View Poll Results: Should the 50% reduction in PVP be applied after the hard caps

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  • Yes

    388 56.89%
  • No

    256 37.54%
  • I don't mind as I don't PVP much

    38 5.57%
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Results 441 to 450 of 450

Thread: Official Poll - Reducing Special attacks in PVP

  1. #441
    Ok Sillrion lets do it like this... Give me ONE reason to why you shuld nerf soldiers only defence in PvP even more when Traders, NTs, and Engis ignored it and Docs, MPs and Traders (again) + anyone whith a stun culd prevent us from using it atall..
    Give me ONE good reason to why it shuld be nerfed even more and i will never mention this again ever..
    Rktim - 220/70/30 Omni Soldier.
    Imdrunknow - 157+/XX/15+ Omni MA
    Quote Originally Posted by IHaveHugeNick View Post
    Messiah has spoken.

  2. #442
    Lets not forget anybody can simply walk away from a soldier in AMS, simply coz our alpha isnt instant and coz we have no means of rooting, not even grafts since we have our skills locked 90% of the time.

  3. #443

    Consider this

    if you really want to fix this problem, reset to patch 17, then make absorbs work like you need to have the hp to match the hitpoints in it. THEN you can do something about AS, like for example whats been done with dimach, everyone can use aimed shot, but recharge would still be capped at like 30 sec, for everyone but agent, who can get it down to 11 sec with enough skill..

  4. #444
    Quote Originally Posted by Rktim View Post
    Damit stop typing faster then me it makes me look stupid >.<
    And yes we are still doing OK... but what are soldiers if not the guys whith the awsome reflects? Especialy if you nerf FA whith this change..
    Personaly i get by as long as i dont get attacked atm.. and if i do i have to eather run or hope that someone will come and help me..

    Sillirrion, i don't know in RK1, but on RK 2 not a single soldier i've seen in BS thinks the change is fair, nor do OK, Cppard 40% AS under pre-null sphere and 3k damge under AMS is not something we can compensate for.

    I don't know who you talked to, but actually people was yelling things like "WTF is wrong with AMS" until i told them about the reflect nerf. Lots of them simply logged of after a wave of frustrating encounters that proved further that as of now reflects ofer next to no protection in PvP.
    We could be killed thru AMS before, it all depended on the oponent, we can't even use our crappy 300 heal nano when under AMS as our nanoskills get shut down for 2 minutes.

    You penalized the weakest profesions, that depended on RRFE to have any little chace at a defense too.

    This i the final mess in a chain of stupid nerfs towards rwflwcts and specially soldiers that simply confirms whet many say: FC devs don't know how their game works. You have really overpowered profesions, and quite frankly next to nothing has been done to equaliz them, you have really weak profesions and if they haven't been ignored what you have given to them is pathetic. Now you grab the people in the middle, those that were closest to balanced and take their sole means of defense off them. Enforcers lose the power of cocoon, and they could be killed by way many before that, now what are they suposed to do? Soldiers dont even have the perk healing or mongo to try to survive, only shields, but you heard someone saying AMS= godmode and lacked the criteria to actually check and find out that a lot of people could kill soldiers just fine before. its ridiculous, and a poor attempt to balance, you efectively nerfedall those who asked soldiers for aid in the field of battle, and those in the bottom are tha ones that can't kill soldiers. Nukes turning off Reflects so all can ignore them, drain 100% reflects, rip 48% reflects, and now reflects useless against high damage specials.

    Sorry but your logic defied reason and sense, saying that you knew the effect and that people would adapt shows a lack of understanding and respect towards your players, and the very reality of this game.

  5. #445
    Quote Originally Posted by Rktim View Post
    Ok Sillrion lets do it like this... Give me ONE reason to why you shuld nerf soldiers only defence in PvP even more when Traders, NTs, and Engis ignored it and Docs, MPs and Traders (again) + anyone whith a stun culd prevent us from using it atall..
    Give me ONE good reason to why it shuld be nerfed even more and i will never mention this again ever..

    I figured out why. PvP since LE, or atleast the PvP that funcom looks at anyway is solely on the battlestation. Now who do we find on the battlestation? A handful of perfected pvp characters mixed in with the majority of PvMers doing nothing but farming VP for armor and tokens. FC reviews and studies this PvP activity and is I guess now making decisions based on it. They are watching a majority of people that rarely ever got flagged or pvp'd before, and seeing how they perform against each other.

    I see it in my own organization every day... people complaining about this and that but they don't have a clue becuase its all new to them. Shields/reflects/Absorbs appear to be this overpowered ability, but the truth is that these people don't fully understand thier own toolset in PvP, what gear they should aquire, etc.

    If FC is making pvp balance issues based upon a bunch of VP farming token hungry PvM'ers... were in for wild ride.

    If it aint broke..... Don't Fix it.
    Last edited by rampage; Feb 9th, 2007 at 15:59:36.

  6. #446
    There were no reasons to nerf soldier reflects and no reason to nerf FA, AS(as long as it was halted by reflect was ok) .. now seriously whats with the low survivability c--p , if i wanted to mass pvp without havin to look at reflects , pvp setups then id buy Unreal Tournament. And the idea of puttin AS and FA in the same thread is genious , lets put a Nerf S&D and Opifex race in one (random example), see how many votes u get.
    Now in pvp we are just meat chuncks with AS , theres no such things as classes anymore...
    Agent : fp doc, AS root AS
    Soldiers : AS FA(can miss) burst(low chance of missin)... run if the alpha didnt work cause ur ams doesnt do squat now
    Enforces : gird ur loins and start attackin hopin the adversarie is afk
    Nts : Sneak . Triple , Sneak

    Seriously...u have no reason to denie reflects and to nerf FA , and the thing u said about the soldiers agreein to have their AMS nerfed .. pardon my french i think ur speakin from .. ... there are no such things as idiots biting the hand that feeds , theres really nothin else to say , F this game im outta here...

  7. #447
    Yes rampage that exactly part of it. More people are doing PVP now, that is a good thing and means we are headed in the right direction (and people seem to be really enjoying the battlestation PVP which was afterall the whole point )

    When this kind of shift happens there will be changes, and it will be different to how it was before and there will be people who preferred the old way. Our intention was, and still is, to make PVP more accessible in AO, and I think that slowly but surely we are getting there.
    Craig 'Silirrion' Morrison
    Old Timer

  8. #448
    totally agree. You should not be penalised for having more HP
    Forek 220/30

    Dreadoc 220/27
    Mellifluous 220/27
    Forefix 178/18

  9. #449
    Quote Originally Posted by Silirrion View Post
    Yes rampage that exactly part of it. More people are doing PVP now, that is a good thing and means we are headed in the right direction (and people seem to be really enjoying the battlestation PVP which was afterall the whole point )

    When this kind of shift happens there will be changes, and it will be different to how it was before and there will be people who preferred the old way. Our intention was, and still is, to make PVP more accessible in AO, and I think that slowly but surely we are getting there.
    Can you atleast nerf specials by puting them at longer recharge for everyone but the proffesion thats suposed to use them? Aka 11sec FA for Soldier, 11sec AS for agent but 20-30sec for everyone else.. and so on and so on with outher specials just as Dimach (Yes Rockshox said it first but im stealing it cuse i think his unecesary rude to me in anouther thread =P oh that and its a realy great idea ^^)
    Rktim - 220/70/30 Omni Soldier.
    Imdrunknow - 157+/XX/15+ Omni MA
    Quote Originally Posted by IHaveHugeNick View Post
    Messiah has spoken.

  10. #450
    Closing this one down now. We have the gauge we were looking for on future changes.

    Just to clarify there are no plans to make a change along these lines, as it was a player suggestion we just wanted to see what the feelings were (and they are clearly split)

    On a final note, when someone disagrees with you, trying to imply they are stupid, ignorant or don't know how to play the game is not exactly a good way to get anyone to take your opinion seriously. I don't just mean that towards the mindless flames against the devs (we are more then used to ignoring those ) but also to each other. If you complain on one hand that people don't always listen to your feedback its worth remembering how you presented that feedback in the first place
    Craig 'Silirrion' Morrison
    Old Timer

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