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Thread: Prof VP?

  1. #1

    Prof VP?

    (02:19) [OT shopping 11-50] PersonChatting: WTB enf VP 1.5m per 1k

    Saw someone looking for crat VP last night. Am I missing something, or are they?

  2. #2
    Probably want specific Ofab pieces

  3. #3
    Ofab is tradable, but terminals are still profession locked (which i hope is gonna stay) so if you are looking for ofab for your toon, you have option to go check gms, or find person with same profession and lotsa VP. So in this special case, he is looking for enfo, with lotsa VP, and is up to pay 1.5m per 1k VP
    President of Mayhem (OTC)

  4. #4
    Aha! Thank you kindly for breakin' that down for me.


  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Muckota View Post
    Ofab is tradable, but terminals are still profession locked (which i hope is gonna stay) so if you are looking for ofab for your toon, you have option to go check gms, or find person with same profession and lotsa VP. So in this special case, he is looking for enfo, with lotsa VP, and is up to pay 1.5m per 1k VP
    Keeping them profession locked is just stupid, if the parts are made yesdrop they better change the terminals to be accessed by everyone as well.
    General of Horizon. Member of Unity. Frequent visitor of Free Spirits and The Last Element.

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    Also: Giant horde of alts.

  6. #6
    Locking the terminals to the respective professions encourage the use of professions on BS which for one reason or another is less desirable, as it'd provide a decent credit income for the player in question.
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  7. #7
    How retarded is that...having to buy an item from another player because the character of my own that could afford it is the wrong profession.
    Because Race Yalm

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Slackadoo View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Russless View Post
    Instead of a direct exchange of VP for creds, how about you purchase a yesdrop item in the tower shop, 'VP transfer 1000vp' for example, which you can then either sell via the shopping channels, GMS or transfer to your alt? Upon right-click the VP is obtained by the user of the item.

    My thinking is that if VP is an item that needs to be sold, just like the majority of PVM loot, then it will be open to being affected by the economy in terms of price. This would also allow PVP'ers to purchase items from other players and pay directly in VP.
    Very good idea with an item able to sell and do whatever u want with. That would be a great thing to add, maybe even make different "packs" of vp's to sell. Like 5k 5m for example, or maybe even 10m. Just random prices i say now. And then bigger packs with 20k, 50k, 100k VP for ofc a price that makes it worth it.
    Thy name be OFAB.

    There have been numerous threads about the economy of AO, I am only now starting to consider that there is a 2nd form of real currency in the game. Does that say anything about the value of my credits? Or what to expect? I dunno. Interesting stuff....

  9. #9
    I think keping the terminals locked is a good idea.
    Thor Mastablasta Hammersmith - Level 220, AI 30, LE 70 Clan Atrox Nano Technician - Setup
    The Red Brotherhood

    I'm a Nano-Technician, don't ever expect me to fight unbuffed, alone or fair.

    Means: about f'ing time :P
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  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Demoder View Post
    Locking the terminals to the respective professions encourage the use of professions on BS which for one reason or another is less desirable, as it'd provide a decent credit income for the player in question.
    Quote Originally Posted by MajorOutage View Post
    How retarded is that...having to buy an item from another player because the character of my own that could afford it is the wrong profession.

    How convenient, your answer was posted before you even commented.

    shops need to stay lockable or BS will only consist of docs/enfos/sols/advys. Keeping them locked makes sure that more professions are taking place in BS and is good for overall variability.
    Proud Member of Paradise

  11. #11
    i think they shouldve unlocked the shop for a couple weeks at start to spread out flow of vp evenly. professions that everyone plays in bs cant even get rid of ofab now, while the undesirable profs (if there is no undesirable profs for bs, than the argument to keep them locked crumbles) have to still pay top cred because damand is alot higher vs supply. leaving the shops open for a couple weeks to even out distribution, and then locking the shops again for good wouldve done more good for the future ofab economy (speculation based on those who had million(s) vp spending it all while shops are open) than where it is sitting now. people are still going to play sol/enfo/doc/advy, as ofab is definitely a buyers market, and camping bs with undesirable prof to make money on ofab is not extremely profitable even in ideal conditions. sure, you can do your daily everyday and over time you make enough vp to sell a piece of armor, unless of course you're levelling and need it yourself... which everyone else with undesirable prof is also doing, so your sol. one thing is for sure, people will milk the economy which ever way it goes, and leaving ofab terminals locked serves only to unbalance the market in the future.

    *edit* who the he.. wants advy ofab anyways?
    wtf happened to my avatars eyebrows?

    I used to listen to Dubstep in the 90's... every time I connected to the internet.

  12. #12
    I think keeping them locked is good as well. It's not going to unbalance the market - the market will balance according to which professions enjoy BS the most - that armor will become "cheap" and those professions that don't fare so well in BS will have the "most expensive" armor. I'm using quotes to indicate that these terms are relative only to other pieces of OFAB armor. There's nothing wrong with this, it simply makes sense. What's so bad about it?

    I think some people get upset just because they're still going to have to either farm VPs or cough up some more money, big deal. Welcome to AO. At least now you have a choice!
    Machina - 220|30|63 Engi
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  13. #13
    May the Sploitz be with u Ciex's Avatar
    Im really sorry that a legion of advy owners cant supply their alts indefinitely and other professions are forced into Player With Player interaction. Lets quit or at last make a few "i quit" emo threads!
    Asasello, Sottcapo, Ciex, Rychu, Ciek, Zomowiec, Ciekafsky, Rysiek, Chinaski, Libertarian, Propertarian.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Ciekafsky View Post
    Im really sorry that a legion of advy owners cant supply their alts indefinitely and other professions are forced into Player With Player interaction. Lets quit or at last make a few "i quit" emo threads!
    not being an advy owner myself its sad to see all that vp rotting on advy bs nubs. that being said a large part of me is giggly over the irony of their ofab armor being the least valued (hence my edit in my last post), but *sigh* such a waste of vp.
    wtf happened to my avatars eyebrows?

    I used to listen to Dubstep in the 90's... every time I connected to the internet.

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