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Thread: Current top 3 doctor issues

  1. #1

    Current top 3 doctor issues

    These issues are or will be submitted as a result of the doctor community voting out of all the doctor issues:

    [list=1][*]Trader debuff protection nano's are useless
    The nanos that should protect us better against trader debuffs do not work well at all. The problem is that they do not enhance our NR to counter a debuff, but before their nanos is cast. This results in that the trader is not in recharge for his/her debuff and can just spamclick it till our protectnano is nullified (in reality that means 2nd try always lands, and theres no time period between tries). If you want us to be good against traders these have to get serious enhancements. A good idea from our community was to make them work like the engie special blockers.[*]HoTs are too NCU-costly
    Heal over Time nanos are underused in teams. People very rarely have the NCU free for them, and aren't keen to do so because they take up too much NCU-space. The Fixer HoTs in 14.4 are far better, being longer and smaller. That's understandable, as Fixers are intended to be the masters of health regeneration. But our HoTs could do with being smaller, as currently they just aren't worth the NCU they take up.
    This issue once was replied by Cosmik saying they will be changed but no ETA; It's been a while now. A long while. New ETA's?[*]Doctor tradeskill costs
    Making resto-stimms is such a costly procedure and need so low Pharmacy skill that they end-result tends to be way too high easely and the costs make them ill-wanted. The tradeskill process for nanochargers asks such a high skills for so little gain (50 chargers which you can find in missions too!) that its never used as well.[/list=1]

    This list can change if something more important comes up of course
    Last edited by Letah; May 27th, 2003 at 10:26:47.

    Vhir / 215 Doctor
    Nynke / 205 Agent
    Letah / 200 Doctor
    Firerose / 200 Soldier
    [eqp | imps | pics | sig]

    Yeah I'm back, no need to ask your ebay-check questions

  2. #2
    Originally posted by Letah
    People very rarely have the NCU free for them, and aren't keen to do so because they take up .
    A few big grammar mistakes in the second sentence (its incomplete) in issue #3, but other than that, perfect!

    Nice job, Letah.
    Last edited by Sheffy; Mar 3rd, 2003 at 10:44:53.

  3. #3
    Originally posted by Sheffy
    A few big grammar mistakes in the second sentence (its incomplete) in issue #3, but other than that, perfect!

    Nice job, Letah.
    Heh, edited it Thanks

    Vhir / 215 Doctor
    Nynke / 205 Agent
    Letah / 200 Doctor
    Firerose / 200 Soldier
    [eqp | imps | pics | sig]

    Yeah I'm back, no need to ask your ebay-check questions

  4. #4
    Issues sent.


    Vhir / 215 Doctor
    Nynke / 205 Agent
    Letah / 200 Doctor
    Firerose / 200 Soldier
    [eqp | imps | pics | sig]

    Yeah I'm back, no need to ask your ebay-check questions

  5. #5
    nice post.

    the first issue is a major bugger.

    at elast now when misispons over ql 200 is actually worth doing.
    4-5 RMs at a time can be a ugger. and when the nice message nanobots are rechargeing or wait until current nanoprogram is done mesage comes you usually hit the button like crazyt spam yourself and nothing happens. player died.
    due to this problem i lost 23 mill xp between 198 and 200.
    yay that was a good expeience
    The man with no dream


  6. #6
    Very worthy issues. Maybe you could add a request for reducing the nano cost of our HoTs as well... They are bit costly for such a short duration.
    Screw SK. I was a divine presence at 200.

  7. #7
    Originally posted by Konstas
    Very worthy issues. Maybe you could add a request for reducing the nano cost of our HoTs as well... They are bit costly for such a short duration.
    If they fix it like we request it would be well worth the cost, so I'm not getting there.. yet

    Vhir / 215 Doctor
    Nynke / 205 Agent
    Letah / 200 Doctor
    Firerose / 200 Soldier
    [eqp | imps | pics | sig]

    Yeah I'm back, no need to ask your ebay-check questions

  8. #8

    Just curious

    Posted this in another thread in the forum without really looking here first (bad me, smacks a init debuff on her brain).

    But how can you say fixers are suppose to be the masters of health regeneration? Just curious really as the description of that class makes no sense that they would even be capable of healing at all.

    Also not htat its a "top" issue but I'd like to see the HoT that is on the team buff tick more often as the team buffs go up in QL. As it is now they tick LESS often as the QL of the team buff goes up, this just seems wrong since if we could bring that HoT down to something like a tick every 15 seconds we'd have a decent "long term" HoT along with any fixed normal HoT.

  9. #9
    Funcom told us fixers should be the masters of hp regen, dont ask us how, they just tell that it is so its like that

    Vhir / 215 Doctor
    Nynke / 205 Agent
    Letah / 200 Doctor
    Firerose / 200 Soldier
    [eqp | imps | pics | sig]

    Yeah I'm back, no need to ask your ebay-check questions

  10. #10
    Yes, totaly agrees on your points Letah.

    My HoT (lasting 2m20sec) takes up more NCUs than both HoTs of the Fixers. This seems pretty unfair and it's only on very rare occations i can use my HoT on others in missions/raids.

    I think most Doc nanos use too many NCU, and it should be done something about it. Like the Heal Delta nanos uses way too many NCU for such a low increase in the regular healing.

    Crossing fingers too, hoping someone will correct this to the better.

  11. #11
    Issues has been sent and been dicussed by the other profs and Cz (they always want to know why we think so), let's hope for a nice answer.

    Vhir / 215 Doctor
    Nynke / 205 Agent
    Letah / 200 Doctor
    Firerose / 200 Soldier
    [eqp | imps | pics | sig]

    Yeah I'm back, no need to ask your ebay-check questions

  12. #12
    Are the team heals really that bad... I mean look at em sure it goes up by .14 sec from distributed care to conglomerate Health plan. But you forget to realize it also goes down in nano cost.
    Another thing you might want to consider is how often do you see the lowe end nano's heal at the top 30% of max... not to often. From what i have seen Conglomerete Health plan heals for 800+ alot more often then what distributed care does. I dont know what calculaters you guys are using to come up with the heals per second, but I gotta say they seem like it would be way off. I mean look at it CHP runs 485-970 heal where DC is 481-948 not a huge difference but statistically in hitting a higher amount of heal more often. I think you need to quit worring about the recharge times and ask for FC to fix the 400 point gap!
    Personally i think the heals are fine at the speeds they have but i think using a high ql heals like this that can possible hit for only 500 or less is rediculous. Guess what im tryin to say is the timing shouldnt be what we focus on for the lack of healing power but the gap between min and max on the higher end heals should be smaller than what they are
    Last edited by Medset; Mar 24th, 2003 at 05:34:02.

  13. #13
    More nano? The 3rd best heal cost 3 less nano, thats nothing to write home about, hehe.

    Vhir / 215 Doctor
    Nynke / 205 Agent
    Letah / 200 Doctor
    Firerose / 200 Soldier
    [eqp | imps | pics | sig]

    Yeah I'm back, no need to ask your ebay-check questions

  14. #14
    The issue with the huge heal range has been brought up before. That was huge back when doc heals were being compared to pre-nerf trader heals. This is also a reason why Greater Bloom of Health seems so great when you first get it. But FunCom hasn't seen fit to change the doc team heals any.

    We do tend to emphasize heal/sec over heal/nano or other measures. This is because it's the only factor we really can't control. Once you're insta-casting the heal, there's nothing else you can do. There are numerous ways to regain nano or reduce casting cost, but nothing reduces recharge time.

    Jayde recently put up a nice chart for comparing the heal/sec on various heals: Jayde's heal comparison table
    Heals - they're not just for tradeskills anymore
    Hypos omni doc RK2 <-- stupid enough to have thought that going past level 150 would help her be a better doc
    Phlair omni mp RK2 solo char
    Nerfbat omni enf RK2 awarded the hammer of braveness
    Shadow Ops

  15. #15
    I play a Fixer and a Doctor (I couldn't decide which one I liked better, and due to class/profession I have to make a toon for each class to feel like I'm playing half the game... but that's another story), and I don't mind the Fixer having more friendly HoTs... it goes hand in hand with the Blitzing and Kiting expertise... I TOTALLY agree with the Doc HoTs taking up less NCU... without a Fixer on the team to compress, there isn't anyone but myself that I CAN run Doc HoTs on. All the other stats on the Doc HoTs (especially when you combine Doc HoTs with the other bad arse Doc heals) seem reasonable to me. I consider HoTs high maintenence pre-funk to the tougher fights, anyway, and think they do well this way (planning over spamming), but due to the NCU cost, there isn't much opportunity to use them.

  16. #16

    Re: Current top 3 doctor issues

    [QUOTE]Originally posted by Letah
    [B]These issues are or will be submitted as a result of the doctor community voting out of all the doctor issues:

    [list=1][*]Teamheals interfere others with casting
    When you execute a team heal, your teammates get the heal running in their ncu (not as a program, but you get the nano progress bar in the upper left of the screen) for about half a second which very often stops them from casting a nano with the feedback message of "Nanobots already busy." This becomes a problem when team heals are spammed repeatedly, but is the biggest problem for professions which chain-cast nano programs (like NTs, for example). To quote a highlvl trader: "It's fine if this happens occasionally, but it is insanely aggravating when it happens many times every minute (which it does when doctors are spamming team heals).".

    .... Oh boohoo. Would you rather be alive or get your nano off? My question is your 200lvl so evidently you were able to overcome these'major' problems.
    [*]Team heals go DOWN in healing output
    Because the latter end Team heals increase in healing strength only slightly, yet still get penalised with a slightly longer recharge time, we are currently in the curious situation where the top Team heal does not heal at the fastest rate. In terms of average health per second healed, the QL Of nanos goes like this: 175, 172, 169, 182, 152, 156, 159, 149.
    This doesn't seem right to me. There's not an awful lot on it actually. The Q149 nano does 147.95 HP/sec, and the QL175 does 150.74. I can imagine if it didn't go up much, but when it's debatable as to whether a ql182 nano outheals a QL169 nano something is clearly wrong.

    ...So? They make your work harder. What's the problem?
    [*]HoTs are too NCU-costly
    Heal over Time nanos are underused in teams. People very rarely have the NCU free for them, and aren't keen to do so because they take up too much NCU-space. The Fixer HoTs in 14.4 are far better, being longer and smaller. That's understandable, as Fixers are intended to be the masters of health regeneration. But our HoTs could do with being smaller, as currently they just aren't worth the NCU they take up.
    This issue once was replied by Cosmik saying they will be changed but no ETA; It's been a while now. A long while. New ETA's?[/list=1]

    .....Don't use them. If you don't like them don't use them. I haven't found a single person willing to free up the ncu to get a HoT on yet.


  17. #17

    Re: Re: Current top 3 doctor issues

    [QUOTE]Originally posted by Phrail

    .... Oh boohoo. Would you rather be alive or get your nano off? My question is your 200lvl so evidently you were able to overcome these'major' problems.

    Of course. But this is an unintended game-mechanic side-effect that is a major annoyance. As it is, the biggest annoyance for doc's. My own doc sorta panics when she hits CH and it doesn't cast because the MA just spammed an unneccessary teamheal. It's a glitch in the programming that causes people grief. Therefore we want to get rid of it.

    ...So? They make your work harder. What's the problem?

    The problem is if you put in extra resources into something, you should get better results than if you didn't. As it is, it's the opposite. Needs fixing.

    .....Don't use them. If you don't like them don't use them. I haven't found a single person willing to free up the ncu to get a HoT on yet.

    Ever wondered why? Maybe because they take up too much room? Maybe with a decent cost, people would want that extra bit of safety.

    Jeez, what's his problem anyway?
    This is only my opinion of course, but I'm entitled to it.

    BattleFalcon, Unit Commander of Desert Winds
    Bandasje, first ever neutral TL6 doctor, any server.

  18. #18
    Deathless Blessing Hot is awesome, and makes me a master of blitzing. I have nothing to say, this is the best HOT of the game. I dont wish FC nerf it at all. If you want they decrease the NCU cost, why not. But you missed the point, those nanos are uber. There is a really good reason they use so much space.

    BTW, Tanks at high level get NCU compressions and ask me for:
    - HP Team
    - HP Temp
    - HoT
    They need rooms for challenger, etc. A lot of nanos. Depending of the mob, or the mission we do, there is no reason to use HoT. On a person like Eel/KJr or Ian Warr, Hot are *euphemism* useless. But the rest of the time, HoT are welcome. I dunno with who you team, but i think you have a problem to consider HoT as a too expensive nano. This is a sacrifice, and tanks know well what they have to sacrifice. The life of the doc ?

    For the ISSUE #2. I disagree totally. Because you made a mistake. The curve is not correct. If you want to experiment team heals and make a curve, you have to test each nano at the level you need to cast them. But, i guess you tested them at your current level, one by one. It's an horrible mistake. Each time you level, each time you increase your nano skills, you change the probability to land the max heal.

    Didnt you notice that before ?
    The first time you succeeded to cast DC, you remember ?
    You were uber. landing a lot of 800+ heals, and chain casting them. But with time, you landed a lot of 600-700. The game mechanism is like that since day one. Since the QL4 heal nano, each nanos has got his range of efficientness. Some nanos become quickly obsolete due to this trick.

    Really easy to gather two docs in a team. One level 150, and one level 200. Complete the team with other ppl.
    Each doc casts Conglomerate Health Plan one hundred times.
    Log all team heals. You will have to perform HP Team to create a loss in HP of your mates, or you will not be able to heal them, lol.

    You will see a great difference. Hehe, yes, did you saw that ?
    Exaaaactly. Both docs have not the same efficacity.
    Because you have a 150 one and a 200 one. One lands a lot of max value heal, the other lands 50/50 min and max heal.

    So, now, make the curve a second time for all team heals. And... what ? OMG, the curve is correct, QL by QL !
    Hehe, most of docs know that yet, because when you play and you level, you know the next TH is better. No matter QL of TH you will use.
    RK1: Docgalaad 215 Doctor - Freelance Bug Hunter
    Nah ! I'm not fat ! I just have got a big nano pool !
    Hi! I'm a signature virus. Copy me into your signature to help me spread.

  19. #19
    Referencing this thread: No XP for Doc's?, it appears that disrupting your attack by stopping to use a nano recharger can prevent you from gaining any xp. Personally, I'd put this at the top of our issues list.
    Heals - they're not just for tradeskills anymore
    Hypos omni doc RK2 <-- stupid enough to have thought that going past level 150 would help her be a better doc
    Phlair omni mp RK2 solo char
    Nerfbat omni enf RK2 awarded the hammer of braveness
    Shadow Ops

  20. #20
    First, I wonder if our top 3 issues shall contain focus on our ability to heal & harm, rather than game mechanics?

    I can only speak for myself, and I would like things more to change in the "heal & harm" section (and I am sure many other docs feel the same) rather than game mechanics. How game-mechanics works with doc today, it lets me perfectly take care of myself in a decent way.

    Then back to our issues: Docs are few, way too few, and something need to change that. I guess we all agree on that one?
    This top 3 priority could perhaps reflect our problems in heal/harm section, so that playing doc is a more viable option?

    Now here comes my hard part... What issues I think should be removed... (please don`t flame me too much, I already got nerves...)

    1. Removed, a non-issue. In fact, I really didnt know it was a problem until I read this! Well, even at lvl 193, I still learns... And even if it IS a problem, its a "game-mechanics" problem, and a non-issue anyways.

    Our top priority issue in my eyes are by no doubt, the harm section. I would like to see our DoT`s to be useful, both in pvp and vs mobs. I never use them, they are just too nano costly AND mobs has waaaay to high nano resistant, especially at higher lvls!

    2. Well, Ive read disussion about this. Are we 100% sure this is a game-mechanics fault or a problem at all since higher QL heals seems to land more and more closer to 100% max heal than the lower ones? In any case, I dont see this as ANY problem, I never had any problems with my heals, noticed a nice increase in healing powers with my lvl increase. The only one I aimed for when at the latter end of heal buffs was, like most docs: our CH

    Our second top priority issue would be: Either better nano resistant buffs OR mass debuffs.

    3. I agree with this one.

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