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Thread: make all buffs self only !

  1. #1

    make all buffs self only !

    that's the only way to stop all the @#$# whining on these boards.

    no, wait, that will make it worse, cause now everyone will be whining that they can't solo 50% missions cause they can't get a crit buff, rrf, essence, or can't cast those nano's they want to cause they can't get mochams and infuses. or get that armor on cause FG is now self only...doh, i'm getting a headache.

    better idea, LEAVE THE FRIGGIN GAME ALONE!! quit crying about everything cause all it's doing is getting everybody else nerfed . 7% bracers, this is what happens when a few GIMPS start crying about reflects being overpowered. give me a break, bracers were never the problem. the noobs that didn't get any bracers are the problem.

    here's alli's tip for the day.... if you get owned because your opponent had 2 bracers on, quit playing the game because you're stupid.

  2. #2

    Remove the professions!

    Wild idea, yes. But it would make the idiots happy. And remove all loot from the game. Yes.

    Make all armor simply level up with you. Bah! remove armor. Just increase AC as you level.

    I say remove all buffs because they are unfair and someone might have to look for one to be more effective. How unfair.

    Remove all the loot from the game because I might find something you didn't. Totally unfair.

    I say remove dueling from the game. Simply put terminals in the clubs where two people can click and find out who won.

    Anything else that isn't in a communist state yet?

    No professions means no more jealousy. No loot means no more jealousy.

    Remove implants from the game because some people are better than others at laying out implants and getting them installed. How unfair.

    Remove Yalmahas from the game because some players have them and others don't. Can't get much more unfair than that.

    Remove Token Boards because Neutrals don't have them.

    Make the graphics suck because some people have crappy PC's.

    Oh, remove monster killing because some people have more time and level faster. Simply make everyone equal to the highest level player. He levels, you level. That's fair.

    Remove grouping from the game because some people are uncomfortable looking for a group.

    Remove emotes because newbies don't know how to do them and feel ashamed.

    Welcome to Nerf Online. The totally fair MMORPG.

  3. #3

    Re: make all buffs self only !

    Originally posted by garzini
    here's alli's tip for the day.... if you get owned because your opponent had 2 bracers on, quit playing the game because you're stupid.
    Ali i like you because on 1 on 1 i never saw you running even when you saw it was lost, anyway, play a profession thats stuck in one kind of damage, that cant heal, that has ****ty attack rate because of the clusters place and the lame ass buffs, that was nerfed to the state of a snail go try to duel someone that knows what hes doing youll see my point. No one ever asked for pvm bracers nerf.
    Its just not working with 40% dmg and 100% healing when u even reduce the dmg u still take if you play any non healing class.

    Whoever cant understand this just try to imagine playing with 40% healing and 100% damage ull get the picture.

  4. #4
    make RK-1 0% so u can kill the mofos u dont like.

  5. #5

    Angry offense, but I remember when MAs were gimps...we were a joke. Soldiers could kill anything with a basic alpha, because they had upwards of 30% crit and burst/fling/full auto (back when burst could crit.) Anyone ever notice that most of the first few neophytes (if not all) were soldiers? Yet, what did MAs have? we had crappy heals (still crappy...but im not whinning) and crits. (which everyone else had). I remember traders depriving me back to the noob stages of my MA...rooting me, and taking me out with an ithaca and 39% crit from 40 feet away. Now that MAs are actually a force that you have to think twice about ganking, everyones crying for MORE remember what happened when crit got nerfed? It turned soldiers into a joke, and the trader population damn near cut in half. Crying for an rrfe nerf is only going to make another proffesion dominate in pvp (probably docs, even more so...just a guess...hows that for a scary thought...)

    I dont pity now have what MAs used to have, and what NTs/MPs/Engies still do. In fact, im willing to bet most current high lvl soldiers started out as pvp twinks because soldiers were gods back when crits still existed, and they could dominate any proffesion. deal with it, your just another proffesion, your patch will come soon...until then please stop whinning how badly you suck, everyone is sick of it. Just think about engies/mp/nt whenever you whine about everyone else having rrfe. you still have TMS, which is more than MAs had when crit buffs could be cast on others.

  6. #6
    All buffs self only would be really interesting and would be much harder to choose prof and/or breed (no fun with nanomage without essence or doc buff)

    Also would change overequipping alot...
    ICQ: 419860

    Clan Apocalypse - The guild for models

    Account closed.

  7. #7
    NTs are gimped in pvp ? homo nano is gimped from the scratch.
    Check out some good NTs they pvp as good as a soldier.
    MPs are way better when good played ( ie mind quake as a starter not stoopid nsd).
    IMO Soldier and NT are both professions that gave up there healing abilities from the beginnin to be able to deal mass damage, and yet none of us succeed in doing it. Why because the damage is capped and the specials arecapped/nerfed, nothing to do with healing. If you wanted to deal mass damage then u should have started either a soldier or an NT. If youre happy being able to heal as well as fight then Ma is fine stick with it. The only totally gimped prof is engie atm, and still i know some that can give you some trouble to pvp and might kill you if you dont know what they re up to.
    Its like 6 month soldiers ask for love and like 1 year NT ask for love maybe its time

  8. #8

    Re: Re: make all buffs self only !

    Originally posted by Infamine

    Ali i like you because on 1 on 1 i never saw you running even when you saw it was lost

    Fought Ali 2x in one day a few weeks ago, and he ran both times, even the second time when HE ganked ME.

    2x Fire Bracers and RRFE, no wonder you were losing.

    here's alli's tip for the day.... if you get owned because your opponent had 2 bracers on, quit playing the game because you're stupid.
    Katelin Arinia Rhees
    Level 220 Enforcer
    Former Enforcer Professional
    Former President of the late Midnight Reveries
    Account Created: 2001-10-08; Account Expired: 2005-02-19

  9. #9

    Re: Re: Re: make all buffs self only !

    Originally posted by Arinia

    Fought Ali 2x in one day a few weeks ago, and he ran both times, even the second time when HE ganked ME.

    2x Fire Bracers and RRFE, no wonder you were losing.

    yeah, but you wont' see me crying for a nerf, i always said bracers and rrf aren't the problem. the problem isn't that the dmg can't be dealt, it's in the reflected dmg.

    you were doing crap dmg against me both of those times, when i quit attacking my hp's barely dropped, but when i attacked back i got over 200 reflected dmg and that's why i had to run, was a lost cause

    when i kill myself by hitting you that's not right, reflects don't need nerfed, they need 1/2 dmg reflected back or even none at all. if you can't hit me for more then 30 sneak attack, and 300 dimach, no way should i die from reflected dmg.

  10. #10
    I kill the only way I can, and because I can't crit anymore, it's my damage shield. Do you know how long it took me to get apprentice? Long time.

    Yup, nerf my damage shield so that MAs *always* win. Yup. Sounds good to me.

    /me puts in suggestion
    Katelin Arinia Rhees
    Level 220 Enforcer
    Former Enforcer Professional
    Former President of the late Midnight Reveries
    Account Created: 2001-10-08; Account Expired: 2005-02-19

  11. #11
    Originally posted by Tolbat
    make RK-1 0% so u can kill the mofos u dont like.
    You know, when I first heard the concept for AO, 0% all over is what I imagined it would be a year or two down the road.

    Whining aside, how cool would it be to have a guerrilla war in the ruined husk of Omni 1 or Tir?

    Despite my suckiness at PVP, it would be a lot of fun.
    Gogo "Atremis" Yubari
    220 MA - RK1

    There are 10 types of people in this world... Those who understand binary, and those who don't.

  12. #12
    Originally posted by Atremis

    You know, when I first heard the concept for AO, 0% all over is what I imagined it would be a year or two down the road.

    Whining aside, how cool would it be to have a guerrilla war in the ruined husk of Omni 1 or Tir?

    Despite my suckiness at PVP, it would be a lot of fun.
    It would rock =)

    / Tolbat

  13. #13
    Just make the arena cancel all the buffs you dont have uploaded. That will remove outside buffed people who only got their apprentice or novice because they use outside buffs. I call em people who arent worth their title. Im a soldier. When i shoot an NT i dont want him to have RRFE or something like that. He can use his own freaking buffs! I know i do. I got rookie title, gotten selfbuffed, maybe thats why im not apprentice yet. But damn make an arena that cancels outside buffs! That will remove docs with infinite complete heals and NTs doing a nuke waaaaaaaay above your lvl and so on.

    Selfbuffed all the way!
    Cauterized - NT parked at current lvl until the NT is fixed
    Mortalstrike - Former pvp twink Soldier - The original one

    Best thing about sex is when you lay completely still in bed afterwards feeling all comfy and are counting the money.

  14. #14
    Just change the game so that everyone can pay $12.95 per month to have their own wep page with the number 200 on it.

  15. #15
    Originally posted by Mortalstrike
    Just make the arena cancel all the buffs you dont have uploaded. That will remove outside buffed people who only got their apprentice or novice because they use outside buffs. I call em people who arent worth their title. Im a soldier. When i shoot an NT i dont want him to have RRFE or something like that. He can use his own freaking buffs! I know i do. I got rookie title, gotten selfbuffed, maybe thats why im not apprentice yet. But damn make an arena that cancels outside buffs! That will remove docs with infinite complete heals and NTs doing a nuke waaaaaaaay above your lvl and so on.

    Selfbuffed all the way!

    did u self buff your gun? if u did its ok to say this, if somone helpt you Eq your gun stfu....
    peoples use wrangels to use ther guns NTs use Mochams to use ther weapons wtf is the problem?

  16. #16
    I dont pity now have what MAs used to have, and what NTs/MPs/Engies still do. In fact, im willing to bet most current high lvl soldiers started out as pvp twinks because soldiers were gods back when crits still existed, and they could dominate any proffesion. deal with it, your just another proffesion, your patch will come soon...until then please stop whinning how badly you suck, everyone is sick of it. Just think about engies/mp/nt whenever you whine about everyone else having rrfe. you still have TMS, which is more than MAs had when crit buffs could be cast on others.
    Ahhh, let's leave MPs out of this. I am, by no means uber (nanomage MP), but I have had little trouble kicking the living crap out of higher level soldiers, enforcers, docs, traders, fixers and one a couple occassions, MAs. Only ones that ever agree to duel me anymore are folks I have absolutely no chance of winning against (i.e. lvl200 enforcer, high lvl MAs and some traders). doesn't sound like a pvp gimp to me (back down to rookie status, but holding strong). 100% self buffed as well. After the reflect nerf, things will probably be even easier.

    maybe a good twist for pvp is to force everyone to become self buffed. the arena is there for us to practice our skills, not get all uber duber on outside buffs then kick the tar out of a self buffer :/

    Engis are the ones that need help. Only thing I'd ever ask for in terms of the MP profession is of course better pet pathing and to have our pets inherit their master's nano resistance levels. I tested it out. I have 600 nano resist and will resist maybe 1/3 to 1/2 of roots and debuffs, whereas my pets resist maybe 2%.

    Also, to allow our pets to be "scared" by an enforcer or MA makes no sense to me. they are created from the master's mind, are under their master's control via a psychic link and they have no will of their own other than what the master orders them to do, so how is it that these fear or charm nanos can even affect a pet without affecting the master? Either make it scare me or remove its affect on pets. I have a hard time believing that a mindless and obediant (please hold off all comments on pet pathing) nanocloud can become "scared".

    But yeah, other than that, MPs kick a whole lotta butt in pvp if played right. but the ones with no mk2, 1k board and creation weapons/pillows still get owned pretty quick

  17. #17
    also, in terms of NTs getting mochams before a fight, why the hell not? like the other guy said, it's like getting a wrangle to equip your gun. Even a lvl 200 nanogimp NT can't use a few of their highest lvl nukes and that's plain out not fair

    edit: yknow, maybe I was wrong on this. a better solution would be to give NTs their own line of nano skills buffs. in my opinion, they should be a bit different from mp buffs, maybe one spell that boosts all nano skills by 160 and is self only or something?

    damn, I just feel bad for NTs :/
    Last edited by THEDEACON!; Aug 20th, 2002 at 04:45:36.

  18. #18
    NTs are good at pvp?

    OMG maybe they can stand chance against other pvp gimps and maybe can kill soldier but only way to pvp with NT is stand way back run in send couple nukes and run back before get debuffed.

    NT are so dependable on their nanos and so many who can debuff them its just sad to see how someone can say NTs are good at pvp.

    Yey wenzell got neophyte crat is pvp god! ROFL give me a break.
    Two sisters practicing medicine on Rubika and Shadowlands Pomy and Julka.

    As a doctor i would prescribe you to use some common sense and a vacation to Real Life"

    If i ever start a new character in Eve i will choose a name something like "aieerjjnnvajjnasdio11e3".

  19. #19
    Originally posted by Tolbat

    did u self buff your gun? if u did its ok to say this, if somone helpt you Eq your gun stfu....
    peoples use wrangels to use ther guns NTs use Mochams to use ther weapons wtf is the problem?
    Yes i did selfequip my ql 140 div 9 with RE mastery and AR mastery + the regular expertises. Thats why i havent lost to a trader since i lvled. Max i had my gun deprived to was 75% effectiveness and the only trader who managed that was one who got healed all the time. I could have gone for a much higher gun but i thought this way i would be able to kill those damn traders a bit more easy than i used to. Looks like i harmed an outside buffer by posting before... Im sorry Tolbat...
    Cauterized - NT parked at current lvl until the NT is fixed
    Mortalstrike - Former pvp twink Soldier - The original one

    Best thing about sex is when you lay completely still in bed afterwards feeling all comfy and are counting the money.

  20. #20
    Mortalstrike, how would u feel if ur gun went to 0% effectiveness when u got debuffed? that's pretty much the case for us NT's.
    200 · Nano-Technician


    - Every level a player gets past 150, they will be punished with less and less people they can kill
    - Make pure PvP server. 25% suppression in major cities, 5% everywhere else. And no level restrictions.
    One of my ALL Time Favorite websites when I feel down (It's beyond hilarious!)
    ..::Computer games don't affect kids; I mean if Pac-man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music::..
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