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Thread: Flurry Of Blows Conundrum

  1. #1

    Flurry Of Blows Conundrum

    hey guys, anyone know if you use a flurry of blows, does it cancel out your agg/def bar as well as lock it ? for example if im at full def, and i use it, will my Add All Def amount to nothing ?

    Cheers <3

  2. #2
    as far as I know it moves it your agg/def bar VERY far to the right,

    then when it runs out it moves it back

    hard to really know though

  3. #3
    hmm, i never thought of it before, just makes me not wanna use it in tanking and pvp no more then :P

  4. #4
    from my experience you are returned to where ever you were on the agg slider,

    i allways play full def, and seem to return there after FOB

    also a note, you used to have to sit down and then stand up again if you changed the agg slider mid fight in order for it to re-register the new position

    I'm not sure if that is still the case,

  5. #5
    If an item says "Aggdef 50", it'll treat your character as if you moved your AGGDEF bar 50% towards AGG (and it can go past the 0 and 100% marks).
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raggy View Post
    There is literally nothing wrong with {Shutdown Skills} in it's current incarnation. What should be being looked at is the reason why it's needed so much. E.g, the incredible amount of Alpha being thrown around and the fickleness of Evade profs.
    Quote Originally Posted by Cratertina View Post
    I walk in to BS... could not perk people... with 3704 AR and 300 AAD drain... NT facerolled me, shade instagibbed me, after a few minutes I just decided not gonna bother.

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