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Thread: mail system (PLEASE READ)

  1. #1

    mail system (PLEASE READ)

    don't u hate when u are seling an item to some one far, or another side of the war. wouldn't it be great to get an ingame mail system, u could send letters, items, money, any thing thru this terminal. how great would that be, no more hasle trying to get to a place where u can meet the other person, there would be of corse a small charge, depending on the value of the item, 50 creds max.

    there would also be a protection from some one trying to send some thing from their alts.

    send me any e-mails if u support this idea, or want to add to it.
    Last edited by leelatt; Jun 23rd, 2002 at 16:44:15.

  2. #2
    I've asked for this before. A MUSH I played on had it, and it was rather nice, but mentioning the ability to mail to an Alt is probably not a reason they'd want to implement it.

    On the other hand, freeing up marketeers from having to arrange meets to trade off goods and coin would probably be worth it. I hate the very idea of standing around all day saying WTB this and WTS that. A big waste of time that could be spend doing a mission.

    I'd like a Verant sponsored catalog, here on the web-page, where characters could post items to sell, and others could browse, and bid, like e-bay, and have the items waiting for them when they log in.

  3. #3
    I would like a terminal where you could sell your items to the terminal, or put the items for sale and then you would get 10% less the "games prices" for the items. If it isnt sold for a while it will be sold for old prices.

    for instance, i get a good nano(not uber but good) and I put it in the for sale terminal. A guy needs this nano comes by and buys it for 10% less than the regular prices. Not much but enough to make him look in the for sale terminals.

    That would make me not have to get on shopping channels too.
    lvl 200 Crat

    lvl 81 Adventurer

    lvl 58 Fixer

    lvl 70 Enforcer

    lvl 54 MA

  4. #4
    that would be a good idea, i also had an idea like that to have ur own personal shop put items u do not like in it, and sell em, money goes right to u
    on live and test, i am a pack rat, i keep every thing and even advatise being a shop my self, 34 large bags hehe,

    i really would like to see mine and ur ideas implimented, u should join test server, and help spread the ideas to the devs.

  5. #5

    Make the Rubi Ka News Service REAL

    Lets see, some people might want to send mail

    Some people want to post trading and for sale ads

    Be silly and just post something general

    Some to arrange timetables

    And roleplayers might wish to:
    Send love letters
    Send death threats
    Send collection notices
    Send Kidnapping notes
    Send invitations
    Want ads to hire some professional services
    Announce events
    Post small time news events
    use it for clues in plot lines

    So why not offer that all in one small package? Its the future and its electronic, don't you think we'd all have access to some internal news/functioning agency? Make the Rubi-Ka News Service accessible in game!

    Even the Funcom Background story has that in their animated series, remember how the Clan Council member checked the news?

    Well give us that news service and lets us post through it.

    Scatter news terminals throughout the world or be cheap about it and add it in to all stores and bars or Bank or Insurance terminals that will deduct a small fee for using it.

    At the interface have a menu selection maybe with a limited amount of posts possible:

    Personal messages
    Want Ads
    General daily news (only contains items posted in game by pc's or Funcom employees)
    Personals (because they're always the most entertaining)

    Make sure the general news, personals, meetings and other have a TIMER on them so new information can be added by anyone and old stuff removed. The interface would have you select through the possibilities where you can access news, send and receive mail, set up trades, check for local news for local plots etc. If you don't want something Public you use the personal message option.

    Could be quite fun.
    This is the cheap way to do it.

    The expensive way is to introduce a small personal computer item that would also download this information and keep it with you.

  6. #6
    this thread had lot of what I want, so I'll bump it a bit

    I do hope that we get some sort of in-game mail soon, allthough its probably not even on the devs list

    The important things would be:

    We need to be able to send mails to anyone on the same server.
    We need to be able to have a decent amount of text in every mail.
    One must be able to post refs in the mail.
    High-ranking in guilds should be able to spam the entire guild with important notes.
    Ignore list for only mail.
    and yes.. we need to be able to copy'n'paste into/from a mail.

    Give us that and work on improving it later, I'm not too fond of sending stuff and money trough mails, as implementing that would probably only lead to some exploit followed by a banning round.

    But give us the ability to send mails to our alts if we want to. The reason for this could be to send refs (for weapons the alt might use), list of names to be added on friends list, and so on.
    If we can write something down with a pen, and use that information for our alts, why cant we do the same ingame.

  7. #7

    Keep in mind that you can give a /tell to a person who is offline, and they'll get it when they log on. This tell can contain references already.

    Oddly enough, though, the queued tells are listed out in inverse chronological order.

  8. #8
    Oh yes. The mail system again. I have lost count how many time this has been asked for, and I was one of those doing the asking.

    I would love this feature. Trading objects with people playing in different timezones, currently out in the boonies on a mission, or currently offline for some reason or other...

    Oh yes.

    And Mail Order please

    Excellent for selling stuff.
    Seid. Clan Nano Technician, Atlantean
    Proud member of Opposing Force ( Website )
    Seid's Hideout : Home of the Friends List Tool
    I would like to see a mail system in AO, for letters, money and goods, and with mail order !

  9. #9
    Sean Roach,

    I still would prefer to be able to write a looooong mail once in a while

  10. #10


    Bumpin. I like this one. I miss a good ole death threat via mail box!!!

    ~*Taboo's Views On Templus*~
    " "He is just a moron .You know he really isnt in the military, he is a 48 y/o man living in his parents basement who cant get laid & therefore hates all women and feels he has to belittle them because he cant get his lil peepee wet"

  11. #11

    I'd very much like a terminal that I can drop an item into, attach a price tag to, and then have it be available to anyone else checking their "PC market terminal," as I would call it. E-mail would be cool and all, but I waste a lot more time sitting on my rear end in Omni-Trade trying to sell things that I keep (for some reason) than anything else.

    I'd suggest having a credit account on the terminal system so that you have to input credits to the terminal account to buy things and pull credits from the account to get money from things you've sold. An inconvenience, yes, but I think it kills most design issues with having credits flow into your account from the system while you are offline, for instance.

    I don't think prices should be a set amount, they should be settable by the player. If some guy wants to sell his QL60 beam for 1k less than me on the system and get a buy before I do, hurray for him.

    I can't see anything negative with this kind of system, it just makes communication easier and makes the player-based economy stronger with less commitment from players.
    Verbal "Sozhe" Kint - You may call me Kaiser.

  12. #12
    Yes, this is a cool idea, and well worth keeping active, as it forms the foundation of a workable economy. Players need a selling space that doesn't tie them to the chat channel for hours. Also, the catalog idea is essential because it removes a lot of the randomness in looking for items. Clearly, the catalog would need to be searchable, filtered, and orderable in invarious ways. Of course, there would need to be multiple booths scattered across the planet with the ability that player could pick up items locally that have been placed in booths in different locations.

    The next step is to add a autioning system that would remove the fixed pricing, and would interact automatically with the selling channel.

  13. #13


    all your ideas are great, but funcom says that to get some thing like this implicated, it has to be descused alot on the boards here, and many people have to want it, not just a few.

  14. #14
    It has been discussed over and over for at least a year now. I wonder how much we have to show we want it ?

    Edit : I'll contribute by adding it to my sig !
    Last edited by Seid; Nov 18th, 2002 at 11:52:49.
    Seid. Clan Nano Technician, Atlantean
    Proud member of Opposing Force ( Website )
    Seid's Hideout : Home of the Friends List Tool
    I would like to see a mail system in AO, for letters, money and goods, and with mail order !

  15. #15

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