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Thread: wtb ARK help

  1. #1

    wtb ARK help

    i want my postcount to be brought down to 0 that would pwn
    Trained "Barrelosk" Gimp - 200 Gimpforcer - camping specialist
    Face "Default" Puncher - 88 Martial Artist - omg they nerfed my name

    The 12 pains of AO
    pwnage, my postcount r teh none!
    Heckler... Heckler... Heckler... Heckler... InGoT! iNgOt! Argh! Its a train!
    Hecklers! - Our solution to our leveling problem, but the spawn of it too!

  2. #2
    that is an unusual request...

    ...or maybe an ironic way of saying "hey! stop nerfing my postcount!"

    either way, good luck!

  3. #3
    Or he has only posted in posts where people he hate posted.. and he wants those posts nerfed to mmk.

  4. #4
    hello, im ARK Tsukts

    im here to nerf j00 postcount and make it my own

    *looks in backpacks for his Torturing Tool*

  5. #5
    Originally posted by o_O Tsukts O_o
    hello, im ARK Tsukts

    im here to nerf j00 postcount and make it my own

    *looks in backpacks for his Torturing Tool*
    ban for being a false ARK
    Surge 201 MA, Surgikal 150 Enf, Xeqtrr 128 Agent

  6. #6

  7. #7
    can i get a 500 one? or 1000 one?

  8. #8

  9. #9
    well it was worth a shot

    wheres Marius? *makes evil plot*

  10. #10
    rofl I didnt know if you could do that :P what if he wasnt serious? rofl :P

  11. #11

    Registered: Aug 2003
    Posts: 0


  12. #12
    shame on all the rest of j00z, now when ur post gets warped to reets or something u actually cry
    pwnage, now i can use replace "o" with "0" f0r a reas0n

    bleh, it isnt perma-nerfed did a test on enfo forums...i though it was so that they could only drop to 0 and never go up again
    Last edited by Barrelosk; Aug 9th, 2004 at 02:49:45.
    Trained "Barrelosk" Gimp - 200 Gimpforcer - camping specialist
    Face "Default" Puncher - 88 Martial Artist - omg they nerfed my name

    The 12 pains of AO
    pwnage, my postcount r teh none!
    Heckler... Heckler... Heckler... Heckler... InGoT! iNgOt! Argh! Its a train!
    Hecklers! - Our solution to our leveling problem, but the spawn of it too!

  13. #13
    rofl you deserved that.

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