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Thread: Tokenboards?

  1. #1


    Hey FC mind answering this, Why do Clan Token Boards give 200 more HP/Nano then OT ones? Have the clan pansies whined again? Fix it and DO IT FAST FFS, Clan Got Sentinels we got a friggin copy of the OT elite.. FC not favouring clans? My ass.
    Despite everything in the end I was a Fixer and I can say it was hell of a ride.

  2. #2
    boo hoo hoo, clan and OT aren't exact clones of each other. Why are Alvin Pads better than Dodga. Why do your shops sell medsuits and not ours. Why do your shops give 40% more credits for loot. I'm sure someone else could list a lot more omni advantages, but those are just a few that come to mind. Each side has its +s and its -s and this is one of the very few disadvantages of being and omni. Life sucks, get a helmet.
    Thromp Uber Soldat (hehe ok uber for 80 seconds )
    Threefitty UberSquishy NanoTech

  3. #3
    Lol WELL SURE YOU CAN HAVE your friggin ALVIN pads, Dude you know how friggin IMPORTANT that HP/Nano bonus is? I Guess not?
    Despite everything in the end I was a Fixer and I can say it was hell of a ride.

  4. #4


    The Omni pads are bugged . They will give the same as clan board when fixed .

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