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Thread: Can FC explain their vision of PVP balance?

  1. #321

  2. #322
    you don't need to make a anti-zerg thingy for the offence, just remove the damn nuke altogether because I don't think (yeah, talked with a few people) that anybody actually likes the nuke

    wouldn't it be cool if only 10 defenders and attackers could be in the same tower site at the same time? and instead of having to destroy the towers, killing a person destroys a tower...
    and if the attackers loose too many, the tower site goes underneath 75% gas...
    Last edited by Thehatebank; Feb 20th, 2007 at 14:26:51.
    Uh, yeah
    - Twotwenty 220/23 shade
    - Zonality 150/19 MA
    - Height <incoming project>

  3. #323
    Quote Originally Posted by Thehatebank View Post
    wouldn't it be cool if only 10 defenders and attackers could be in the same tower site at the same time? and instead of having to destroy the towers, killing a person destroys a tower...
    and if the attackers loose too many, the tower site goes underneath 75% gas...
    well fc says only true and balanced pvp is mass pvp.. now they did'nt say at what point they feel pvp turns into "mass" i'll assume at least 20v20?...

    um ok then.. anyway even though it will break with FC's idea pvp situation..

    lets just have it go like this.. the attackers send their best twink.. just 1..
    the defenders send their best nearest in level twink..

    they both duel.. if defender wins.. attackers leave till next gas cycle.
    if attacker twink wins, defenders terminate the field and give up control..

    sound good?.. no.. i did'nt think so..
    first you have to have honor.. there is very few in the game with a sense of that..

    im not in favor of limiting air and orbital strikes to defending only.. the reason being we start getting in situations where the majority of LE content becomes rare or hardly used.. it's like with the turrets.. im in favor of everyone on the controlling side beable to use turrets except during 5%

    as it stand now only the owners of the site can summon turrets.. so outside of BS their use in defense is somewhat limited.. unless you have a huge org most of the owning org would have to turret up to cover defense leaving no one except outside help to go fend of the mobile attackers.
    Nanomage Meta-Physicist : Squad Commander [Famous Last Words] [RK2]
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  4. #324
    you know the irony is that non bs masspvp has rezzing time. would you really go anywhere for dying in 1s and waiting 15minutes on rezzing? (gank teamevac gank evac is the only thing left to do) because funcom thinks MOOORE dying is fun? what about the ppl that use as sneak fullauto fling dimach fast attack all at once then go afk for 30 minutes and gank again? this patch is pure heaven for them. before 17.1 there was a slight chance that you could survive now its impossible.
    Quote Originally Posted by Jaroba View Post
    well looks like all our defense went out the window lal! .. dont worry we got heals .. uhm =)
    Quote Originally Posted by FixerPorta View Post
    Welcome to Alpha Online, where even the camera is now trying to backstab you.
    a few things broken in 17.2

    irony at its best:
    Quote Originally Posted by Mastablasta View Post
    Quick! Call the Waaaaaaaaahmbulance! We have an emergency!

    PvP just got balanced and people cry

  5. #325
    It's all about everyone's opinion and how others take what you say. You might mean one thing but someone interprets it as another.

    My ultimate suggestion is Sil or a dev or gm or someone conduct a test. Take yourself a 200+ or really any kind of character and go pvp some of these people that are "unbeatable". Heck.. I'll even let you use one of my characters.

    People can twink all they'd like and do the most extreme twinking or whatever.. but why does it need to take a billion years. 2 hour perk resets are going to cut that time in half and make some even more unbeatable because of faster twinking. Some of the items that make or break your character in pvp (globe of clarity, RBP down to symbio grafts) are hard to get while others are much simpler. BS is nice because for the most part it's not someone with alot of outside buffs.

    With LE being a pvp expansion other professions should have the same option to be equal in pvp without the osb's. There are lots of threads with just complaining. There are lots with good ideas and even lots with total BS. It might be hard to weed through the crap and the goods but it really might pay off with out assigining people forum vacations.

    Example: Doctors. Yeah, we've got survivability. But, it seems like survivability to stand there and get beat on. I've got my 400 board on my doc. 1k board would get me an extra 210 run speed. I don't see how that's really going to help me from running away from a fixer.. keeper... anything that isn't in walk mode. I could always set up an anti personal hoping I don't get attacked and interrupted getting into it also hoping I don't get people upset at me for not healing them.

    Crats. I havn't tried pvping on my crat. as far as I know.. kyr pistols don't do that well in pvp. (maybe it's just the QL I have on?) I say this because my doc is pistol. No, I don't have ql 300's on or anything spectacular.. But superior sapphistics bow is good for AS. I could root and snare someone (which again I havn't pvp'd with my crat so I havn't tried any of it) for someone else to kill while I throw peanuts at them.

    Maybe I am just missing out on real pvp action because I don't have a character better set up for pvping. If I had a high level keeper or fixer or agent or something maybe my opinions would change. I gave examples of what I have to work with. Really instead of asking us a questions about pvp you should come out and try it agenst some of the people complaints are thrown agenst.

  6. #326
    Quote Originally Posted by Nyteshade View Post
    My ultimate suggestion is Sil or a dev or gm or someone conduct a test. Take yourself a 200+ or really any kind of character and go pvp some of these people that are "unbeatable". Heck.. I'll even let you use one of my characters.
    lol i remember i challenged FC to make a 220/30 char with max research, full 300 symbs, and full AI what ever.. and send them out to face the then unbeatable ultra low hp NT's..

    far as i know that challenge was never taken..
    but i guess i should'nt bring that up cause they have made changes to remove that type of setup.. i've not seen the ultra low hp nt's or any other for that matter since the changes was made.. so i assume it did indeed fix the situation.. although i could be mistaken.. since i have'nt seen them..

    on the other hand a lot of others was effected.. friendly fire, i guess it's bound ot happen.. this is war!?
    Nanomage Meta-Physicist : Squad Commander [Famous Last Words] [RK2]
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  7. #327
    Everything has the "no balance" label on it, Omni zerged the BS all night long, it started with pretty even numbers, but after some defeats, clans started to leave to the point their numbers couldn't do squat against ours, today it started even again then clans showed up way more numbers and the cycle repeats, its sad, a few even, very fun fights (wins and loses, with even less than 10 point difference some) followed by a long streak of slaughters. It's stupid. Queue shoulnd't allow uneven numbers, and should try to compensate for them, and currently is not doing it.

    everything PvP in this expansion is very unbalanced, towerfights, BS, nerfs, NT LE nukes, and it all ends up contributing to the alpha and AS wars, with people death in 3 seconds (5 if you are of the upper upper-middle classes) while still an advie can face a group of 3-5 people (provided they are not all using AS or are NT's) kill one or two and run away alive. So, what's thedeal? why all the changes if things get worse for most, and remain the same for those already powerfull?.

  8. #328
    Quote Originally Posted by windcaster View Post
    lets just have it go like this.. the attackers send their 220 NT.. just 1..
    the defenders send their best 220 NT.. Whoever hits shielding + tipple first wins.
    Fixer - Solja Lite
    Adv - Forgotten lubchild
    Trader - Nerfed Professional

  9. #329
    Quote Originally Posted by Racatti View Post
    L2P nub.
    Triple hits hard all but NTs themselves. Their absorb to nanopool isn't affected by -reflects effect of triples. And there is always an option that other side will send NR8 shade.

  10. #330
    Quote Originally Posted by kuznechik View Post
    And there is always an option that other side will send NR8 shade.
    yes, NR8 shades are invicible to all nanoprogram damage
    Uh, yeah
    - Twotwenty 220/23 shade
    - Zonality 150/19 MA
    - Height <incoming project>

  11. #331
    ya NR perked shades are sexay..

    wonder if that would work on my mp?... meh.. maybe not...
    Nanomage Meta-Physicist : Squad Commander [Famous Last Words] [RK2]
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