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Thread: Keepers - Summing up

  1. #41
    we 2he profficient that means no 1he/pistol mess.
    we can do all 3 things that are kewl in ao. tank/do dd if ur good/heal
    we own in duels if our chars dont suck due to funcom (hmm thats not lookin too hot right now)
    andddddddd ...well I suppose shields looks okay as long as you dont have retarded 1he keeper twinks with dual 1he weapons trying to be advys. that would completely ruin the entire purpose of implimenting shield/1he option. and besides that im pretty sure if they put in shield/1he it would either be extremely op (like advy pistol checks) or awful and noone would use it
    can people stop quoting the prof description over and over again? it says profficient in 2he.. so we use 2he.. simple? duh -.-'
    Last edited by Keeper275; Nov 21st, 2009 at 07:14:55.
    RK2: 220 Soli Keeper clan

  2. #42
    i just.. don't get it.. I don't see agents running around with SMGs.. maybe because theyre profficient in rifles. and fixers are profficient in SMGs. so why should a keeper- a prof profficient in 2he- be allowed to dual wield 1he swords or pistols when there's already a prof for that?
    I get were all jealous of advy op and dont wanna reroll but come on.. the reason you rolled a keeper in the first place was because it was cool to be a holy paladin. I've been playing my keeper for 4 years and not once have I questioned why I created him: because of the 2he awesomeness that comes from playing as a holy knight ;P
    RK2: 220 Soli Keeper clan

  3. #43
    Quote Originally Posted by Keeper275 View Post
    i just.. don't get it.. I don't see agents running around with SMGs.. maybe because theyre profficient in rifles. and fixers are profficient in SMGs. so why should a keeper- a prof profficient in 2he- be allowed to dual wield 1he swords or pistols when there's already a prof for that?
    I get were all jealous of advy op and dont wanna reroll but come on.. the reason you rolled a keeper in the first place was because it was cool to be a holy paladin. I've been playing my keeper for 4 years and not once have I questioned why I created him: because of the 2he awesomeness that comes from playing as a holy knight ;P
    Yeah the 1he idea needs to be put to rest. It's bad enough FC gave in and gave us a shield.

  4. #44
    Quote Originally Posted by Righteous View Post
    Yeah the 1he idea needs to be put to rest. It's bad enough FC gave in and gave us a shield.
    Yes, awesome of them to give us 2 social items that we can't otherwise use, that there's no point getting because they have the same mesh as the Snake Tamer Shield.

    Now we have to use a stupid looking axe that makes any breed apart from Atrox look like they should be tipping forward when standing still.

    A shame, considering how awesome the HEoT looks.
    Member of Spartans
    Hacre/Solitus/Keeper/220/29/70 - Ninpopotamus/Solitus/NT/220/30/70 - Charmming/Opifex/Crat/220/30/70
    Quote Originally Posted by randomalpha View Post
    in the end soldier is not Op or even near from that never was never will be just for the record only keepers are the ones before soldiers on the nerfest list
    Genius at work.

  5. #45
    HEoT is still viable tho, you'll lack 30 aad but damage isn't really lower.

  6. #46
    Quote Originally Posted by NoGoal View Post
    HEoT is still viable tho, you'll lack 30 aad but damage isn't really lower.
    30aad is hardly insignificant as far as PvP is concerned.
    Member of Spartans
    Hacre/Solitus/Keeper/220/29/70 - Ninpopotamus/Solitus/NT/220/30/70 - Charmming/Opifex/Crat/220/30/70
    Quote Originally Posted by randomalpha View Post
    in the end soldier is not Op or even near from that never was never will be just for the record only keepers are the ones before soldiers on the nerfest list
    Genius at work.

  7. #47
    Quote Originally Posted by NoGoal View Post
    HEoT is still viable tho, you'll lack 30 aad but damage isn't really lower.
    Viable? Pride of Xan trumps it, with out a doubt. Why gimp yourself for looks?

  8. #48
    If I remember correctly HEoT has 2600 AR cap while Pride has 2750 + 30 add def and some HP and nano skills. Not bad at all exept the lack of sneak attack.
    Andvord, 220 Adv (retired)
    Knekt, 220/30/70 Keep (retired)
    Haavarst, 220/23 Crat
    Delifix 217 Fix
    Delivio 215 Shade
    Dilek 174 Doc
    Delisol 165 Sol
    Clown 126 Trader TL4 twink project
    Hannibal 22 Enf

  9. #49
    here's my 2 cents.

    Quote Originally Posted by Xkeeper View Post
    1) Lower the defense check of Holy Mark debuffs (Current is 95%)
    2) 1h edge + Shield combo
    3) Elegible for ranged energy / Melee Energy (would make us unique for sure)
    4) Condense HM line into maybe a 5 perks line
    5) Even up Dodge and Duck with Melee clsc on HM line (make hem all the same as evade clsc dows now)
    6) Condense Blessing and AoR into 5 Perks each
    7) Or merge Blessing with AoR into a single 10 pts line
    8) Or add blessing heals to AoR line
    9) Make Wrath nano line more operational for us, maybe lower recharge time to be compaible with our Fast Attack recharge. Raising DMG would be good too, same with Fury for lower levels.
    10) Kill this nano line idea, let us use our skills to full potential. No point not beeing able to use a mere 6% reflect if we are runing imminence nano. They should be merged into a single nano.
    11) Also merge Nano aura and Heal aura nanos into a single nano
    12) Merge dmg aura. ward and resist nanos into a single nano
    13) Even up our evade skills on Elude Pain so every skills add 140. With the high ammount of AR gained lately by ranged professions we got nothing to atleast clear the gat a little bit. For every 100 AR added to ranged profs we get less than half added to def skills.
    14) Same idea as above, but make all our evade skills light green so we can benefit from more evades overall, we dont need acrobat, just to bem even within our skills and toolset.
    15) Raise AAO on imminence line for god sake.
    18) Make couring touch heal scale with the ammount of HP we have
    19) Lay on Hands should heal more and faster, lowering recharge and raising heal ammount would be good.
    20) Raise AOR heal ticks... currently is too low fo high lvls
    21) Dimatch heal is good, but too slow of a recharge... let us atleast use it once every duel whitout having to wait for the current recharge. Making the maximum echarge 15 minutes and minimun down to 8 minutes would be intresting.
    22) Lower requirements on those stupif 1.8+ K nanos... really, we are not casters, even tho our nanos last longer than most out there we cant be looking for Traders and MP´s everytime we got into battle station. We should be able to cast our skills without problem, ITENS NEEDS TWINKING NANOS ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO WORK LIKE THAT, THEY ARE OUR FREAKING TOOLS.
    23) Lower devotional armor recharge, this perk is actually one of the best we got.

    1. Yes.
    2. No thanks...
    3. Ranged energy? Really? Melee energy would need a lot more work from the devs--not only would they need to give us viable (prof locked) weapons that would compete with every other 2he option available, they'd have to put in a lot more melee energy buffing equipment/nanos/etc into the game, and add it to our symbs. For the amount of work that would take, the net gain doesn't seem all that much worth it unless you're an RP type. In fact, the only gain I can foresee coming from that change is the ability to use slightly better phulaks at lower levels...
    4, 6,7,8 Some sort of nano line condensing needs to take place. The specifics can be quibbled about elsewhere.
    5. Disagree, unless FC's vision for keepers change with the upcoming balancing act. Previously Keepers were the premier anti-melee class, which meant our evade close skill should be higher than dodge/duck skills. PvP is just a massive paper rock scissors festival, having all our evades the exact same would throw that off kilter.
    9. Wrath (and fury) damage should scale better. It's decent (not great though) at tl5 when you first get it. If the recharge scaled on the amount of 2he skill one had, that would be superb. Also, if it could grey out and have a timer...
    10,11,12 More nano line condensing... Although I disagree with the OP in which lines should be merged. IMO merge ward+reflect+imm, dmg+resist, heal+nano (basically everything in the same nanoline now merges instead of across lines as the OP suggests). Or don't merge them, but make 3 new nanos with those merged, lower the existing nanos' nano skill requirement to something even those stupid troxes () can cast with CoNC10, and have the 3 new nanos retain the current 1800+ nano skill requirement of our top nanos. That way it's still something people have to work for without being complete /easymode
    13. Rather than raise the duck/dodge of the evade nano line, I'd like to see it buff AAD instead. Reasoning can be found in my #5
    14. Eh, don't care either way, would be nice to get, but wouldn't make or break the prof. Would be extremely nice for lobies that don't have access to as much aad equipment (or for newer players who can't afford to farm combined armour) though.
    15. More AAO would be awesome. Not all of us have access to MR. More AAO at lower levels would be helpful as well.
    16,17 OP skipped these numbers.
    18. Make Curing Touch recharge much faster. Currently it's also one of our only blind removal tools in addition to our largest perk heal, and /follow during pvp doesn't always work. A faster recharge also means more healing in addition to blind removal.
    19. Lay on hands needs to scale with our max hp. When you first get it, it's an okay heal. At tl7 it clearly needs better scaling. Raise the heal amount/scale it better but if the recharge for curing touch is reworked, then I don't think lay on hands needs to recharge that much faster...
    20. AoR needs some serious love (or merge perklines and give it perk actions akin to blessing). It isn't really 'viable' for what it does after tl4.
    21. Dimach: would like to see it on a 30 or 20 minute recharge with recharge scaling by amount of dimach skill; also keep the amount healed reflective of dimach skill.
    22. See my number 12. Personally I think it's a good idea to make certain players have to choose between having a rather nice genome perk (MR) and have to kill lotv for about an hour to farm some phulaks, or perk +nanoskills (conc line). Anyways, depending on your setup, there a ton of +nanoskills items ingame for various slots, and what's swapping 4 things every 4 hours anyway... Not really arguing for the status quo, but certain other profs also get to swap gear for casting their top buffs as well. As for BS, just enter with all your nano buffing gear on, and figure out the efficient order for casting nanos. I have no problem casting all of my buffs during decon and being fully swapped out by the time it zones me into the fight. At lower levels, just be nice and team a mp or trader and problem is solved (or make a froob agent/trader...).
    23. Keep the current recharge, but make it last longer. Especially if we're going to be able to give it to other people (on a side note, would it stack with soldier's guardian perk?).
    Rubennib [220/30 keeper]
    Darooses [220/23 crat]
    Rubedoc [220/25 doc]
    Keritan [220/25 enf]

    and a few more.

  10. #50
    I have two keeps 60 and 220. Both have great keep only buffs Fury and Wraith why FC dont make this 2 buffs 2he checked and working similar to AS/SA ?
    "The faith of the Keeper is such that they can unleash a devastating sword attack." <- FC subscription about those buffs.
    Finally keeps will have good pvp special. This is only mine sugestion.

  11. #51
    Quote Originally Posted by Bolivar View Post
    I have two keeps 60 and 220. Both have great keep only buffs Fury and Wraith why FC dont make this 2 buffs 2he checked and working similar to AS/SA ?
    "The faith of the Keeper is such that they can unleash a devastating sword attack." <- FC subscription about those buffs.
    Finally keeps will have good pvp special. This is only mine sugestion.
    they actually do check 2he vs evade cls.

    But, asking for that AND that they operate similar to AS/SA is asking for two different things. AS and SA do not check evades. They land regardless of evades.

    SA only checks AC's, and AS checks only the user's AS skill and the max dmg and the crit chance.

    But, I sort of agree, even if it only became an instantaneous attack as opposed to having a execution time, I'd be stoked.

  12. #52
    if you even bothered to DL the changes that means has allowed thus far on perks then you'll know hes not doing anything to keeper perks aside from adding a new HM perk with some def on it.. think its like +200def for 20secs or something @ 220, and hes raising dmg on SS perks..

    also I think it has been announced that we're getting reverse knockback (lol) and lower cost on our auras (again lol)

    in conclusion we once again get nothing we need and stay mini enfos

    also hes nerfing CT to 4k with 2k BD, unless you have 3k bod dev which would make your CT heal 6k

    and ranged energy? are you retarded? were keepers..

    go DL the propsed perk changes before you flame plax

    seems aor is getting better heals, again.. check the perk changes download please its at the top of the balancing forums..
    Last edited by Keeper275; Feb 9th, 2010 at 17:35:53.
    RK2: 220 Soli Keeper clan

  13. #53
    I actually like that Wrath/Fury can be used to check if an opponent is perkable.
    Member of Spartans
    Hacre/Solitus/Keeper/220/29/70 - Ninpopotamus/Solitus/NT/220/30/70 - Charmming/Opifex/Crat/220/30/70
    Quote Originally Posted by randomalpha View Post
    in the end soldier is not Op or even near from that never was never will be just for the record only keepers are the ones before soldiers on the nerfest list
    Genius at work.

  14. #54
    haha yeah that's what I do in bs..
    most of the time if theyre not I'm just spamming fa/brawl on follow and trying to meat shield as much as possible with def perks for my fellow clan mates
    RK2: 220 Soli Keeper clan

  15. #55
    Quote Originally Posted by Hacre View Post
    I actually like that Wrath/Fury can be used to check if an opponent is perkable.
    indeed, nothing like wastin perks on such a dependant perk proffession, just need the AR debuff perk to be like 50% check to evade rather then what it is, forget the name of it but that's a step in the right direction of a simple fix but still not enough unfortunately
    Originally Posted by Qualinas
    You're kinda slow, aren't you, Mr. Nov09?

    Well, its not everyday when I google for funcom or access
    Oh noes j00 want me to bring my "Join date: 2004" main to pwn yo? lols @ forum pvp

  16. #56
    Quote Originally Posted by Capncaveman View Post
    perks firing faster, the 25 minute alpha [slight exaggeration but not much] debuffs s&d pl is a tad ridiculous for pvp

    make the shade nemesis nano a debuff and not remove auras, recasting 12k worth of nano pool and hot swapping to do it in bs or at towers is stupid, bs is over before we can rebuff and finish hot swapping
    our nemesis nano on agents last 20 seconds woo hoo!! 1250-rifle as they agent runs out of range for a few seconds then come back, we get a 10 minute process of rebuffing >.<!!!!!

    would also be nice to go back to being a top damage prof., not just an anti fear ho for 12 man

    getting od'd by engis crats mp's and docs on a full end game keeper is kinda silly too

    weren't they one of the top 3 at one point, [oh yeah] I do remember od'ing sols and ma's. those were the days
    This ^^ Plus Im gonna be a whiner and admit to wanting lower reqs on some nanos >.< Hotswapping gear is fine..but when after hotswapping etc and still nowhere near getting the reqs to nanos that lvl req lvls below what you are is sad ... or I just suck >.> Also hotswapping and trying to rush to buff up in BS (ofc not getting all buffs done in time of being booted from decon) then having an afk'd out round, sign up and have to do it all over again...after the 3rd or 4th time in a row, it's frustrating..5th+ you dont even wanna bother buffing >< The perk times though is 100% /agree.. Pride is a nice wep, but a lot of dmg is relied upon the perks and once that first round is set off, you got umm ...well... fast attack for awhile? lol
    Mianna 220 soli MpSeckskitten 220 soli Doc
    Sinfulbliss 220 soli CratQuinessa 220 soli Keeper
    Cinnabun 220 soli SoldierTinkerbellz 220 opi EngiNukalicious 212 NtMeepinz 150 opi Fixer
    Mangolicious 150 trox EnfoMunchkinz 205 opi MA

  17. #57
    I think it would be kickass if keeper as a master of sword arts would be able to wield 2he in one hand and perhaps shield on other. Those words aren't so big after all.
    Taranide 220/30 fixer RK2 and now also RK1! Wait a second...
    Might have other characters too but I'm not so sure, always leave them camping something and there they are for few months.

  18. #58
    BUMP for keepers love and some more DD for them...
    Every prof should have access to some deadly attack like AS/SA.

    ....and nerf ranged advys 80% perks

  19. #59
    Keeper DD is just fine, it's just that most keepers think a pvp setup with ofab and CC is viable in pvm. Just like every other profession, pvm setups are very different, I find my keeper to compete equally with dual SMG soldiers, crats and most shades, and his setup is not yet finished.
    Keepers do need something else, since in pvm we bring nothing to the table other than DD. The auras doesn't compare to what many other professions bring.
    Why play melee when crat pets can do your job?
    Quote Originally Posted by Wyldebeast View Post
    Simple, why the melee hate?
    Quote Originally Posted by Means View Post
    ...Melee people/pets are needed...

  20. #60
    Quote Originally Posted by Wyldebeast View Post
    Keeper DD is just fine, it's just that most keepers think a pvp setup with ofab and CC is viable in pvm. Just like every other profession, pvm setups are very different, I find my keeper to compete equally with dual SMG soldiers, crats and most shades, and his setup is not yet finished.
    Keepers do need something else, since in pvm we bring nothing to the table other than DD. The auras doesn't compare to what many other professions bring.
    I think keeper DD is ok. It's definitly not great.

    But I definitly disagree that keepers only bring DD to teams. Hardly. Ward or immi, enervate? common, those are really decent contributions. imo, they are anyway.

    reflect aura could use a significant boost all the way across the board though. like 5% increase at all TL's.

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