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Thread: Is Shadowweb Spinner Broken?

  1. #1

    Is Shadowweb Spinner Broken?

    When the patch modified Shadowweb spinner so that it had to be removed into inventory prior to deletion, was there an unintended consequence?

    I noticed while doing Inferno solo missions that I was getting hit less often and not as hard when shadowweb spinner IX was NOT running compared to when it was equipped. After noticing this, I intentionally tried equipping and de-equiping it while fighting the same mob. The specific mobs were Mala-famas, shadows, and the scarry on a 224 Invernal Vortexoid. In each case the mob hit me a little less than half as much per 30 second interval when Shadowweb was not equipped. I tried as much as possible to ensure that Dance of Fools/Limber and the perk Bending the Rules were consistently on or off during the trials. The perk Backyard bandages was also running. In total, I ran 67 tests and determined that I took 50% more damage with Shadowweb on than when it was off.

    There seemed to be a slightly higher liklihood to get hit when the LE perks were "on" vs when they were cycled off. But it was not statistically significant.

    I do not know whether this is the correct forum for this post, but can someone pleaese take a look and determine if Shadowweb is working properly?


  2. #2
    mhh....this explains everything
    think after hitting aad around 1k it's reduced again and after 1,2k it lowers itself agaon...may be the funcom formular

  3. #3
    i thinke vades are broken i noticed when i have 500 evades i get hit alot but if i ahev 10 evades is till get hit alot

    if you dont want your sws i can speak on behalf of all ma's that we will gladly take it

  4. #4
    I caped FA on a 220 fixer today in BS.. Dont think he had perks up but...
    Rktim - 220/70/30 Omni Soldier.
    Imdrunknow - 157+/XX/15+ Omni MA
    Quote Originally Posted by IHaveHugeNick View Post
    Messiah has spoken.

  5. #5
    I've had FA cap on my fix as well. Full def with 3.3k Dodge ranged and 1300 Add all def. Was real wierd.
    Luvr - 220/21 Fixer | Medithor - 220/17 Doctor

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