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Thread: ban multi boxing, this issue will not go away no matter how many threads you close

  1. #201
    Quote Originally Posted by Awikun View Post
    A problem is when 1 Idiot controls 12 crats or 10 NTs and 2 fixers and is attacking towers 12 hours a day (and meeping when defenders come). This second multiboxer should be a lot easier to spot and ban.
    Omg lmao

  2. #202
    Quote Originally Posted by Pafpuf View Post
    The beauty in flagging is you wait for whoever attacks you first. If a flagged green shows up well that's his bad luck. Not like you'd know, the only time you actually did attack me was that failed NBS gank attempt lol.
    What o_O, I've never NBS'd you...

    I've Aimshotted and Easyshotted you when you were like 30% :>
    Much cooler, no? ;D
    Diabetes - teh qt engi
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    Devil Inside

  3. #203
    Quote Originally Posted by Malaxia View Post
    I've been reading this whole thread and everytime it only relates to PVP and Tower wars. That's not the whole game and that's is not the majority of players (from a personal point of view, I couldn't care less if PvP was removed from the game).
    Quote Originally Posted by Caloss2 View Post
    how much pvp does influence the rest of the game and the economy, for an example you can't go and pvm or do much of anything else with alts etc because your base is under a 7 hour long attack by one player every day for a week.
    Dichotomy, pvp is an OPTION. You don't have to own towers that are under attack 7 hours a day, every day for a week.

    I have no sympathy for this. IF you participate in NW and IF you have towers you should expect them to be under siege 24hours a day 7 days a week. IF you do not have that type of dedication, maybe you should not choose to participate in NW.

    NW is supposed to be war, guerrilla warfare, terrorist attacks, hit and run, whatever you want to call it. 5 on 1, mechs and turrets etc etc. You should always expect the worse from your enemy with no quarter given.
    ~Anyone can level, but only the wise gain experience~

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    Everyday I'm Shuffling.

  4. #204
    Actually Age of Conan, one of Funcom's other titles, has a tower wars type concept (sieges) that don't require owners to be available 24/7 for defense. They are notified of siege attempts in advance and are able to properly gather a defense (of guildmates and allies) as its all scheduled. That means less/no griefing and lots more legitimate mass pvp battles.

    This is from memory but I believe in order to initiate a battlekeep siege you have to have a certain number of pvp points (as a guild) in order to buy the privilege to do so. You then schedule it on a calendar type interface ahead of time. If AO had a similar concept all of the other stuff would be a non-issue. That includes the tower timer syncing, multiboxing at NW and fixer meeping.

    The days of people being real life available 24/7 or the population to support 24/7 tower defense is long gone and I've been wondering for years why they hadn't migrated AO's notum wars over to a similar process as AoC.
    Last edited by Traderjill; Apr 8th, 2014 at 19:30:20.
    You can find me at:
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  5. #205
    Quote Originally Posted by Ansehx View Post
    What o_O, I've never NBS'd you...
    Figured you'd forget about it (because it failed)

  6. #206
    Quote Originally Posted by Traderjill View Post
    Actually Age of Conan, one of Funcom's other titles, has a tower wars type concept (sieges) that don't require owners to be available 24/7 for defense. They are notified of siege attempts in advance and are able to properly gather a defense (of guildmates and allies) as its all scheduled. That means less/no griefing and lots more legitimate mass pvp battles.
    Makes sense rp wise, in medieval setting kinda hard to sneak attack a castle with slow moving seige towers or an army on foot/horseback.

    But AO is futuristic where you can fly in with yalms or have grid instantly to a fight. I've not played conan so I don't know the mechanics of how siege works but not so sure I would say a "scheduled fight" fits AO rp wise.
    ~Anyone can level, but only the wise gain experience~

    *Bronto Burger, serving 10,000 high level noobs daily*

    My Story

    Don't feed the Mensa Tralalalala

    Everyday I'm Shuffling.

  7. #207
    The only problem I see, is that one side at any give time lack the leadership and numbers to achieve NW sovereignty. MB is a refreshing shortcut... I'll admit it got tower-wars going again..... no wait, i wont, since it's based on unreasonable and unrighteous play. There is almost nothing to gain from chasing them (you) off for 8 stright hours, 7 days a week. Tho, If I wear my 'dumb'-glasses, trying to see this from the 'gaining' side... I understand all this miss-leading junk you puke all over the threads trying to cloud this injustice.


    Quote Originally Posted by Pafpuf View Post
    Figured you'd forget about it (because it failed)
    Please, instead of trying to sell your BS here in a attempt to boost your self esteem, create your own thread for that. (Thank you!)

  8. #208
    Quote Originally Posted by Psikie View Post
    Makes sense rp wise, in medieval setting kinda hard to sneak attack a castle with slow moving seige towers or an army on foot/horseback.

    But AO is futuristic where you can fly in with yalms or have grid instantly to a fight. I've not played conan so I don't know the mechanics of how siege works but not so sure I would say a "scheduled fight" fits AO rp wise.
    It can be made to make sense in a sci/fi futuristic world as well. Think about alien city attacks. Honestly, it is one of the best ideas for fixing the problems that pvpers are complaining about regarding notum wars. If anyone cares to just google age of conan siege they'll find plenty of info on the mechanics and there's no reason those mechanics can't be applied to AO. As mentioned, it completely eliminates tower griefing, removes the need for tower synching and with a scheduled fight, the annoyance of multiboxing goes away as well.

    On top of all that, you need 'pvp points' to schedule attacks so if those points are somehow tied in to things such as battlestations it might be another way to encourage people to do that as well.
    You can find me at:
    Battlenet @ Marilata#1680
    Steam @

  9. #209
    I think my thread has run it's course, lots of previous posts, most notably from our game DEVs, and culminating in "you decide" if any mod would like to close this thread, you are most welcome to do so.
    Caloss2 LVL 220 melee VANGUARD (semi retired).....Llewlyn 220/30/70 meepmeep.....Boooocal 220../30/70 Soldier.......Knack 220/30/70 Keeper.....Hiesenberg 215/xx/xx NT NERFED Neytiri1 220/30/70 Shade Knacker220/30/70Meat shield for guides/walkthroughs/letsplays and all your other AO needs
    Quote Originally Posted by Mastablasta
    In my special design documents that I feed to the FC devs, who are my willing slaves.

  10. #210
    Quote Originally Posted by Traderjill View Post
    Actually Age of Conan, one of Funcom's other titles, has a tower wars type concept (sieges) that don't require owners to be available 24/7 for defense. They are notified of siege attempts in advance and are able to properly gather a defense (of guildmates and allies) as its all scheduled. That means less/no griefing and lots more legitimate mass pvp battles.
    AoC also got empty pvp-servers.
    Disclaimer: My posts should not be read by anyone.

  11. #211
    remove assist and problem solved. stop cry already

  12. #212
    (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ Tryptophy's Avatar
    Huge bump for Jill's suggestion, completely change NW somewhere along these lines. #4 in the poll already addresses some of these concerns, so if they are implemented correctly it will go a long way toward making NW palatable to more people. I might like to see more detail or have more opportunity for feedback/player suggestion if that option continues to win.
    General of Nocturnal Fear
    Trypha 220/30/70 Engy | Trypothecary 220/30/69 Doc | Tryptophy 220/30/68 Crat | Trypocalypse 220/30/70 Sold | Tryharder 220/30/68 NT | Trypointy 220/x/x Shade | Peasantry 200/30/69 Keeper | Trycharm 150/20/42 Crat

  13. #213
    Quote Originally Posted by Caloss2 View Post
    Ban multi boxing thread number 4
    Just wait till this goes DX9 and Steam. This will be multiboxing paradise.

    I started this back in December:

    The DirectX 9 Engine coupled with Steam will bring a multi-boxing community.

    EDIT: I was a big fan of multiboxing pvm so I'm a hypocrite.
    Last edited by Gargle; Apr 9th, 2014 at 16:18:57.
    Quote Originally Posted by Tomium View Post
    I say this with all love and humor, but...

    haters gonna hate.

  14. #214
    /soju here.
    is mb for pvp unfair? yes.

    dear fc. you will make more money by keeping mb in the game. remember people will do anything to fit in/ stay competitive. i personally have inspired many to create new acts and that directly = cashflow to you. The new engine is a gamble to bring in new players. MB is a guarenteed way for existing players to pay you double. triple. quadruple. (in my case pay 6x more than a single player)

  15. #215
    Quote Originally Posted by bopgun View Post
    /soju here.
    is mb for pvp unfair? yes.

    dear fc. you will make more money by keeping mb in the game. remember people will do anything to fit in/ stay competitive. i personally have inspired many to create new acts and that directly = cashflow to you. The new engine is a gamble to bring in new players. MB is a guarenteed way for existing players to pay you double. triple. quadruple. (in my case pay 6x more than a single player)
    And if this one person gets bored with the game, gets banned, or decides to take a break/quit for any reason, that's a slew of inactive accounts at once. That's the equivalent of placing all your eggs into one basket. The best solution is the one that encourages many different (ACTUAL) people to log in consistently. Does multi-boxing accomplish this? No.
    Citymusic08 - 220/30/70 - Fixed!!!
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    Treyeb04 Enfo 60/6 2hb here too lol
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  16. #216
    Quote Originally Posted by bopgun View Post
    /soju here.
    is mb for pvp unfair? yes.

    dear fc. you will make more money by keeping mb in the game. remember people will do anything to fit in/ stay competitive. i personally have inspired many to create new acts and that directly = cashflow to you. The new engine is a gamble to bring in new players. MB is a guarenteed way for existing players to pay you double. triple. quadruple. (in my case pay 6x more than a single player)
    if forumposts could kill...
    Disclaimer: My posts should not be read by anyone.

  17. #217

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