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Thread: A Call to Arms

  1. #1

    A Call to Arms

    The fimalure image pops onto the holoscreen. Once again the man in nomad armor appears.

    You all critized my speakings, you all sat back and called me a loon. It would seem the tides have turned. Omni-Tek has taken control of Borealis, the straw that has finally borken the camels back. Mabey now when it is too late you see the danger you are in. Perhaps now my words will have some more weight. Had you heeded my words and taken action when necessary this whole mess could have been avoided. You speak of peace, it seems neither side is interested in your peace, nor are they interested in your rights. The question I leave to you is will you sit back and protest these actions, doing nothing, having ICC and Omni-Tek ignoring you. Or will you rise up and make your voices heard. Join me and we can help bring an end to this opression, and end to this war, and an end to the currouption that has overtaken this planet.

    The image abruptly disappears, and the screen goes blank.
    May the sands wash away your sins

  2. #2
    This is most surely the time to act.

    Omni's, clans, and neutrals alike .. fight back against the oppressors in Borealis!!

    Outnumbered or not Exalted will fight against these scum and help reclaim our once great city. We are small in number but brave in heart and will rabidly fight until every last one of us is gone, they will have to revoke our insurance to stop us .. because we will not no matter what happens.


    Bell get out from behind your screen and prove yourself in battle! All should act now.
    Last edited by SirNegs; May 30th, 2006 at 22:08:17.
    "If you say 'plz' because it's shorter than 'please', I'll say 'no' because it's shorter than 'yes'."

    SirNegs - Neutral Keeper
    Negs - Neutral MP
    Lode - Neutral Doctor

  3. #3
    I fully agree. The Unicorns are needed in 4 Holes and Borealis is messed up enough without the presence of our univited troops. What in Ka's name were OTRK thinking? Is this how our tax money is going wasted?

    I wish Ross were back.

    Dabblez - Rubi-Ka Universal Robots (RUR)
    We put the Art into Artificial Intelligence!

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Savoy
    I wish Ross were back.
    Amen to that.
    Marcos "Yarko" Orender
    co-Minister of Foreign Affairs, Newland City Council
    Advisor of The Independent Rubikans

    Rubi-Ka's neutral news source: The Independent Rubikan

  5. #5
    I agree the time is now to fight!

    I say we get to a place of meeting and for a group attack force.. Let us drive this cancer for our homes!

    ~ Roger "Shadowset" Garanti (Member Clan Assembly)
    ~ Andrew "Boomtastic" Domtar (Member Clan Assembly)
    ~ Ta "Bloudless" Butcher (Member of the NLF)
    ~ Caviler "Cynotor" (Member of the NLF)
    ~ Chef "Ironox" (Member of the NLF)

    Public files on Shadowset
    Ironox and Cooking with Iron!

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Savoy

    I wish Ross were back.

    I do believe that sentiment is shared by most everyone on this planet...

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