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Thread: XP Curve

  1. #1

    Arrow XP Curve

    Has anyone plotted this? If not, perhaps we should start collecting data.

    i.e. how much for a certain level. If I'm level 141, I need XX amount for level 142, put in a spreadsheet and plot a graph.

    I think it'd be interesting to see. Anyone else think so too?
    Katelin Arinia Rhees
    Level 220 Enforcer
    Former Enforcer Professional
    Former President of the late Midnight Reveries
    Account Created: 2001-10-08; Account Expired: 2005-02-19

  2. #2
    its some exponential function Im pretty sure of.

  3. #3
    so, we should start collecting data here?

    I'll log on with several of my chars later today and post their lvl/xp for next lvl. If more people do the same, we will have that graph up in no time!
    90-ish enf --- soon by the 100-milestone. Soo slooooow development
    30-ish MP --- likes nanoprogramming
    40-ish trader --- not as overequipped as he should have been
    30-ish MA --- was suposed to be critbuff-dispencer
    10-ish DOC --- eat nanokits like candy, and attracts mobs like bees to honey
    10-ish NT --- I would give ANYTHING to get NT's extractor-line on my ENF.
    10-ish MP --- reroll of the above one. Found out that the first one was funnier to play
    10-ish ENF --- intended to try duelwield, but the first lvls until i get my first mongo is kinda boring

    I have created monsters. - Gummizluv
    Yes Gummi, but unfortunately only one monster (nerd) - Intra

    When a pump action shotgun fires more rounds per minute than a sub-machine gun, you've just entered Anarchy Online... - ReelBigFish

    hope this helps. I confuse myself somtimes - Irritated

    Enforcer is gimp, be a soldier... - Seb

  4. #4
    I'm pretty sure that there are a few lvl ranges and each of them uses a different algorith. If you wanna draw the curve use the following formula y = 10^log(a/b)/c. a - exp needed at the begining of the cruve, b- exp needed for the end of the curve, c - lvl range.

    So, if you at lvl 149 get 12141900 exp and at 159 you get 17725900 exp, the result would be 1.03856...The higher the number, the steeper the curve, thus more exp is needed for each new lvl.

  5. #5
    It's exponential, but I'm not sure it's a curve. It seems to jump up some, or that may just be psychological on my part

  6. #6
    Definately not exponential. My guess is polynomial or piecewise polynomial, if someone could post the xp needed for a few levels we could figure it out, I'm to lazy to make a new char to check .

  7. #7
    heh, if you have a long enough polynom you can describe any function anyway

  8. #8
    Well first lvl is like 1400xp and second 2100 or something? If it was exponential then lvl 200 would require an amount of xp equal to the total number of atoms in the universe or something.

    I think the numbers look a bit like the sum in a arithmetic series or something, just like the cost of raising skills.

  9. #9
    Yea, i'm not saying it's exponential. Only saying that with a long polynom you can describe almost anything. I can post a few numbers, just gimme a min.

  10. #10
    LVL     exp needed
    44      76400
    64      251900
    71      362300
    90      1003000
    131     5974600
    138     7907600
    140     8557700
    141     8901000
    144     10008600
    149     12141900
    159     17725900
    166     22963600
    172     28562900
    178     35412500
    179     36692500
    182     40797700
    183     42258500
    199     73393900

  11. #11
    Ugly. If anyone could post lvl 1-5 it could help.

  12. #12
    Be it Exponential, Polynomial or Geometric, either way...

    "XP goes up BIG"


  13. #13

    Question Exp reqs vs. Mob exp awards

    I am less concerned with the straight out curve of requirements because it ties back into the exp awards at each level. I look at levels based off of number of yellow mobs you need to kill to level and would love to see that charted. I am a lowbie and casual player, right now a yellow mobs gives about 1k xp. That means I need to kill about 30 mobs to level playing solo (both those are very rough numbers). I would be interested in two sets of info then, one does the number of mobs needed stay consistent? Probaly not I am guessing. At level 1 for instance you needed 1400 to level to two and most yellow mobs gave 100exp, so you needed 14 to level. How does this ratio change as you level? The second question is how does grouping affect the exp given. I know it reduces it, but how much and what are the rules. Mind you, I am not a real level chaser, it shows I know, so for me this is mostly a curiousity. What does a solid yellow Mob give for exp at level 10, 20, 40, 80, 160, and beyond? That would give more meaning to the exp curve you all are discussing.
    Rimor Casual Player

  14. #14
    In a 50% mission at lvl 185 with ql 200 IQ ring (+5% xp) and 1000 token board (+7% xp) xp from a single kill varies between 12-13k and up to 58k. 45.5mill xp needed for lvl so at my lvl its about 800 kills best case for 1 lvl. Even con mobs give maybe 44-45k or something so maybe its 1000 even kills.

  15. #15
    I'd say that the curve is "messed" up at lower lvls. But if you are not picky the curve starts at like 50% more exp needed for each new lvl (at lvl 1), then begins its descent to 3.5% exp needed for next lvl (at lvl 200). But most of the time u'll have to deal with it's about 4.5-4.0% more for each next lvl.

  16. #16
    Originally posted by MSag
    In a 50% mission at lvl 185 with ql 200 IQ ring (+5% xp) and 1000 token board (+7% xp) xp from a single kill varies between 12-13k and up to 58k. 45.5mill xp needed for lvl so at my lvl its about 800 kills best case for 1 lvl. Even con mobs give maybe 44-45k or something so maybe its 1000 even kills.
    Aren't grouping at this level ? And if so can you take 100% mission in full team ?

    At 110 I am doing missions Q190-200 with 30-70k xp per kill. And a solid average of 50-60k xp per kill. I have slightly above 10% xp bonus with buff and items.
    "Donner à des millions une connaissance de l'anglais, c'est les rendre esclaves". (Hind Swarâj, ch. 18)

  17. #17
    Originally posted by Gummizluv
    Aren't grouping at this level ? And if so can you take 100% mission in full team ?

    At 110 I am doing missions Q190-200 with 30-70k xp per kill. And a solid average of 50-60k xp per kill. I have slightly above 10% xp bonus with buff and items.
    Doing 100% missions now would get me QL 250 (capped at that I think) mission full of aces/real means with 200k hp, hitting for 2.4k crits. Then when you finally kill them you get like 110k xp, definately not worth it considering the effort compared to killing lvl a bunch of vets/masters/toughs giving 50-60k (30-40k in group) each in the same amount of time with no risk.

    And as you get higher you get less xp for killing same mob, for instance I used to get over 70k for the highest vets, now they just give a bit over 60.

    And no I'm not grouping much as long as I have pets I can get xp pretty fast anyways, XP is faster in group but when you add the time needed to get group, time spent waiting for one reason or another the benefit shrinks.

  18. #18
    Using Krneki's data, it sure as hell looks exponential

    Need more data though. I can get a reasonable polynomial using the data here, but it fluctuates all over the place.

    Data at the high and low ends will be helpful. I believe I have 1-10 at home, I'll take a look tonight.

    PS: Am I doing the right thing by using polyfit() in matlab? I got an A in that class but that was 2 years ago ... and after graduation my brain has melted I know there's someone in here who knows what they are talking about ...
    Katelin Arinia Rhees
    Level 220 Enforcer
    Former Enforcer Professional
    Former President of the late Midnight Reveries
    Account Created: 2001-10-08; Account Expired: 2005-02-19

  19. #19
    I think that if different level ranges will be treated differently, then it would most likely be divided along title levels. At least, that's how I'd do it and I'm lazy.

    Just ran some tests on Krneki's data with my uber TI-83. A quartic regression gives an r^2 of 1, which IIRC is really damn close. Anyway: y = .59261911870086x^4 - 263.08280466932x^3 + 46934.116950781x^2 - 3839815.0137525x + 120461787.7001.
    Predicted values:

    125: 4679287.494
    126: 4874702.041
    127: 5077996.46
    128: 5289391.446
    129: 5509121.8
    130: 5737437
    132: 6220888.8
    133: 6476594.8
    134: 6742024.3
    136: 7303348.7
    137: 7599926.8
    138: 7907594.7
    139: 8226929.5
    142: 92356920.3
    143: 9625978.7
    145: 10405256
    146: 10186414
    147: 11242568
    148: 11684224

    Edit: Used the TL4 data. And TL 1 is probably defined, not generated with a function (though I betcha there's a table in a .dll someplace detailing all this)

    Edit: Nope. Unless it's encrypted. Easier to make a curve.
    Last edited by Shub; Apr 27th, 2002 at 02:49:48.

  20. #20

    Wink Mob xp

    1-100: Not worth mentioning, fast in groups.

    100-120: Increases a little bit.

    120-200: Flat as a frozen lake.
    mercatura -ae f. [trade, traffic; merchandise]

    Moved off-world and found real tradeskills...along with many other things

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