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Thread: Is FC to make fights last longer or shorten them?

  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by DrLithvium View Post
    killing a doc now is so easy its sad.
    Again with this lie?
    Member of Spartans
    Hacre/Solitus/Keeper/220/29/70 - Ninpopotamus/Solitus/NT/220/30/70 - Charmming/Opifex/Crat/220/30/70
    Quote Originally Posted by randomalpha View Post
    in the end soldier is not Op or even near from that never was never will be just for the record only keepers are the ones before soldiers on the nerfest list
    Genius at work.

  2. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by DrLithvium View Post
    Average Doctor nanopool is 16-17k

    Scythe Omega Virus DOT A

    Nanocost 1846

    Bone Eater DOT B

    Nanocost 1975

    Dr Blaze's Mutagenic Compound

    Nanocost 2000

    Malpractice Nuke

    Nanocost 2300

    All have a 100%nr check.

    Docs have the highest nanocost offense nanos of all. And the worst nr check of all.

    Docs can ubt and try to run. Like they do today. Sounds like a blast. Doc profession
    will be even more broken than it allready is after healnerf.

    killing a doc now is so easy its sad.
    Thats nice, funny all of this yet running out of nano is a non issue. I would think having a Nano Guard toggle and a lot less max HP, and a lot more damage on castable nanos would be a massive step forward in terms of doctor playability.

    Docs are not easy to kill (sans GTH), the only thing thats harder is a kiting ranged adv.

    And again, docs make other classes invincible. Try killing aforementioned adv with a doc healing them. Try killing anything with a competent doc with them. Go on. See how badly it is.

    Docs arent an awesome solo prof when people can run away. Neither are soldiers. Both are awesome, if not the absolute best when teamplay is involved, when the parts add up to way more than the whole when that comes into play.

    Just get over it. The solo doc PVP setup would have to lose a lot or survivability to be balanced for extra damage, and I think a DTN shield thats a toggle would be a good idea, to make doc defence more passive than it is, allowing toolset openings and chances to use them.

    Hate to draw a parallel, but the healer classes in AOC are prime examples of how it should be done, most of their heals are hots, one big emergency CH style heal once a minute, freeing them up to use offensive tools (melee, lifetaps, dots) while their healing is passive/almost passive, which makes healing classes a hell of a lot more fun to play.

    AO would be well served to move doctors in that direction.
    Don't be lonely anymore.

    Look at your post, now back at mine. Now back to your post, now back at mine. Sadly, yours isn't mine, but if you stopped trolling and started posting legitimate comments it could look like mine. Look down, back up, where are you? You're scrolling through posts, reading the posts your posts could look like. Back at mine, it's a reply saying something you want to hear. Look again, my reply is now diamonds. Anything is possible when you think before you post.

  3. #23
    Running out of nano is a issue for docs, if thats what you were saying. DoTs arnt worth casting unless its C line, maybe B, but even then its rarely casted because they dont do instant damage. Malp is used first and foremost because it does instant damage, when it lands that is. It has a huge nano cost though to be a primary offensive tool. I have 19.3k nano with 250 ND. I have to sit down after nearly every fight because I am down to 2k nano. The Defense you are talking about would be great if we could manage it. With the way the game currently is, and from the looks of the pdf this wouldn't be a viable option any time soon. Theres also the nano management nerf coming as well.

    I pvp alot on my doc. I get told I am a pain in the butt to kill. However i go splat as soon as 2 people who know what they are doing attack me together. Different combos have a better chance then others, but any will do if they know what they are doing and work together. People hate to do it because they want to be able to make a doc go splat by themselves which is why people complain about our heals.

    In a team pvp based case we can be the twice as hard to kill then if we were solo depending on whos teaming with us and what buffs we have running. I understand that it make you want to throw your computer our the window when a doc heals the person you were trying to kill, but you have to suck it up. There are so many things to make a doc unable to heal someone else.

    Traders, mas, mps, crats, other docs, advys, all have debuffs of some sort to lower the effective ness of our heals, let it be lowering our nano skills, our heal eff. to lowering our nano inti so we don't have time to heal more then ourselves.

    Enfs, engis, fixers, keeps (not the ones who complain about no offensive when they are perked full def), all have enough damage to make us have to heal ourselves or we die if we try to heal others. Yes keepers can only do it every time their perks come back and enfs are inn the same boat, but when they are up we hace to focus on ourselves alone or we die.

    Solds and NTs are the least to worry about even though they do crazy damage the do it in bursts. They both are a huge threat when they are with someone else because of the huge burst damage they can do though. Sold is also a threat by himself if he swaps.

    Shades. Good ones just screw doctors over regardless of anything.

    Every prof has a way to prevent a doctor from healing someone them themselves. Some may not be able to do it as long, or as effective as others but its still possible.

    If doctors had a passive defense would would be fine with our heals getting nerfed, infact we ask for it. Intill we do get a passive defense thats reliable we need our heals to keep ourselves alive simply because we have no passive defense. Your NBS toggle would be pretty cool if doctors had the tools to manage our nano pool like that, but we don't. Not even at the current game level we simply run out of nano to fast using malp as a offensive tool. It's just going to get harder as well because of the nano management nerf thats suppose to come.

  4. #24
    I have played MMO's and simple RPGs with healers following a similar style to what kink suggested and it is a lot more fun. There is also an alternative that docs might be interested in where you have vastly improved HoTs but at a cost of both healing effeciency and nanocost. You would have a sacrifice to healing effeciency with a trade-off of needing almost no active healing asside from perks and stims.

    I made another suggestion a while back about an alternative to doc playstyle but either way there are many viable alternatives to the heal spam for docs. Forcing docs to always survive rather than play is not enjoyable.

  5. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by Kazeren View Post
    keeps (not the ones who complain about no offensive when they are perked full def), all have enough damage to make us have to heal ourselves or we die if we try to heal others. Yes keepers can only do it every time their perks come back and enfs are inn the same boat, but when they are up we hace to focus on ourselves alone or we die.
    I do hope you're not talking about just a Keeper attacking a Doc here, given you're lucky if a Keeper can even drop a Doc to half HP these days, even less if the Doc has reflects.

    The only extra decent DD perk an offensive Keeper has is Seppuku Slash, which can't even be started until the doc is down to 50% HP, does ~1.2k PvP damage if the Doc doesn't drop below 15% HP. Woo.
    Member of Spartans
    Hacre/Solitus/Keeper/220/29/70 - Ninpopotamus/Solitus/NT/220/30/70 - Charmming/Opifex/Crat/220/30/70
    Quote Originally Posted by randomalpha View Post
    in the end soldier is not Op or even near from that never was never will be just for the record only keepers are the ones before soldiers on the nerfest list
    Genius at work.

  6. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by Kazeren View Post
    Running out of nano is a issue for docs, if thats what you were saying. DoTs arnt worth casting unless its C line, maybe B, but even then its rarely casted because they dont do instant damage. Malp is used first and foremost because it does instant damage, when it lands that is. It has a huge nano cost though to be a primary offensive tool. I have 19.3k nano with 250 ND. I have to sit down after nearly every fight because I am down to 2k nano. The Defense you are talking about would be great if we could manage it. With the way the game currently is, and from the looks of the pdf this wouldn't be a viable option any time soon. Theres also the nano management nerf coming as well.
    Running out of nano isnt a problem for docs, because there is always the option of kiting around and simply *not* casting malp, dots, etc. Running out of nano, means running out of nano - not "hey I have to stop casting offensive nanos", I mean running out of nano. Period.

    If anything, offensive nanos should be very easy on nano use, and heals are the ones which should result in running out of nano, fast.
    Don't be lonely anymore.

    Look at your post, now back at mine. Now back to your post, now back at mine. Sadly, yours isn't mine, but if you stopped trolling and started posting legitimate comments it could look like mine. Look down, back up, where are you? You're scrolling through posts, reading the posts your posts could look like. Back at mine, it's a reply saying something you want to hear. Look again, my reply is now diamonds. Anything is possible when you think before you post.

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