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Thread: The Question.

  1. #1

    The Question.

    This question has probably been asked before somewhere but anyway..

    How do you find the right shop in the new player-city areas when those areas are not on world map yet? I'm currently trying to buy an icy golem pattern from someone but I have no idea what building it's in.

    If you see a 220 soldier running screaming between the buildings, that's me.
    Veteran of Equilibrium

  2. #2
    The answer:


    I checked the GMS again and there are coords there for the shop!
    Veteran of Equilibrium

  3. #3
    Don't shout or octa will despawn


  4. #4
    Where is "unknown PF 6101"? >.<
    Veteran of Equilibrium

  5. #5

    Funcom employee

    Quote Originally Posted by Wrangeline View Post
    Where is "unknown PF 6101"? >.<
    Three Craters West (6102 is Three Craters East). I'd like to say this is something we'll be able to fix/update in the near future.
    Brad L. McAtee / Kintaii
    Former Senior AO Designer & Jack of All Trades
    (2007 - 2012)
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  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Kintaii View Post
    Three Craters West.
    Thank you!
    Veteran of Equilibrium

  7. #7
    i figured it was one of those pf's! before the patch that opened the pf's i was looking GMS to buy something and i came across that unknown pf bla bla too. so much fun to come across a search result that is in a pf you cant get to! >.>
    sad thing was that it was way cheaper then all the other prices on gms for the item >.<

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    Quote Originally Posted by Solidstriker View Post
    And Ella said, "Let there be robots," and there were robots. Ella saw that the robots were good, and he separated the light from the dark. Ella called the light "Slayerdroids," and the dark he called "Gladiatorbots." And there was Automations, and there was Warmachines- the second day.

  8. #8
    In the middle of searching for a shop in pf 6101. Spent 20-30mins going in and out of random shops in 3 Craters East before I've stumbled upon this post..

    Half hoping that if I do actually succeed in finding the shop it will decide to give me the item for free....

  9. #9
    I also tried to buy something from those cheap germanz.. I found the coords. Went to the zone and found the shop (more or less at the coords). However there was a problem.

    Inside there was no such shop and not loot to be bought. I had an org mate check GMS while I was in the shop/ outside. He could confirm that the loot was STILL in GMS, but I could not find it in the shop it was intended to be.

    1) Could you make it so that when you enter a city, make the "You have entered the city of "blabla"" message come also in that playfield? That way we at least know that its the right city/ shop we are entering.
    2) Either make sure that the GMS search is updating immetiately when something is purchased, AND/ OR make sure that the coords for shops are correct. I for one tried to find something in 576/3982 (i might have missed a bit on the coords) from Stervas shop. Its not there. Either it has changed name and/ or its at some other location.

    I know you are saying it will be fixed.. i hope at least that these are some of the issues beeing fixed..

    /me prays for cheap german prices..
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  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Niles View Post
    /me prays for cheap german prices..
    we love it to sell our crap for so much credits

  11. #11
    I've been buyin stuff from the playershops in three craters just fine, I just use /waypoint when I'm lookin at the info on the market search to set a marker and if it's 6101 I fly into it from Avalon, if it's 6102 I fly into it from Mort.

    /waypoint X Y Playfield is /win
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sterva View Post
    If you felt that I was implying that you are an idiot, it's probably because you are in fact, an idiot.

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