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Thread: Suggestion: /org demote without having to target the person you want to demote!

  1. #1

    Suggestion: /org demote without having to target the person you want to demote!

    Suggestion: /org demote without having to target the person you want to demote!

    Simple enough. We can kick people out of the org without them actually being online, but you cant demote somebody.

  2. #2



    ~*Taboo's Views On Templus*~
    " "He is just a moron .You know he really isnt in the military, he is a 48 y/o man living in his parents basement who cant get laid & therefore hates all women and feels he has to belittle them because he cant get his lil peepee wet"

  3. #3
    IMO, when you're going to change somebody's status: either improve it or worsen it, it needs to be done face-to-face. Perferably, it needs to be preceeded by a brief discussion, highlighting the reasons.

    I will grant however, that absentee members have to be dealt with. But, most often, that going to involve dismissal.

    My question, then, is under what conditions would you want to demote somebody without their knowledge? Alternatively, if they're aware of it, surely they can arrive at an agreed upon time and place.

  4. #4

    Arrow bump

    Thats what ranks are for.

    Let orgs run the way they want to be run.

    Maybe they don't want to kick AWOLs. Example: if they have a limited spot (like advisor) and haven't been around for awhile, a single rank demote would be much preferrable to a removal, especially if its a longtime member. You could always describe that particular rank (1 down from leader) as only available to active members, because it is capped for some org types.

    If ranks get out of hand, it lets the leader 'reform' the guild without having to change type (which resets everyone, pain in butt)
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  5. #5
    Originally posted by Wraith God
    My question, then, is under what conditions would you want to demote somebody without their knowledge? Alternatively, if they're aware of it, surely they can arrive at an agreed upon time and place.
    There is a special command in the game where you can give the other user the reason. I think the command is called, "/tell" or something.

    Also one could do '/org promote/denote "reason"'

  6. #6
    Originally posted by Shodu
    There is a special command in the game where you can give the other user the reason. I think the command is called, "/tell" or something.

    Also one could do '/org promote/denote "reason"'
    Hehe. Yeah, for sure, if you're just going to have a 1-way 'discussion,' do everything remotely as just makes no difference.

    The whole point of having a face-to-face discussion is to allow the person to stand up for themselves. It is also tied to a funny thing called 'leadership.' Why isn't this person fulfilling their role? Maybe its because you as the leader weren't providing leadership worth beans.

    Remote dismissal and demotion is perfect for dictatorial leaders, but they don't know squat about any sort of leadership I'd be interested in. Leaders in my conception are concerned about their people, and put an effort forth to help them fulfill their role. Sometimes, its just not going to happen, and yes, you've got to cut them out. Put its a processs, and its an interaction between all parties involved.

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