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Thread: Simple yet effective user-friendly changes.

  1. #1

    Simple yet effective user-friendly changes.

    I have proposed this sometime ago, but seeing that it got no response from Funcom I'll try again - never hurts. Here are the two changes I would love to see.

    1) I propose that when you mouse over an item, along with seeing the name of the item you also see the ql item. This will make sorting through the 100s of items in your inventory/bank/bags much easier. I wont even mention the piece of mind you get when doing cluster shopping!

    2) Custom bag labels. Make a bag, that you can double click or whatever and input your own label. Therefore instead of having 5 bags with the nifty trash icon, they will actually be meaningful! You can have "nano armor", "flowers", "alt stuff", "guild stuff" - anything that you may need. No more mixing bags up, or going through every single bag to find one blasted item!

    I dont want to sit here and tell Funcom what to do , or how easy this is, but relatively speaking it does seem like a rather trivial change. If you like this...can i hear a bump?


  2. #2

    Re: Simple yet effective user-friendly changes.

    Originally posted by Osydeus
    I have proposed this sometime ago, but seeing that it got no response from Funcom I'll try again - never hurts. Here are the two changes I would love to see.

    1) I propose that when you mouse over an item, along with seeing the name of the item you also see the ql item. This will make sorting through the 100s of items in your inventory/bank/bags much easier. I wont even mention the piece of mind you get when doing cluster shopping!

    2) Custom bag labels. Make a bag, that you can double click or whatever and input your own label. Therefore instead of having 5 bags with the nifty trash icon, they will actually be meaningful! You can have "nano armor", "flowers", "alt stuff", "guild stuff" - anything that you may need. No more mixing bags up, or going through every single bag to find one blasted item!

    I dont want to sit here and tell Funcom what to do , or how easy this is, but relatively speaking it does seem like a rather trivial change. If you like this...can i hear a bump?

    I'll save Cz the trouble...

    I really like those ideas! It would probably take some major coding, but I'll mention to the devs next meeting.

    ... there ya go.

    [edit]Actually, I really do like those ideas... but you know how the game is played... we won't see them implemented this side of the grave.[/edit]

  3. #3

    Thumbs up

    BUMP for this great idea

  4. #4
    I believe I saw a post where in they detailed how much trouble custom labels would be on bags, since its a difference between client and server, and that you would have a better chance of getting them to make a bigger variety of pre-labled bags in the game.


  5. #5
    Funcom has responded to the labeling of bags, never gonna happen. Each time someone changed the name of a bag, which is a permanent unlike a pet, everybody would need to patch AO. To much trouble....

    The QL label with the mouse over I like
    Formrider - Lvl 73 Crat

    Nahadra - Lvl 55 doc

    Unfitrider - Lvl 101 Shade

    Achiever 66%
    Explorer 66%
    Killer 40%
    Socializer 26%

  6. #6


    Names do not have to be permanent...(we can already rename pets...)

    Well, if they are using object oriented code in the game (which they seem to be doing) then this really isn't that complicated...

    Say you have an Bag Class which is used to create bags.

    Add a new variable ( sBagAltName )
    Set it to the real name of the bag in the contructor (i.e. make it default to the normal bag name).

    Add a couple of functions to manipulate the temp bag name.
    SetBagAltName ( <newnamehere> )
    GetBagAltName( void )

    Then tweak any functions that display the bag name so that they display the BagAltName instead.

    Of course, they would also need to tweak the network data passed and possibly add an extra field to their database for use by bag objects.

    If they aren't using any type of abstraction then I can see where it might well be difficult...

    Anywise, doesn't seem like too much work unless their network code or database is too monolithic/fragile/arcane to easily modify.


  7. #7


    I would love to see the QL-mouseover idea added.
    In addition, how about adding QL to the item text when items are dropped into chat (ie trade channels and such)?

    Another change/fix I think needs to be looked at is the whole "player is already logged on" thing when trying to reconnect after a crash or disconnect. This is stupid. No other game I have ever played does this. If the server thinks a connection is still active, punt it immediately and connect the new one to the character!

  8. #8
    For changing the names of bags... why bother keeping bag names server side? You wouldn't have to send information about the bags name anywhere, just keep it local. Inventory/bank Orderering is stored locally anyway. If you traded a named bag to someone else they would get a 'Medium Backpack'. Just expect that when you pass a bag to someone and then get it back for it to have lost its name.

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