious, the lizard smashing at the entrance of the cave trying to get out him, but even that did not
    stir him.

    Valaik awoke sometime later, pain flared across his chest when he tried to move, the suit did not respond to his motions as he tried to get to his feet. Glancing at the suit status lights he saw that the damage was much worse this time than it had been before, the suit had lost all power and refused to move. For a moment he felt trapped, stuck in a Plasteel coffin deep within the surface of Rubi-ka. After a moment Valaik calmed, taken deep breaths as he remembered the emergency escape command. Explosive bolts lined the hatch on the back of the suit, in the case of complete power failure it would blow most of the back of the suit free, it was powered by its on energy source so that it would work even if the suit power failed. Leaning his head forward Valaik pressed and held a trigger plate that was just above the collar piece of the suit down with his chin, after five seconds the cave was filled with the sound of minor explosions as the bolts tore the back of the suit off, freeing him. His head was ringing as he began to slowly climb from the suit, growling from pain as it shot across his chest. Finally free of the suit, he glanced around, trying to make sense of where he was and clear some of the confusion from his head. He was standing about 10 meters from the entrance to the large cavern in which he had been chased by the Blast Lizard, for a moment he wondered if it was safe to go back out into the cavern but that thought was cut short as the Lizard forced its head inside the cave trying to get at him, drawn back by the sound of the bolts that released him.

    The lizards appearance startled him and he stepped back, tripping over the legs of the suit behind him, slamming into the ground and feeling the pain shoot through his chest. He knew he had at least one broken rib, probably more, maybe other injuries that he couldn't see right off. Tapping a few things into his wrist comp he tried to find out how long he had been down here, the computer indicated that 27 hours had passed since he had gotten into the suit. The original fall had knocked him out for nearly 8 hours, then about an hour and a half walking around, the rest after the lizard had smashed him. Looking at the suit, he saw that the lizard had clawed the back of his suit, slicing through the armor like it was cloth destroying the power generator and battery cell. Pulling the light off of the suits wrist Valaik began to walk again, deeper into the cave, hoping to find some way out soon, having no food and unsure of the water, he wouldn't last long down here. With whatever was in these rocks, death wasn't something to shrug off while you picked your things up from reclaim, it had that certainty of never waking up that he
    remembered back on Verin IV.

    Walking slowly down the tunnel, Valaik's mind began to wonder, memories of is old home comming to him. Memories of a day when he was a small time cat burgler, robbing houses and other places to get by. Then came the Grosk Syndicate, a group of killers and thugs the likes of which Rubi-Ka has never seeen. They spanned the world, if it was illegal, it was controlled by them. So when they came calling, Valaik saw it as the opportunity of a lifetime, a chance to make it into the bigtime. There he met Thelonis, another new member of the Syndicate, where they teamed up. Thelonis was the muscle and intimidation, Valaik the brains and stealth. Together they made a name for themselves, the Twin Terrors of Verin IV, brutal and ruthless. Soon the head of the Syndicate took a personal interst in them and from then on they lived a life of luxury, feared and respected the world over.

    Valaik sighed as he sat down to rest against the wall of the tunnel, his chest hurting badly from the walk. Possitive he had broken ribs and probably something worse, Valaik tried to breath deeply while the pain slowly began to ease in his chest. He
    chuckled dryly and then clinched up in pain as he though of how ridiculous his current situation was. How he had given up so
    much when he came here and lost so much more at the same time. Valaik closed his eye and leaned his head back against the wall, knowing he had to get out of here, that he couldn't let Thelonis win not after all these years. Valaik felt the last few hours catching up to him and his ribs hurt badly, so he decided to sit and rest for a while, hoping that he could start again soon.

    Again his mind began to drift to the past, this time another face from his past showed itself, the face of an Angel, his Angel. He had met her soon after Boss Grosk had taken an interest in him and she was amazing. Tough, Sexy, and Smart, all the things he had ever wanted in a woman and she loved him back. Only one small problem in their lives, Angel was Boss Grosk's daughter and he was extremely overprotective. Having seen the results of that protection first hand, neither wished for anyone to know of their relationship, In public they were friends and in private they were deeply in love. As time passed Valaik spent more and more time with her, always kept secret from the world, and then one day they heard, Boss Grosk knew. An informant had come and told Valaik that Grosk had ordered that he was to be brought in "Alive and Screaming", this forced the pairs plans. They had been thinking of leaving Verin IV for a while, that night would be the night. They made their way to the spaceport to a shuttle
    Valaik had purchased months before to joyride in, enjoying the thrill of flight, and they planned to use it to make their escape. When they got to the hanger Thelonis was waiting for them.

    He waved them towards the ship and they ran across the expanse of the hangar, then a group of Syndicate troops rushed in and openned fire on them. The troops were not the best aim and few shots came close to the running couple and soon they were at the door of the shuttle. Thelonis smiled broadly as he drew a blast rifle from inside the doorway, Valaik smiled as his friend came to his aid. That smile turned to a scream of agony as Thelonis fired the rifle into the approaching couple, the bolt of energy smashed the couple from their feet, throwing them back onto the ground. Bleeding and broken Valaik rolled over to see his love next to him, the light in her eyes already fading and she whispered to him one word, Run. With tears in his eyes Valaik drew his sidearm and fired at Thelonis, forcing him out of the ship and behind cover. With a last look at the now still form of Angel, Valaik rushed for the ship, diving inside and sealing the hatch. The Syndicate troops outside fired on the ship as he started
    the engines, trying hopelessly to stop him, but when the engines were ready he pushed the throttle to its maximum setting, sending a huge jet of flame out into the hanger. A glimpse back saw Thelonis standing away from the jet wash, a look of determination on his face and that was when Valaik knew Thelonis wouldn't stop till he was dead.

    Valaik shook himself awake and realised that the last part wasn't a memory, it was a very vivid dream. He looked at his wrist comp and saw that he had been asleep for 6 hours, now he was worried, he was far too tired to be alright. Painfully he climbed to his feet, again beginning to walk along the tunnel, trying to make up some time that he had lost. After nearly an hour of walking through the winding tunnels Valaik entered another large cavern, this one he searched carefully for any signs of other residents, finally satisfied there were none he moved to sit on a large boulder overlooking a pond that formed from the water dripping off stalagtites. The glowing fungus actually made the whole seen seem somehow beautiful, even in the gloom of the caves. Lowering his head Valaik's mind focused on one thing, the thought that he would never make it out of these caves alive. That thought was followed by another, his wife, she would probably never know what happened to him, no one would. The thought of her crying, of her in pain, evoked a deep growl from him. Holding his left hand up in front of him, he looked at the ring there, a Ring of Thorns, given to him by his wife.

    "I will get out of here, I will see her again." growled Valaik as he forced himself back to his feet, determination clearly painted on his face.

    Sliding down from the rock, Valaik began to walk, setting a hard pace that cause him pain to keep but one that he refused to give
    up on. He walked, on and on, passing through two similar caverns, following the path of the water and never leaving it. Finally he came on another cavern, this one had less of the luminous fungus in it and seemed different in more ways than that. Something had been here recently, he could see the tracks in the dirt, something had been here recently and maybe was still here. Motion across the cavern caught his eye and then a dark figure moved into an area of greater illumination, A Shade stood there. Slowly he moved out into the cavern, doing his best to keep quiet as he tried to avoid it, having no armaments he didn't want to risk it being hostile. Nearly halfway through the area Valaik slipped on a rock, sending it bouncing across the cavern, and a quick glance in the direction of the Shade told him that it knew it was no longer alone and it knew right where he was.

    Looking around quickly Valaik searched for something, anything to use as a weapon and his eyes finally stopped on a jagged piece of stone that he could use as a blade. Tearing his sleave he wrapped the cloth around the rock, giving him a handle to hold it by, glancing up again he saw the shade moving in fast, any thoughts if it was hostile or not were long gone. The Shade hissed something as it approached, then swung its clawed hands at Valaik, the first shreading the front of his shirt and drawing blood from the skin beneath. Batting the clawed hand aside, Valaik thrust his makeshift dagger at the Shade, scoring a hit of his own but doing no noticable damage. Again the Shade slashed at him, swinging its taloned hands in wide arcs to keep Valaik at range, one blow came in close and Valaik threw his arm up to block the blow from tearing out his throat, recieving a gash along his forarm instead. Growling deeply Valaik did exactly what he knew was craziest, he rushed the Shade, Diving in between the slashing arms of the Shade he plundged his dagger deep into its chest, his own weight knocking it over backwards. The two combatants rolled in the dirt, the shade scoring another hit on Valaiks back before valaik yelled and drove the blade upwards into the Shade's skull, stopping its motions in a heartbeat.

    Rolling the dead Shade off of him Valaik stood and began to check his wounds, none were too deep but all were bleeding, the dirt helping to stop the flow of blood. Feeling tired Valaik dropped to the ground next to a large rock, exhausted and in pain, his will to go on quickly fading. Then he felt something, a breeze, air was escaping his underground prison somewhere close by. Standing up quickly Valaik scanned the Cavern and his eye caught something, a twinkling like that of stars up a steep slope of rock, the breeze was strongest there as well. Moving to the slope quickly Valaik confirmed what he had seen, stars, there was a hole in the wall at the top of the slope and on the other side of that, freedom. Painfully Valaik clawed his way up the slope, his hands and legs bleeding from the sharp rocks that littered the area but finally he reached the top. The hole was small but there was lots of loose stones around it, as if a cave in had sealed this entrance up. Bracing his feet he quickly began pulling the stones away, throwing them down the slope behind him and pushing them out, to fall free, after a few minutes work he shoved his arm out into the cool night air, then widened the whole so he could get free. When the whole was big enough he forced himself through, falling out of the openning to tumble painfully down the wall of rock, crashing into the water below. That moment of contact with the cold water instantly brought him awake, for the first time in days it seemed, then he began swimming slowly to the shore, crawling up onto the bank of the river to drop onto the ground.
    Garret "Valaik" Clasen - Renegade, Subversive, Simple Businessman
    Xavier "Cyberwrench" Krohs - Builder, Creator, Chiraptophobic

    The difference between a good man and a bad one is the choice of cause. -William James

  3. #3
    "I never....thought I'd be so happy to see those damned stars." said Valaik in a raspy voice, as he looked up at the stars, something which an hour ago he seriously doubted he would ever see again.

    He held his hand up in front of him, his ring shining through the dirt that covered his hand, pressing it to his lips slowly then etting it fall back to his side. Slowly he stood, examining his wounds carefully and tying off the worst one on his leg with the tattered remains the Shade had made of his shirt. Moving with a renewed determination, Valaik moved off into the night, towards a town that his wrist comp told him was there, where he could get patched up and go home.
    Last edited by Valaik; Oct 8th, 2002 at 06:13:22.
    Garret "Valaik" Clasen - Renegade, Subversive, Simple Businessman
    Xavier "Cyberwrench" Krohs - Builder, Creator, Chiraptophobic

    The difference between a good man and a bad one is the choice of cause. -William James

  4. #4
    Wow, Val! This is your best one yet! Will we see more of Thelonis? Maybe some revenge? }; )
    Janella "Nevver" McCallagher
    Board Member of
    Devil's Advocate
    Why settle for less when you can oppress?

    "First get your facts; then you can distort them at your leisure." - Mark Twain
    "Nevver: Like the thing that hides in your closet. But worse." - Gueve

    Also known as...
    Jacquelynn "Kaitakait" Moscardelli
    Sun "
    Jamais" Soleil
    Sari "
    Nixis" Wagner

  5. #5
    Very good tale Looking forward to more

  6. #6
    All I have to say is ... WOW!!

    That is one hell of a story Val. Awesome work. Would deffinatly like to see some revenge as Nevver states
    Tristalyn, Kaidence, Daquri, Sexykitten, Brittain
    Ich gebe Decavolt meine Seele und Körper
    Voted by the community - Funniest Female - Most Eligable Bachelorette and Best Doctor! Thanks! <3
    Hugs! Hugs! Hugs! Hugs! Hugs! Hugs! Hugs! Hugs! Hugs! HUGS!
    .·´¯`·..·» You've just been RAINBOW hugged!! «·..·´¯`·.

  7. #7

    whoops, Did I just bump this? nah, couldnt have


  8. #8


    Hey Val, keep the writing up, we'll stoke their imaginations yet Telonis seems like a bad, bad man. Hope he gets his just desserts!

    See ya round, not been around much, prefer talkin to the plants then people at the mo, maybe its coz we share the same IQ lol? We'll have a drink some time, be interested in talking about 'things'.
    Crattyjack (RUR) - Director of Sales.
    Nashka (RUR) - Security Chief.
    Greenie01 (Devils Advocate) - Wheeler an Dealer.
    Emmet 'Bazzit' (Uncle Bazzit Foundry) - (Unofficial) CEO.
    Sightsee (The Makers Shades) - Lord.

  9. #9
    Realy realy nice... I know I might be late to say it, but hey better late then never *grins* Great story looking farward to seeing more!

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