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Thread: Aaaaaaaah now im pissed!

  1. #1

    Aaaaaaaah now im pissed!

    I havent tested it much but in 2ho I was trying out my "improved" char, Yup..i went from crappy ql 130 implants to > tada! Ql 200 Implants, All of them Add to attack ratings / Evades - A pvp layout-

    Okay, Now, I had 977atck ish and had 1001atck with Auto Targetting.

    That was all.
    Evades are at like 800, not in game now but cant be othered, I maxed them and left them for 5 levels.

    Do I feel more powerful? NO, NO I DONT!
    I dont think it has even helped me one bit!

    Remember my post "bleh i was thinking"?

    Well I finally got my imps in, that ma still owns me, that trader well, Dunno, and Skymarshal can still not get owned by me, even tho he said another enforcer with pipes can at lvl 142?!!?


    I feel like its wasted.

    For what....bleh.....I dont suck, My profession does, I nkow how to pvp like the next guy, oh :| Maybe rage should help, i hate those roots.

  2. #2
    Aww... I almost feel sorry for ya.

    Obit lvl 218 Soldier (Field Marshal)

  3. #3

  4. #4
    Your professiond oesn't suck at pvp, every other enf does great in pvp, it's not the profession.

    The other enf beat skymarshal and u cant and he was lower? Then it's obviously you who is messed up a bit. If you are tweaked to the max then it isn't your char. So it's either your tactic or bad bad luck. The challenger alpha strike with sticks sounds like a smart thing, but maybe vs a soldiers MK shield the other enf won by not using chal and recasting mongo a lot and first aiding to get past the mk shield. Either way, your attack rating and evades sound very nice, you should be doing well.

  5. #5
    na, you don't suck cloudeh. must've been something else.

    sometimes thing work differently on different people. take for instance my ma on a soldier. any soldier from lvl 120 up can kill me most of the time, but i found a lvl 184 soldier that had some trouble making that happen. then a 120 soldier, i die to his alpha. then there is vhalor...don't know what to say there, i can't even touch her.

    some enforcers like you i fight i can kill, when i attacked you in MMD other day though, you smacked me down so fast i didn't know if i was coming or rezzing.

  6. #6


    NOW you're pissed? So all the other threads were what....practice?

  7. #7


    Cloudeh, put on that hawaian shirt of yours, you wont loose another PvP battle ever again!
    ...your enemies will be too dazzled to attack you =)

  8. #8

    Re: ????

    Originally posted by Laeni
    NOW you're pissed? So all the other threads were what....practice?

    Yea. He needed a lot of practice.

  9. #9

    Re: ????

    Originally posted by Laeni
    NOW you're pissed? So all the other threads were what....practice?
    omg, lol.

  10. #10
    We warned you not to think Cloudeh.. now whats happened? =P

    Cloudeh psssst.. dun worry.. my Rider enforcer gets owned by every damn beam enforcer I fight..

    And he's tweaked out big time =(((
    ............................................Solitus Doctor
    ........................."I am he that buries his friends alive and
    ............drowns them and draws them alive again from the water." - When you sign up put 73583 as the ID of the person who recommended it to you(So I get credit) - It's fun I'm learnin it now but so far it's pretty nifty - You get your own Alien Train him, gamble, etc.. and then end up fighting people and stuff

  11. #11

    Talking stop the challenger

    i saw you in 2ho chasing a MP around and around , as soon as you saw him you used challenger and ran at him .
    he was fast just kept out of your way .till the pets and his 2 shots that he managed to get off did the work . challenger may work in the arena but , rage and mongro with healing stims the ones the docs make ,work for out side
    was a good fight while it lasted though
    keep at it at least your still out there not worrying about your title and are willing to have a go

  12. #12

    Re: Aaaaaaaah now im pissed!

    Originally posted by Cloudeh
    Okay, Now, I had 977atck ish and had 1001atck with Auto Targetting.

    I thought you ALWAYS fought self buffed? From what I have understood you consider it cheating to get outside buffs... And you have refused to fight pvp becuase of all the outside buffs ruining balance...

    And here you go get outside buffs yourself???? This is outragous!!!! CHEATER!!!
    NT phone HOME!!

  13. #13
    Originally posted by Whaambulance The other enf beat skymarshal and u cant and he was lower?


    1) Skymarshal (and any other soldier) runs slow. Use it to your advantage And get a watch with a second hand (hint, TMS MKX lasts for 1:20).

    2) Never fight a soldier in the Arena, unless they have a HGB (range so short that you can still run).

    3) Never use challenger, because you can't rage and run (see #1).

    4) When you run back into range, you're going to have to eat an alpha strike. Make sure you're all healed up (smash heals 1800/20 sec, you should be all better by the time TMS is down).

    5) Never hit a soldier through TMS, ever, unless it's 2 on 1 or more.

    I haven't fought him since he got his 200 imps in, I might have more trouble with him now. Post 14.2 (= no crit buffs) it'll be a whole different ballgame. IMHO, Soldiers are the 2nd most reliant on critbuffs in PvP, behind traders.
    Last edited by Arinia; May 23rd, 2002 at 15:53:35.
    Katelin Arinia Rhees
    Level 220 Enforcer
    Former Enforcer Professional
    Former President of the late Midnight Reveries
    Account Created: 2001-10-08; Account Expired: 2005-02-19

  14. #14
    Originally posted by Arinia


    1) Skymarshal (and any other soldier) runs slow. Use it to your advantage And get a watch with a second hand (hint, TMS MKX lasts for 1:20).

    2) Never fight a soldier in the Arena, unless they have a HGB (range so short that you can still run).

    3) Never use challenger, because you can't rage and run (see #1).

    4) When you run back into range, you're going to have to eat an alpha strike. Make sure you're all healed up (smash heals 1800/20 sec, you should be all better by the time TMS is down).

    5) Never hit a soldier through TMS, ever, unless it's 2 on 1 or more.

    I haven't fought him since he got his 200 imps in, I might have more trouble with him now. Post 14.2 (= no crit buffs) it'll be a whole different ballgame. IMHO, Soldiers are the 2nd most reliant on critbuffs in PvP, behind traders.
    For the third time this was a TEST.

    I TOLD HIM TO do MK and stand there and see if I could hurt him, he said another enforcer could so I figured, hey why cant I?

    Just fYI I do run from Soldiers outside the arena, Except optimusx, I kinda ate into his TMS.

    Also everytime I run the soldier usually stops attacking and calls me a wuss, "hey who said the fight was over I say"

    And btw Arinia, challenger has helpd a few times, for instance, alibobba guy, the ma... I did rage, chall and flurry *had mongo already runnin*
    Basically I hit, B N J K, brawl, fasy, sneak and Dimach, but i dont know if i had dimach, and I insta killed him, was I suprised?? Yup, I never thought I could do that to a ma, and that was the first time I have used challenger in the field of combat.

    It good, even against root it seems, brb.

  15. #15
    lol if enforcer sux in pvp, i guess it don't worth time to speak about engineer ^^

    enforcer is good in pvp, u should just fight with outside buff, not selfbuffed ^^

  16. #16
    Maybe Ishould, but those who failed against me when slef buffed, well....I do suppose enforcer rock the house with crit buffs "like everyone" and if rage worked roots would be a thing of the past.

    Hotpanties, if you read this, tell them what happened, everytime she rooted me it broke, EVERYTIME, hey FC do you sneak a rage fix or sumting?

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