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Thread: A Proposal - OTIP

  1. #1

    A Proposal - OTIP

    Okay, so I'll admit right off the bat that I'm ripping this idea off from Eve Online. There's a corp there called Eve University. It's basically a training ground for new players. Experienced players hold classes and train new players on how to be effective in all aspects of the game. What I'm proposing is the Omni-Tek Internship Program.

    I've recently returned to the game from what I'll call an extremely extended hiatus. I played at launch and a few times over the years and I'm struggling with what makes the game great, tons of depth, customization, and a world that doesn't hold your hand.

    This makes the game challenging and fun, but also hard to get into. Would anyone be interested in forming an org that welcomes new players and has scheduled classes on things like tradeskills, playing your class effectively, and general education about the world of Rubi-Ka and environs?

    I've looked for OT orgs and the only recruiting thread I've found that looks interesting requires level 100 (Atlantean). Other recruiting orgs look for a working knowledge of the game. Speaking for myself I join an org to learn and contribute. This doesn't seem to be an option, though. Maybe because there's not a lot of new people.

    Feel free to call me crazy or a noob, but hopefully some people think this isn't totally crazy!

  2. #2

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